
New here, welcoming tips and advice


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member


    If you are new to tracking your food, I would change your calories to "maintain" and take 2 weeks focus on learning on how to log all of your food. Logging consistently and honestly is a huge part of this. Weighing your food, and logging everything. I usually try to leave a cushion of 100 calories for oils,butters, condiments that I may have forgotten especially on really busy days.

    Then once you get on track and change your calories to lose. I don't recommend doing more than 1 lb a week. Too much too fast is not how you keep the weight off, it's how you end up feeling deprived and trapped....then quitting. Once you are the mode to lose focus on 2 things that you think will help you along the way. For example- No soda, walking daily take some time and really try implement these items. Then once you fell comfortable with that, try 2 more . For example - No fried foods during the week and limited alcohol intake.

    Do you have a Fit Bit/Applewatch/Samsung Watch? IF so make you give myfitnesspal permission to communicate with it. This will help with logging your workout out calories.

    Many will have lots of advice, but you can take advice from many and form it into what works for you.

    Good luck