Bizarre weigh ins - makes no sense! 2lbs gain overnight?

Hi guys,

I'm 26, male, 192.2lbs (or so I thought till this morning!)

The scales are really angering me lately.
I've been in a consistent calorie deficit over the past week and every time I weighed in I was getting lighter.

On Sunday morn I was 192.2. That night I went out, had beers and too many cals (2700). Next day I wake up and I'm still 192.2. This was awesome!

Yet last night I ate 1900 cals, but when I weighed in just now I'm 194!!

What gives? Hugely demotivating to see 2lbs extra on the scale in the morning on an empty stomach.

My libido is tanking from the deficit yet I'm barely losing weight and many days in the morning I weigh in 2-3+ lbs heavier for no apparent reason. Help please!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    water weight from the beer...

    how much weight have you lost in the last 6 weeks?
  • Krcarpenter201
    Krcarpenter201 Posts: 8 Member
    Many things can influence this. If you've started a new work out you will retain water to assist your muscles to heal. Also, beer is a diuretic, this means you drop water weight as it dehydrates you. Lastly a sodium or carb heavy meal can affect your water retention as well. It's water weight, man.
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member

    In response to the guy asking about my weight
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    phwdjones wrote: »

    In response to the guy asking about my weight

    that doesn't answer my question....?
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    edited September 2017
    *kitten* (needs to) happen.
    Weight fluxuates.

    Need to Poop.
    Need to Pee.
    Need to cut back on sodium intake ( sodium = water retention.

    And keep in mind even water has weight.
    1 pint = 1 pound.

    So basically if you've eaten it, and haven't eliminated it yet , it's shows up on the scale.
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member
    phwdjones wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Weight loss isn't linear. Most likely it's fluid retention, for who knows why. It will balance out in a day or two. You would have had to eat 7000 calories over maintenance to gain two lbs of fat.

    How big is your deficit that it's affecting your libido? 1900 cals isn't a lot for a male, unless you're not particularly tall. My guess is that your deficit is too aggressive.

    Why would I retain more water on a day when I drank zero alcohol and was under 2000 cals??? Of all the times the scale should've gone up it should've been yesterday (the day after drinking)

    weight gain doesn't always show up for me straight away....

    were you hungover after the beer?


    Not really, I had 2 pints and a bottle of Sol, nothing crazy.

    I guess im just frustrated with my overall progress. It's taken me over 3 months just to lose about 10 pounds. I thought i'd be at 180 by now MINIMUM.

    I've changed my diet and reduced my portion sizes and I'm just not being rewarded for the work I put in.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Again, how big is your deficit? 500 cals? 1000 cals?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    phwdjones wrote: »
    phwdjones wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Weight loss isn't linear. Most likely it's fluid retention, for who knows why. It will balance out in a day or two. You would have had to eat 7000 calories over maintenance to gain two lbs of fat.

    How big is your deficit that it's affecting your libido? 1900 cals isn't a lot for a male, unless you're not particularly tall. My guess is that your deficit is too aggressive.

    Why would I retain more water on a day when I drank zero alcohol and was under 2000 cals??? Of all the times the scale should've gone up it should've been yesterday (the day after drinking)

    weight gain doesn't always show up for me straight away....

    were you hungover after the beer?


    Not really, I had 2 pints and a bottle of Sol, nothing crazy.

    I guess im just frustrated with my overall progress. It's taken me over 3 months just to lose about 10 pounds. I thought i'd be at 180 by now MINIMUM.

    I've changed my diet and reduced my portion sizes and I'm just not being rewarded for the work I put in.

    you use scales to measure everything you eat?
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member

    How much sodium have you recently consumed ?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Opening your diary might help....
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    edited September 2017
    I know full well how the scales can get annoying but trust your instincts I knew I had lost weight but sometimes just keep weighing yourself, I had put 2 lbs on recently but I knew I could not have due to my restricted diet ( I have a faulty gallbladder ) I have a very sluggish digestive system due to my illness and constipation and water retention plays a big part in it for me, you could be consuming too many carbs or sodium which can have an impact on weight, make sure the food you are logging is accurate in the system as sometimes it can be wrong so compare food labels with the system, weighing/measuring can make a huge difference also, you'd be surprised how different you think it weighs to actually weighing it, I made a few mistakes a long time ago due to this, especially bananas lol I used to just put them down as 100g.... sometimes bananas can weigh anywhere between 60g - 200g maybe more... anyway plus the less you weigh the harder it can be to lose weight (sometimes) I would put if you haven't already to lose 1lb per week and see if it makes a difference. I wish you all the best.
    Edit: maybe lay off the burgers and what are you doing with the eggs as you have just put eggs, are you frying them? boiling them, poaching? scrambling? also maybe make sure fat, carbs, sodium, etc are not in the red, it can make a difference, even switching to reduced fat versions of things or wheat versions of things can make a huge difference.
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member
    Diary is open

    Yes I meticulously weigh everything. Its taking the fun out of food actually.
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member

    How much sodium have you recently consumed ?

    My diary is open. I guess I consume a fair amount.
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member
    I know full well how the scales can get annoying but trust your instincts I knew I had lost weight but sometimes just keep weighing yourself, I had put 2 lbs on recently but I knew I could not have due to my restricted diet ( I have a faulty gallbladder ) I have a very sluggish digestive system due to my illness and constipation and water retention plays a big part in it for me, you could be consuming too many carbs or sodium which can have an impact on weight, make sure the food you are logging is accurate in the system as sometimes it can be wrong so compare food labels with the system, weighing/measuring can make a huge difference also, you'd be surprised how different you think it weighs to actually weighing it, I made a few mistakes a long time ago due to this, especially bananas lol I used to just put them down as 100g.... sometimes bananas can weigh anywhere between 60g - 200g maybe more... anyway plus the less you weigh the harder it can be to lose weight (sometimes) I would put if you haven't already to lose 1lb per week and see if it makes a difference. I wish you all the best.
    Edit: maybe lay off the burgers and what are you doing with the eggs as you have just put eggs, are you frying them? boiling them, poaching? scrambling? also maybe make sure fat, carbs, sodium, etc are not in the red, it can make a difference, even switching to reduced fat versions of things or wheat versions of things can make a huge difference.

    Thank you. With my eggs I usually scramble with a bit of frylight (the 1kcal cooking spray).
    I find burgers are very satiating for me and help me feel like I'm not on a diet! Stupid really but hey, after trying to lose weight so long I need home comforts.