visual bf% check please



  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    Got the calipers delivered. 3 site and 4 site tests put me between 18% and 20%. Navy method puts me at 19.1%.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited September 2017
    Follow up question. At 19% I'm 63kg lean mass and 15kg fat.
    How much lean mass will I lose if I drop to 74kg from 78kg at 500kcal (20% of maintenance) deficit while lifting progressively and 140gm protein intake?

    1kg muscle loss,less or more?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Follow up question. At 19% I'm 63kg lean mass and 15kg fat.
    How much lean mass will I lose if I drop to 74kg from 78kg at 500kcal (20% of maintenance) deficit while lifting progressively and 140gm protein intake?

    1kg muscle loss,less or more?

    No one can answer that unfortunately. You will always lose some unless you take drugs but how much depends on diet, training and genetics.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yes, agreed (with @filbo132). Generally speaking, a woman should be at or below 20% body fat before going on a bulk and a man should be at or below 12% body fat before going on a bulk. Roughly. Give or take. A lot of the "roughly" depends on your cutting | bulking history.

    Going on a bulk at 20% or even 25% body fat for a man would likely not provide you the results that you seek. Sure, there would be some body recomposition (because of the weight training).....but there will still be additional body fat (that happens when you bulk....plain and simple - well, that *GENERALLY* happens....). And, I am quite clear that you would be disappointed. And that generally kills it for most people. So, let's set you up for success instead of failure, right?

    Another thing to consider is to simply take a break.....not sure what your history is but maybe just take a break. Someone else suggested that already....just agreeing with that as an option. It will be good for you, mentally. As well as physically. Now, two or three days might suffice. Or, maybe a week. Depends on how long and how intensely you have been doing things.

    Two months of Strong Lifts 5x5 is cool. What were you doing before that? And congrats on the 5.5kgs (roughly 12 pounds for those of us on this side of the pond). Losing another 3.5kgs to 4.5kgs (roughly 10 pounds) will not likely put you at 12% body fat......Hey, man! Just being honest. I am not close to 12% body fat, either! :wink:

    Continue on the cut until you are close to 12% body fat. Takes things slowly....I know that this is the "time that everyone is cuting". Well, do it when your body is ready....not because the Calendar says September/October. Cool?
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Got the calipers delivered. 3 site and 4 site tests put me between 18% and 20%. Navy method puts me at 19.1%.

    OP: Believe what you will but calipers are near impossible to self administer accurately and BF calculators based on body measurements are just gross estimates st best.

    The most accurate methods of measuring BF are DXA scans and hydrostatic weighing but even these methods have some degree of error. However, it you REALLY want to know what your BF is, I suggest you get one or the other (preferably both) done.

    I have gotten both DXA scan and hydro test done quarterly over the past year snd have no doubt that my BF dropped from over 20% and 196# at the start and between 10-13% at 158# now.

    When I started I looked a lot like you in the 1st pics you posted and like the guy in the 25-29% range in the chart that I linked in. Now I've got visible abs and look like the 10-14% guy.

    Pics (and DXA scans and hydro tests) don't lie.

    i was just trying to figure out how much i should cut to for 12% so that i can start bulking. I dont think i need those accurate tests anymore. ill work with 18-20%. With the calipers, i took the most skin (and whatever was underneath) i could hold to get the highest BF numbers. so im happy with my assessment.
    Yes, agreed (with @filbo132).
    Two months of Strong Lifts 5x5 is cool. What were you doing before that? And congrats on the 5.5kgs (roughly 12 pounds for those of us on this side of the pond). Losing another 3.5kgs to 4.5kgs (roughly 10 pounds) will not likely put you at 12% body fat......Hey, man! Just being honest. I am not close to 12% body fat, either! :wink:

    Continue on the cut until you are close to 12% body fat. Takes things slowly....I know that this is the "time that everyone is cuting". Well, do it when your body is ready....not because the Calendar says September/October. Cool?

    I bulked once 6 years back because i was skinny. nothing much other than pullups and pushups since then till i started stronglifts 2 months back with the bar. Now my 5x5s are squats 160, deadlifts 200, overhead press 80, benchpress 132, pendlay row 140. im pushing myself pretty hard, also have 500kcal deficit.

    Im going to straight cut to 15-16% (4kg loss) and do a recomp. i cannot straight cut to 12% ( body weight 68kg) and see myself struggling with the weights as well as look like a squished mango.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @watts6151 - Yep! He might want to cut a little, too! :smiley: I mean, the definition is AWESOME and all, but...LOL! Just messing, man! If I had that physique, you could not keep a shirt on me!!!

    And his point is - of course - well made. I like to give the "right" answer - but the book answer (I guess that I will call it that) and the real answer are different sometimes. This is a perfect example.
  • yskaldir
    yskaldir Posts: 202 Member
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    yeah i do look more like that 20-24% guy or maybe 25-29%. but why does navy method put me at 16.5%? or is that something totally different?

    Probably measurement error (like if you sucked in your stomach too much) or you are an edge case. But yes, you look like what's commonly considered 20+% in the fitness industry.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member