Hello! New here. Trying to get rid of 30 pounds!

brinamae2117 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I'm new here and looking for some support, success stories, tips and encouragement. As listed in the title I am 5'5 and 150. Before I had my son I was 120. I'm truly struggling with the weight and feel very depressed about it. One the first Of October I'd like to start my diet. Has anyone had simliar size and weight goal? Anyone crush this diet? Or is anyone on the starting out Too? Tips and positivity extremely welcomed! Thank you!



  • azrael240
    azrael240 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I'm just starting out too. Was 120 for a long time before gaining weight the last few years. Stress and age, I guess. It's really discouraging when you try to cut back and your weight stays the same. I'm hoping actually keeping track of the calories I eat rather than starving myself will help. We'll see. Good luck, you are not alone!
  • SquishyFairy
    SquishyFairy Posts: 119 Member
    You and I seem to be heading for the same goal. Let's be friends!
  • brinamae2117
    brinamae2117 Posts: 8 Member
    You and I seem to be heading for the same goal. Let's be friends!

    Awesome! So happy for the reply! I am feeling somewhat lost as to where to start and would really love to be friends with someone with similar goals.
  • brinamae2117
    brinamae2117 Posts: 8 Member
    sunia123 wrote: »
    I just lost 25-30 lbs in 90 days. No kidding. The secret is: stop lying to yourself. I never was honest about how I ate. Once I started logging in and weighing daily a new reality hit me. I ate TOO MUCH. I snacked too often. I ate to gain so I did. Baby or no baby (I had 4) calories in and calories out have nothing to do with baby weight. Weigh in weekly with some via live video so there's accountability to someone who you have to SHOW your progress. (Or lack thereof). Good luck!

    Thank you for the reply! Yes, I too realize I've been lying to myself. If i worked towards it as much as I longed and thought about it I would be there. I just need to stick with a plan and not get so discouraged all the time! Be the change you wish to see, right?! :)
  • attitude90
    attitude90 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome and you can do it I have lost 100lbs currently and if I can do it then really anyone can add me if you want
  • Jjrw6788
    Jjrw6788 Posts: 24 Member
    I've lost 35lbs so far and have more to go. Add me if you'd like!
  • johnd4076
    johnd4076 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy to add anyone
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    edited September 2017
    Our numbers are the exact same girlfriend! I'm 5'5 and teetering on 149-150lbs (every pound counts, right lol). I'm hoping to get back down to my normal body size of 125-130! Feel free to add me!
  • TroysBucket
    TroysBucket Posts: 3 Member
    Think you’re off to a great start! Diet is key...and this tracker will hold us accountable. Im looking to drop (20)...reality!
  • Charlespolo
    Charlespolo Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost about 45 lbs by being on track with my meals, I eat something atleast every 3 hours. I consume my body weight in grams of protein a day to burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass.
  • mamacait19
    mamacait19 Posts: 6 Member
    Just found this app today and looking to start my diet/exercise plan October first as well!! I'm not even 100% sure what I weight right now (I somehow managed to lose my scale) but going by what I weighed the last time I'm hoping to lose 15-20lbs!! Would love to tackle this battle with a friend if you want to add me!!
  • smadrian8503
    smadrian8503 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking to Drop at least 20-25. I have found that keep track of everything that I'm eating has really made me realize that i was eating to much and all junk. Now i need to find time to work out.
  • TammyL8
    TammyL8 Posts: 47 Member
    I slacked off logging for a couple of years. During that time I ballooned up to 244lbs. Since logging everything daily for the past 357 consecutive days, I’ve lost in the neighborhood of 30lbs. Looking to drop another 14lbs before reassessing my goals. In my experience, I didn’t notice the true effects of my weight loss until my back pain took longer to surface. With my skeletal structure, 145lbs makes me look anorexic. I discovered this fact 30 years ago. I’ve convinced myself that I haven’t gone on a diet, just changed my diet.
  • wendybirdgirl
    wendybirdgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! I have similar goals, I am 5'2" and weigh 155 lbs. Would love to be 125 again. I am trying Intermittent Fasting, just to shake things up. I am a Zumba instructor (!) so I work out every day. Working out though, has just made me hungry, then I eat more. So logging everything I eat is crucial. Good luck! Add me if you want.
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I am also around 5'5, weight 150 lb, and trying to lose 30 pounds. I managed to lose more than that five years ago and maintained a healthy weight for a long time until I let the stress of going back to school mess things up. Tracking every bite of food helped me immensely and I hope to track every day again and workout a couple of times a week. Feel free to add me.
  • mutt8247
    mutt8247 Posts: 10 Member
    You can SO do this!!!! I lost 65 pounds. Back to or better Than when I was playing ball. Divorce happened ... not nearly as far to go... maybe 20 but it is so attainable....... let's do this
  • AlisonC2017
    AlisonC2017 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in my 30's so not quite the same age but am looking to lose 20-30 pounds by the end of the year (yes i know its maybe a stretch but I'm trying anyways) If you need some new accountability partners feel free to add me!
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    Grtz on joining up. It's a great site with lots of support, good info (taken with a grain of salt), and great app to help keep you on track.

    As far as the diet, I don't "diet"...I just watch calories in/out (currently on 1500 a day, but usually go over and do 1800 - which is my base, so Im still losing). If I really REALLY want a cheeseburger one day, I just work harder the next. With me, I've found that being a diet Nazi doesn't work; I fall off the wagon and don't get back until 3 months later, where the cycle repeats itself. If I let go once a week or once every two weeks, I keep a better mental attitude and seem to work harder during my exercises, since I'm happy. It's taken me a while, but I finally learned to listen to my body, and it does work. Like we use to say in the Marine Corps, "Good to be hard, hard to be smart!"

    You didn't mention exercise, but I would suggest you at least incorporate some walking into your week (1 mile 3 times a week or so), if your doctor says it's OK. You would be surprised the benefits it gives, maybe even more mentally than physically.
  • Mikey_boy0918
    Mikey_boy0918 Posts: 139 Member
    Hello! I'm new here and looking for some support, success stories, tips and encouragement. As listed in the title I am 5'5 and 150. Before I had my son I was 120. I'm truly struggling with the weight and feel very depressed about it. One the first Of October I'd like to start my diet. Has anyone had simliar size and weight goal? Anyone crush this diet? Or is anyone on the starting out Too? Tips and positivity extremely welcomed! Thank you!


    Please feel free to add me and I'll be sure to help motivate you and keep you on track if you need that extra push