Always Hungry :-(



  • wolfey24
    wolfey24 Posts: 28 Member
    yes i think your right because when i am full i feel like going to sleep so im learning that now when i dont fill up i feel great
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Here's my opinion, because we all got one here. The idea is probably to take the best of what people are trying to help you with and see what works for you.

    If it said 2000 then make that your limit. I personally would not eat my exercise calories back but others prob will tell you different.
    I would find a way to cut down on the carbs. I see you eat at subway, I do too, but the carbs on the bread will do you in. I haven't done it yet but will do it on my next visit, but I guess they will scoop out the bread lowering the carb count or even they will make any sandwich into a salad for you and cut out the carbs big time. Also, !tam-x-ico's! makes a lo carb wheat tortilla wrap. I eat all my sandwiches with it and its only 9 carbs vs 40. 90 calories also.

    Up your water to 8-10 a day. Force yourself to do it ever couple of hours and that may curb the hunger also.

    I would stop with the sodas. Stop drinking calories and save them for food!

    Either way, good luck!
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Also remember that roughly 3500 calories makes a pound. If you could find a way to burn an extra 500 calories a day, along with staying within your calorie budget, you will lose weight.

    Discipline and dedication!
  • karisamh
    karisamh Posts: 25 Member
    Wolfy -
    Your BMR is your basil metabolic rate....this is the amount of calories it takes your body to survive if you did nothing but laid in bed all day. However, it assigning you a caloric intake of 2000something calories seems high. I am 166lbs and my daily calories is 1490/day in order to lose 1-2lbs/week. I went to a dietitian (once) and she gave me the numbers. However, like one of the other replies said, 3500 calories equals 1lb. so if you reduce your calories by 500/day or burn an additional 500 cal./day you should lose 1lb/week. What I stick to is I try to get all my carbs from veggies however I don't exclude carbs (bread, rice, etc.) all together becuase you need them for energy. I just chose them more carefully, for instance 1/2 of a sweet potato and if I do have rice it is only 1/4 cup. If you look at my food diary for today (8/1/11) and look at my dinner you will see it is only 300calories but I am stuffed from it. If you'd like add me as your friend and we can look at eachother's diary.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I don't usually have a hard time with feeling full but I have done Weight Watchers a few times so my meal planning isn't too bad. Try to eat as few items that are processed as possible. I see people (I have not looked at your diary) with 100 calorie snacks galore and "diet meals" that are full of salt that are usually hungry. I will do 1 piece of oat nut bread with turkey, tomato and avocado with popcorn or frozen veggies for 300-350 calories for lunch. I only get 1200...I am about 5 feet tall with about 35 to go. Make a few chicken breasts on the grill and do chicken/romaine/cukes/tomato/onion/pepper with lt. ranch...yum (and about 250 calories)
    I am no health nut or anything but the more I eat in it's natural state, the better I feel. I have kids too so we make chicken nuggets with chicken breasts and shake n love them!

    I read the other reply...personally, I do not avoid carbs as much as sugar. I eat low sugar oatmeal etc and I have noticed the difference in my middle. I have also limited myself to 1 fruit a day. ( I used to eat a ton)

    Good Luck! It is hard getting started but once you get a routine it isn't.
    Friend me if you would like---maybe you'll pick up meal ideas
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Appetite is for me the biggest problem. It saps willpower.

    For me, I find eating a low-carb diet reduces hunger pangs.