Pregnancy & Fitness BootCamp

General pregnancy and fitness question.

I've been doing a bootcamp for the last few months (HIIT / Agility / Weights) I go 4 days a week and just started walking 3-5 miles a day for added cardio.

Well today, surprise I'm about 4 weeks pregnant ....

My BMI (30) and BF (45%) are still extremely high even with my 20lb weightloss and inches lost so far.

With that said, I do not plan on stopping my boot camp other than a few modifications from my trainer.

But wanted to hear from other obese moms who worked out while pregnant.

Did you lose? Maintain? Any advice?



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited September 2017
    My suggestion is that you give up on statements like "I do not plan." Babies have a way of making plans moot.

    See a doctor and ask him. Your pregnancy is unique and no one here can say what you should do. I had a friend who rode horses into her 3rd trimester and was fine, and a healthy athletic friend who had to stay flat on her back for six months. Anyone who would give advice to you about your pregnancy without knowing the details of your health (which are NOT NECESSARILY OBVIOUS EVEN TO YOU) is extremely irresponsible. See a doctor for advice now.
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi, sorry guess I deleted a paragraph above by accident. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow and will definitely consult with her about my current regime. Especially since I've been going daily and it's something I enjoy. This will be my 3rd pregnancy although my last one was 9 years ago.

    I would love to hear feedback from other active moms and their results regardless of how mine turns out. :) Hopefully I'm able to continue this journey with no difficulties.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Good to hear it! Sorry for being harsh, I also have a friend who suffered a premature birth after refusing to consult with a doctor "because pregnancy is natural" and her twins suffered severe problems as a result, which makes me a little touchy on the subject. An ultrasound revealing the twins and a simple procedure to support her cervix would have saved them both from being disabled. I'm glad to hear you are listening to advice and sorry for jumping on you so quickly. Best wishes!
  • Aed0416
    Aed0416 Posts: 101 Member
    Every pregnancy is different. I ran through my second pregnancy. My third pregnancy I could not handle that impact for my last two trimesters and got really into barre workouts. Barre work kept my back and hips and feet strong and I had a lot less aches and pains through my pregnancy.
  • remath
    remath Posts: 4 Member
    The rule of thumb is anything you were doing before you got pregnant you can continue to do within reason. If you could run a 5k, keep on running but don't train for a marathon. listen to your body. I was eight months pregnant doing pump, skip circuit, and running 5+ km, but then then my back seized up and I had to just walk and stretch. Talk to your doctor though just to be safe :)