Looking for friends/motivation



  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi! I just added you- I could use all the support and motivation I can get! A bit about me:

    Age: 32
    Social worker for special needs adoption agency
    No children, trying to conceive for nearly 10 years- I have PCOS
    Highest weight: 280, current weight: 249, goal weight: 180

    Please feel free to add me! Have a great day!

    Hi, looking back 249 is where I was about 2 years ago :-( I will get back there!! Just need to keep moving. Great job on the weight loss thus far
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi all, I'm also looking for motivation and support. A bit about me:

    Age: 33
    Mum to 1 year old twins
    Current weight: 151
    Goal weight: 130

    Wow, 1 year old twins? I'm sure they keep you on your feet! I find it hard to take away time for myself when I feel like I should be focused on the kids. And my kids are older! Do you have that same problem?
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    catsok1984 wrote: »
    Hi - I'm also looking for tons of support and motivation!
    Age - 33
    Current weight - 268.2
    Goal weight - somewhere in the 160s or 170s.

    I'd love to connect with you and anyone else interested in supporting each other. I've tried the weightloss thing so many times and am tired of failing. This time is going to be the time a finally make it a lifestyle change so that it works!

    You can do this!! I agree, this is the time that I WILL do this! I need to be happy with myself and I haven't been in a really long time.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    Hello, Im also A loaner in real life, haha Ive been on and off here for years, hit my goal, got pregnant and gained it all back. Ive been busy training for a marathon (im not a fitness fanatic, or guru or anything, in fact I hate running, And I started the training not even able to run a mile. I had a friend ask me to do it with her, so in my training I had a different friend ask me to do a different one with her so I did do 2 marathons but they were very very slow) now that those are over I plan on focusing more on what I eat, which Im really struggling with. some other stuff about me

    Age-29 (almost 30)
    kids-4, 3 boys and 1 girl
    work- Work a full time job and a part time job (only 2 more weeks at the part time one)
    starting weight-172
    current weight-between 158 and 162 (been bouncing around alot with)
    goal weight-140

    feel free to add me, Im trying to be more active on here

    Wow, your life sounds super busy! We sound so much alike! I would love to run a marathon but sadly right now even walking a mile I feel like I'm about to fall over. Food for me is a really big thing as well. I don't eat much but I'm super picky so what I do eat is not good for you at all. Good luck training, you got this!!!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Heads up, I'm adding you all! :) I have struggles myself. I've been back on the wagon for 4 days. Hopefully for the last time! We got this!

    Thanks, today makes day 2 for me of starting over. I'm about to take the dog for a walk to try to get in more steps for the day. I admit that I lowered my step goal on Fitbit. Once I can start making my 8,000 goal again then I'm going to slowly start to build back up steps! Great job on getting yourself back on track.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    mlrtri wrote: »
    I am 3 weeks in and happy to give/receive encouragement.
    Age -39
    Kids- 3
    Work: part time
    Start weight: 198 ( 195 by the time I began MFP)
    Current weight: 191
    Goal: 140 by April ( my 40th bday). If I have to turn 40 I want to feel good about myself. 40 + fat = no fun.

    I have acquaintances at work and church and kid activities but no close friends.

    You can do this!! I remember saying oh by the time I hit 30 I will be under 200. Well... 4 years later and I'm still here. I don't think that I was in the right frame of mind. Now I have determination!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Me too Add me everyone :)

    Age: 24
    Kids: 0
    Work: Full-Time
    Start weight: 190lbs
    Current Weight: 190lbs (joined 9/20)
    Goal weight: 140lbs

    Hi, you can do this!! I just keep telling myself (several times a day actually... each day is a new start) Not having anybody in real life sucks for me but the response that I've seen from this post is AMAZING!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    WOW... I think that I commeted back and added everybody. I can't say THANK you guys enough. I honestly didn't even think that I would have one person respond or friend me!

    You all are amazing & I know that we will all reach our goals!!
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm a loner too!
    I work at home
    27, no kids
    Heaviest weight 2011: 204lbs
    Current weight: 166.2
    Goal weight: Fit and happy, whatever that may be! I need encouragemt also!
  • darlibby
    darlibby Posts: 37 Member
    About me:
    Houston, TX
    33 years old
    Social Worker
    graduate student

    I need to lose about 10 lbs. i know this sounds like nothing but I'm only 5 feet tall and it's crazy difficult!
  • estfanousamany
    estfanousamany Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for a friend too
    I'm 5'5
    Age 37
    Current weight 210
    Goal weight 140
  • sbeckham7
    sbeckham7 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I would love to be added as well. A little about me:
    I'm 5'9
    Stay at home mom of 3 ( 15, 8, 7 )
    Weight now: 318 ( heaviest was 347 )
    Goal weight: 175
    In need of friends and encouragement in this journey.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Fitkam90 wrote: »
    I'm a loner too!
    I work at home
    27, no kids
    Heaviest weight 2011: 204lbs
    Current weight: 166.2
    Goal weight: Fit and happy, whatever that may be! I need encouragemt also!

    I have a goal weight in mind but honestly once I'm happy with myself and my body then I'll stop. But I know that I have a long way to go
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    darlibby wrote: »
    About me:
    Houston, TX
    33 years old
    Social Worker
    graduate student

    I need to lose about 10 lbs. i know this sounds like nothing but I'm only 5 feet tall and it's crazy difficult!

    Every pound that needs to come off feels like 10 pounds to me. You can do this!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Happy Saturday everybody. I'm feeling like crap today, think that I'm coming down with a cold. Yesterday I ended up with over 11,000 steps and 80 active minutes. I think that might be close to a record for me! Today I'm only at 6,000 but know that I will at least hit mmy goal of 8,000. By this time next week I plan to be setting my new goal to 8,500 a day.
  • wilsonkegler
    wilsonkegler Posts: 7 Member
    25 years old
    6 month old son
    full time college student
    still recovering from 2 brain surgeries last year
    still dealing with hydrocephalus (have a VP shunt)
    201 day streak on MFP
    down 55 pounds with just CICO and no exercise
    looking to slowly start getting some exercise

    Add me :)
  • Bereuribea
    Bereuribea Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first time at MFP.
    Ive already lost some weight but its getting harder. I have to lose another 20 pounds. And im starting to feel hungry again. I dont know what to do. Although right now im skinnier than i've ever been. I dont want to go back to were i was.

    Thanks for the support :)
  • Bereuribea
    Bereuribea Posts: 5 Member
    Mariiag1 wrote: »
    Helloo Im in the same boat here i have been struggling with 15lbs I want to lose I know it doesnt sound like much but i have lost 50 before and gained 15 by binge eating and I have stopped the binge eating but now i am stuck with 15lbs I need lots of motivation.. I am practically alone in this journey also

    I have the same issue.
    Its hard. How did you stopped binge eating??
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    25 years old
    6 month old son
    full time college student
    still recovering from 2 brain surgeries last year
    still dealing with hydrocephalus (have a VP shunt)
    201 day streak on MFP
    down 55 pounds with just CICO and no exercise
    looking to slowly start getting some exercise

    Add me :)

    Wow you are doing great along with everything else that is going on! Keep on the goo work!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Bereuribea wrote: »
    This is my first time at MFP.
    Ive already lost some weight but its getting harder. I have to lose another 20 pounds. And im starting to feel hungry again. I dont know what to do. Although right now im skinnier than i've ever been. I dont want to go back to were i was.

    Thanks for the support :)

    Congrats on your loss so far!