Shift workers or people that work all nighters sometimes

caroltboo Posts: 1 Member
edited November 21 in Motivation and Support
Wonder how you manage your meals when you are up sometimes for 20 hours at a time


  • eriksen_ken
    eriksen_ken Posts: 61 Member
    intermitted fasting!!! 1 meal a day mate
  • MatthewRuch
    MatthewRuch Posts: 165 Member
    I have worked night shift my entire life. The only difference in how I manage my meals in relation to daywalkers is time. So my breakfast is at 1pm. My before bed supplements are taken around 530 am. But otherwise I track my meals as if I were on a normal schedule.

    MFP doesn't care what time you have your meals. So the fact I am up all night doesn't matter. Until I go to bed it is still the day before what the calendar says :)
  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    I do it as I don't tend to eat til 12/1. Then last meal at 7pm at latest. That way I'm usually in work at one job or another by then so I don't eat after. If I do have time/want food il have a little snack with low calories. After a bit it becomes a routine your body gets used to so is easier to manage but what also helps me is knowing the work/journey is also working off the calories
  • briwagner90
    briwagner90 Posts: 32 Member
    Ive been working third shift for two and a half years now. I usually only eat two meals a day and sometimes snack at work. I also try to just drink water at work as well though sometimes I drink coffee too. My eating schedule is odd. I eat dinner before work and breakfast when I come home from work.
  • zusibaby1
    zusibaby1 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi.. ive been working 2nd/3rd shifts for 20+ years.. I start my day with a protein shake before leaving the house.. I try not to eat past 3pm
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