"Tired of being Large :( "

Hi all, my name is Jackie and I recently lost my Partner in Life. I have gained 16 pounds over the last 4 months from drinking and binge eating all the wrong things from depression of losing my loved one. Today, I realized that none of this will bring him back!! For me to be happy with myself, I need to be doing things to make myself healthy i.e. losing weight, no drinking, no fried foods and no sodas. I am looking forward to my weight loss journey, which for me is about 83 pounds and I believe with exercise and better eating habits I can attain MY GOAL!!

Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi to everyone!!


  • KendraAllegra
    KendraAllegra Posts: 8 Member
    Hi qwestelle
    I am sorry for your loss. Remember that there is no expiration date on grieving and peopld grieve differently. You took a big step in being transparent in your introduction. Change doesnt happen overnight so be patient with yourself. You got this! You can and will do this! I wish you all the best on your journey.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your partner as well as your struggles with food and alcohol. Kudos to you for recognizing the need to change and taking action! You'll find a lot of support from people on this website.
  • qwestelle
    qwestelle Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Kendra, your words made me smile. I appreciate the response, it makes me definitely want to reach my goal. :)