I’m relapsing to my old ways

Been doing so well for the past 3 months... was working on myself a ton and lost around 30 lbs. But a couple weeks ago my girlfriend and I broke up and on top of that been back at school with super tough classes. I realized that I’m a stress eater. Summer was easy because all I had to worry about was work and my health and now I have all this class work and dealing with emotional rollercoasters with going from living with a girlfriend of 3 years to being without her.
I really hate that I’ve lost control and I’m back to binge eating when I get stressed out:/ don’t know how to make it stop again


  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Try to stop for just one day. Next day you can get back to binging.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Experiment with some creative cooking and kick off a new exercise routine.
  • susanzimm
    susanzimm Posts: 3 Member
    Doing some solid food prep might help get you back on track. Preparing in advance, measuring out portions, and have food ready to grab and go is a must for me to stay on track. Gives me one less thing to think about or stress over during the week. Try some planning and preparation, will help you feel more in control of things. Good luck!
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    When you are stress eating, eat veggies. You will be able to get through this!!
  • jaci66
    jaci66 Posts: 139 Member
    Next time you reach for food - not a planned meal or snack - take a walk. Walk down the street, through the hallways, anywhere away from the food. Walking is the best thing for relieving stress. At least it has been for me.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Buy and cook some chicken. Protein really helps me with cravings and makes me feel fuller. If you're eating a ton of high calorie chips and cookies you get a double whammy, too many calories per bite, but not feeling full for long. Your fridge should be full of good stuff you can grab and go. I also drink a lot of coffee with milk to avoid snacks. If you do eat it log it. You might as well track how many calories you're eating for future reference. It might help you put the breaks on too.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    jaci66 wrote: »
    Next time you reach for food - not a planned meal or snack - take a walk. Walk down the street, through the hallways, anywhere away from the food. Walking is the best thing for relieving stress. At least it has been for me.

    Yes, this. The next time you feel the urge to eat due to stress, stop and tell yourself you will wait 20 min. and then do something, anything other than eat. If after 20 min. you are truly hungry then have something to eat.

    The key is to manage the stress by not using destructive measures. It takes time and practice and no one is perfect all the time. Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes.
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    edited September 2017
    I hit a timer every time I want a stress-snack. I tell myself if I'm still hungry in 15 minutes I'll eat. Then I distract myself with a walk, a shift to a different task, whatever. I almost never still want a snack when the timer goes off.

    Edit: I also forbid myself from eating at my computer/in front of the TV. If I'm not hungry enough to sit in the kitchen/go outside the building and eat, I'm not really hungry.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    Time for some tough love. One thing I have learned from the hundreds of people I have had on my friends list here who later dropped off the face of the planet is that you can't make someone else want to do the right thing. They have to want it for themselves. Until they do there will always be excuses: "my GF broke up with me", "my dog died", "my job sucks", "I lost my lucky rock", or whatever the hell else. The point is there will ALWAYS be something.

    Being in shape is either a priority, or it's not. If we all had a meltdown when things in life did not go our way, the "success stories" tab here on the forums would be empty. What that tells you is we all have lives and we all have problems, but not all of us chose to deal with them in a self destructive fashion. It comes down to if this is something you want badly enough. If it is, you will find a way. If it's not there will always be excuses

    Bumping this thread to show my appreciation of @JustRobby1 's awesome post.