Fruit....?High Sugar

qwertybride Posts: 7
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So far today I have only eaten (Sugarwise)

1 x nectarine
1x small braeburn apple
1 x portion of boiled parsnip

.....and thats over the daily limit for sugar intake according to the diary!!!

Do other people comply to this? There is a history of type 2 diabetes in my family so I should watch my sugar intake but really..............does sugar from fruit and veg really count?

Many thanks


  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    That sounds fine but do watch your sugar - even if it is from fruit.

    I have teh same problem, maybe have berries, and cheeries they have lower sugar and leafy veg
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    Yes, I have the same problem. I love fruit, and I'm frequently over on sugar because of it. But I'm still losing weight, and I figure at least it's not refined sugar from candy!
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, sugar from fruits and vegetables count. The daily fruit intake is suggested at 2 cups a day for this very reason.
  • I really wish that MFP differentiated between natural sugars in fruits and added sugars. Nearly every article I've read about sugar says that you should limit your daily intake to 100 grams of ADDED sugar. MFP limits me to 40 grams total, meaning I have days where just the fruits and vegetables I eat put me over. I personally don't pay a whole lot of attention to the sugar counter.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    i took sugar and carbs off my diary and i track fiber instead. I think that in order to get 30-35 grams of fiber I have to go over the sugar and carb limits.
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    Same for me, I love fruit, today I had a nectarine, some raspberries, an apple, and some natural unsweetened yoghurt. other sources of sugar - carrots, tomato & pepper

    I think ok if from fruit (in moderation) or milk sugars.If you aren't losing them maybe reassess.
  • twink44
    twink44 Posts: 34 Member
    I asked my physiology professor a few years back about sugar. He gave me a very simple answer. Your body recognizes table sugar and fruit sugar as virtually the same. In that case, it would seem that the pancreas would output the same amount of insulin.
    If you want to keep the insulin level lowers, maintain low glycemic intake of fruits and vegetables. My latest trick is to eat an apple a day. It seems to keep me from shoving food in my mouth between 4 and 6 p.m. - my period of hunger. I don't get hungry at all. Some sugar there, but the pectin must affect how it's absorbed. Try less fruit and see how you feel.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Paying too much attention to sugar is pointless unless you are diabetic or if you are eating junk food.

    Don't let all the bull about sugar fool you, natural sugars are better for you. If you are eating 2-3 pieces of fruit per day that should not be a problem for most people trying to lose weight.

    If you are eating healthy like you should be, it's nearly impossible to get too much sugar. MFP has a pretty low range for sugar, so I wouldn't worry much if you go over it.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 242 Member
    I was having the same problem here and finally figured that if I'm getting my sugar from fruits (I am not diabetic), I'm not going to worry about going over my daily suggested sugar limit (unless, of course, I've gobbled a piece of cheesecake!). ; ) At least I've learned to cut out fruit juices, which are loaded with added sugar, and no longer drink an occasional soft drink. It's water with lemon for me now and I've even cut the half teaspoon of sugar I would add to my coffee. Actually seeing myself go over the sugar limit here is having a positive effect.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 242 Member
    For some reason, my response posted twice...sorry!
  • Jholt47
    Jholt47 Posts: 20
    All carbs are really sugar as there's no difference between even oatmeal and an apple as far as the glycemic index. The only thing that reall matter is overall calories.
    Oats are around 50-60 and most fruits are 40-50 on the scale.
  • Chezza021
    Chezza021 Posts: 28 Member
    Fantastic Thread.... I was about to ask the same question.....

    I have been using the calorie counter for nearly a week now and I am quite often over in the sugars...... I love fruit and have about 3 pieces a day but this puts me over in the sugar count..... I have a sweet tooth and I am worried that if I cut back anymore I will start craving the 'added' sugars and in my own mind I would hope natural sugars slightly easier processed by my body....

    I guess when I weigh in for the first time tomorrow I will be able to see if I am doing things right or not........ Fingers crossed!!
  • smithak2
    smithak2 Posts: 12
    Everyone all ready said but...sugar is sugar lol. The difference is added sugar is sugar that is added into foods to make them sweater like all the sugar dumped into soda, but it doesn't matter if you get it from fruit or not. Fruits have fiber present which is going to slow down the rate of absorption and some of that sugar is going to pass out with the fiber. Fruits are a great source if not the best to get carbs, but if the diet your taking is cutting your carbs THAT low, your going to just have to deal with it I guess...I for one think elminating carbs is nonsensical but to each their own I guess. Good luck!
  • Sugar is Sugar but added sugar spikes your bloodsugar and produces more insulin to stop the rapid rise of sugar. I've been a diabetic for years so I keep track of these things.
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