Intense hunger this week after weight training

tendaichisoro Posts: 3 Member
Hi guys,

So I'm a very thin guy who's trying to gain some muscle mass. To put to perspective, last week, I weighed in at 114.4 lbs, being 5 ft 9.5in.

I started doing a little resistance training for my shoulders/arms each of the last 5-6 days, plus sit-ups. I notice that my hunger is through the roof, and I'm trying to eat as much nutritionally-dense food and protein-rich foods (eggs, meat, milk, tuna), but I've been eating down the whole fridge, eating cookies, cocoa, bread, cream cheese, bagels, etc.

I've easily been averaging 3850-4000cal the last 6 days. It's been really unpleasant, and I'm bloating like a balloon, my face, thighs are all swollen.

Is it the training, coupled with my low weight, that's making me want to eat the whole place down?

I don't want to pile on a ton of fat, but want to gain muscle at a healthy rate.


  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    Eat healthier & train harder.

    The harder I train, generally the less hungry I am post workout.

    Agree with previous post, if you're hungry then eat something really calorie dense but that is healthy. Snack on nuts, fruit etc. Incorporate plenty of carbs and healthy fats into your diet aswell. It's not all about protein. To gain weight and especially muscle you need to be in a surplus but with a healthy well rounded diet and have a good training programme in place.

    Is there a reason you are only focusing on arms/shoulders and abs?
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    While bulking you still need to eat healthy. It seems you're not and all the sugar and fatty calories are affecting your bulk

    Sugary calories and fatty calories? Id like to know more. Where do I find literature on different types of calories @aligazali3497 ?
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    What are your non exercise activities on a normal day. Do you also do cardio? Do you weigh and log all food?
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Intense weight training will increase your hunger. It's the body saying I need more to recover. From what I'm reading though your lifting is not intense enough to justify that. I suspect this is more of a mental hunger. Stop eating the whole fridge.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited October 2017
    It's good that your appetite is increasing. This is very good.

    Eat 5-6 somewhat smaller meals every 2 hours to give your body time to digest.

    You are obviously not used to eating normal amounts of food so your stomach and digestive organs are not used to it. This will improve over time.

    Use the app to plan out your meals and hit your target daily caloric intake. You must get this everyday whether you train or not.

    You are extremely underweight so you can eat just about anything you want but avoid sodas and similar empty calories. Anything you eat should provide nutrients not empty calories.

    However, don't be afraid to eat high calorie foods like pizza, cakes, donuts, breads, beer, etc. It is ok as long as you also eat plenty of quality foods. Yes, cakes and pastries are ok. They do contain nutrients.

    As far as your training, work your large muscles groups which are legs, back, chest, shoulders. You will make your best gains if you train these large muscles. Arms are ok too but they come after you hit the big muscles.

    An abbreviated whole body routine 2-3 days per week is ideal. 5-6 days per week is too much. Believe me.

    Cardio is not needed as you are so underweight.

    A typical routine for you with 3 work sets of 6 per exercise:

    Squats or leg press
    Flat Bench press
    Standing military press
    Barbell rows
    Barbell Curls

    Do 2-3 times per week. That's all.

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