Low Carb Vegetarian

• Spinach
• Kale
• Collard greens
• Swiss chard
• Lettuce
• Asparagus
• Green beans
• Broccoli
• Cucumber
• Summer and winter squash
• Red and white cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Bell peppers
• Onions
• Mushrooms
• Tomatoes
• Eggplants
• Garlic
All types of fruits should be limited, but berries are lower in sugars and carbs, so they’re typically okay in small amounts and at the end of the day before you fast while sleeping:
• Blackberries
• Strawberries
• Raspberries
• Blueberries
• Eggs
• Dairy
• Tempeh
• Natto
• Miso
• Nuts and seeds (see below)
Best nut options (lower carb):
• Pecans
• Brazil nuts
• Macadamia nuts
• Walnuts
• Coconut (unsweetened)
• Hazelnuts
• Pine nuts
• Almonds
• Nut butters made from any of the above

A Sample Menu For a Low-Carb Vegetarian Diet
This is a one-week sample menu for a vegetarian (not vegan) diet that is low in carbs.
You can adapt this based on your own needs and preferences.
• Breakfast: Eggs and vegetables, fried in olive oil.
• Lunch: Four bean salad with olive oil, and a handful of nuts.
• Dinner: Cheesy cauliflower bake (gratin) with broccoli and potato.
• Breakfast: Full-fat yoghurt and berries.
• Lunch: Leftover potato bake from the night before.
• Dinner: Grilled portabello mushrooms, with buttered vegetables and avocado.
• Breakfast: Smoothie with coconut milk and blueberries.
• Lunch: Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus dip, and a handful of nuts.
• Dinner: Tempeh stir fry, with cashew nuts and veggies.
• Breakfast: Omelet with vegetables, fried in olive oil.
• Lunch: Leftover stir fry from dinner the night before.
• Dinner: Chilli beans with sour cream, cheese and salsa.
• Breakfast: Full-fat yoghurt and berries.
• Lunch: Quinoa salad with some olive oil and a handful of nuts.
• Dinner: Feta cheese salad with pumpkin seeds and macadamia nuts, drizzled with olive oil.
• Breakfast: Fried eggs with baked beans and avocado.
• Lunch: Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus dip, and a handful of nuts.
• Dinner: Eggplant moussaka.
• Breakfast: Strawberry smoothie with full-fat yogurt and nuts.
• Lunch: Leftover moussaka from the night before.
• Dinner: Asparagus, spinach and feta quiche (with or without egg).
You can find numerous delicious low-carb vegan recipes on this site.
