Breakfast ideas

jrolfes Posts: 15 Member
I'd love some new breakfasst ideas! Low calorie, fat, and sugar please! Also, Im a working mom and get up at 5am everyday and have to get myself ready, lunch packed, and son up and ready to be out of the hosue by I don't have alotta time to kill making complicated breakfast's. Anything simple, yummy, will keep me full until lunch, and good-for-me will be greatly appriecated!! (also, normal, easy to find ingrediants please!!)


  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    I like boiled eggs and I usally get a good turkey sausage or morning star sausage.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I make myself and egg white/1 egg omlet almost everyday. I put green peppers, red onion, 1 slice reduced cal cheese, and 1 slice lunch meat ham. Very fast and filling!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    fruit smoothys- they are easy and I have a travel mug that so I can take it on the road if I run out of time!

    My normals is I do a half cup strawberrys and a half cup blueberrys (I go up to a cup on each sometimes but usually a half) 1 light and fit 80 cal yogurt- I mix it up strawberry cherry depends on my mood- with ice- put in a blender and yum!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I am very busy in the morning as well and I love breakfast. I usually just do 2 pieces of double fiber toast with spray butter or a 2 egg sandwich on that same bread. Lately though I felt like I needed to change it up a bit and now I am totally addicted to my new fav breakfast/ snack. Get the new 80 per serving honey squares made by fiber one. I mix two servings of that and a yoplait light very vanilla yogurt. its kinda like a granola and yogurt mix. Even my skinny friends at work who eat horribly are loving this. Very simple a good for you. It also just about gets your fiber in for the day. LOVE IT!!!

    P.S.- It is VERY filling!!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I do a breakfast sandwich--takes me 5 minutes to make!
    Take 1 egg, scramble. At the same time, toast 2 slices light bread or a bagel thin. When the egg is done, melt a piece of reduced fat cheese on top. Put a slice of deli meat (I like ham on mine) on the bread, top with the egg and cheese, followed by the other slice of bread.
    Super easy and it keeps me going!
  • cindykern
    i like to poach a couple of eggs and put them on top of a couple of slices of 35 calorie bread toasted. Very tasty and does not take much time.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    My breakfast almost every morning-

    A serving of old fashioned oatmeal, 5 minutes at 50% power in the microwave,
    add some cinnamon,
    add a scoop vanilla protein,
    add quarter cup Wyman's of Maine - Fresh Frozen Wild Blueberries.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    cream of wheat (they have a high fiber one) or old fashioned oat meal
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    egg beaters with birdseye stir fry peppers (red, yellow, green & white onion)
  • sheffiej34
    Herbalife shakes for me. I am a huge b'fast fan, but like you I don't have time to make it. McDonalds was my chef for a while (I know - so bad). I found Herbalife and am completely amazed that it keeps me full till lunch. Occasionally I get the huger pains, but nothing like I used to when I skipped b'fast!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm in rush most of the time, so I will have toast, instant oatmeal, bagel, cereal. I also cook some hard boiled eggs, which is very easy to grab one if I need and eat it. When I go shopping for my typical breakfast, I read labels/ingredients. Making sure I pick:
    * high fiber, high protein cereal
    * whole grain
    * natural or organic
    * no junk
    * etc
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have two favorites

    1. vanilla, low fat yogurt 80 calories, 1/4 cup low fat granola 86 calories, and mix in some strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries 35 calories total 190 calories

    2. light english muffin 100 calories, an egg 70 calories, 1/2 oz of deli select ham 20 calories, 1/2 oz of fat free sharp cheddar melted on egg 30 calories total 220 calories

    those are my go to breakfasts
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    i cup of one minute oatmeal, a banana, and a protein shake (vanilla with frozen strawberries) takes 2 minutes. i drink the protein shake while i'm cooking the oatmeal.
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    I have 3 that I interchange:

    1) [Quick] Steel Cut Oats, 1 Tbsp. Almond Butter, Raisins, Cinnamon & Truvia (tastes like raisin/oatmeal cookie dough!)
    2) 1 Hard-Boiled or Scrambled Egg, 2 slices wheat toast w/1 Tbsp Reduced Fat Peanut Butter
    3) Yogurt, Berries & Bran Buds

    I'm pressed for time in the a.m. too, so these are quick! By the time my coffee is done ~ breakfast is as well!
  • Healthy_Hannah483
    Healthy_Hannah483 Posts: 151 Member
    I love, love, love making a breakfast burrito (and you can even make it the night before if you're in a rush in the morning). This is what I put in mine, but you can really use anything.

    - 1 wheat tortilla
    - 1/4 cup egg whites
    - 1 light babybel cheese, cut up
    - 1 turkey sausage link, cut up.

    Sooooo yummmy!

    This week, I'm doing wheat waffles with jam.
    I also love oatmeal cooked in chocolate soy milk (i'm lactose-intolerant, so you can use real chocolate milk too)
    Also, my favorite cereal of all time is multigrain cheerios! I love them so much, and its only 110 calories for 1 cup, which is amazing for a cereal and its really good for you.

    Hope this helped! Happy breakfast-ing!! (:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I keep a package of OatFit at work so, on those mornings I don't have it together, I have no excuse for missing a meal.

    Quick and easy. Cut an apple in half. Use a teaspoon to pop out the seed area, then fill it with peanut butter. Sometimes I sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar. My kids like this, too, and the fiber+protein is a good way to start the day. Also, a single serving yogurt plus 1/2 banana and a handful of raw oats and sprinkle of slivered almonds makes a filling breakfast parfait.

    Another: leftover hard boiled egg sliced onto toast. Or a small smear of peanut butter on toast plus sliced apple... Or a toasted English muffin with a slice of cheddar...

    With slightly more time, 1/2 C leftover rice or quinoa, warmed with milk, then sprinkled with raisins and cinnamon. Hard fried egg on a corn tortilla/slice of toast.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I call them breakfast "muffins" I make them on Sunday and I eat them through the week. Toss them in a tupperware and heat tasty.

    Chichi's - Hot Thick & Chunky Salsa, 1/2 Cup
    Extra Large Egg (Cooked With No Fat) - Protein, 6 extra large egg
    Krogers - Mild Cheddar Cheese (Shredded), 1 CUP (28g)
    Generic - White Rice Uncooked, 0.5 cup
    Sweet potato - Raw, unprepared (Sweet potato), 1 cup, shredded

    Calories Sugar Fat Protein Fiber Carbs
    Per Serving: 252 7 11 13 1 24

    I made these in a "Jumbo" Muffin Tin (6 Muffins)
    Mix 1/2 the cheese, salsa, rice, and sweet potato together
    Scoop into the tin, leaving room at the top
    Sprinkle 1/4 of the cheese over the top (again leaving room)
    Crack an egg into each muffin tin!
    Sprinkle remaining cheese on top
    Bake for 45 min at 350*

    I "buttered" the tin with coconut oil which gave it a nice sweetness, I didn't add it into my calories because lazy.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm trying to do better abotu breakfast. Some days I eat, some days I skip (I know, shame on me) but I am more worried about getting my 7 yr old up, fed, and ready for school (when it starts) and then i have my 15 month old who doesn't let me eat, he tends to eat everything i have....and then when everything has settled down, its lunch time.....

    I love these ideas, can't wait to see more :)

    I need more quick and low calorie breakfast ideas.....
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I like to make a pan of whole wheat cornbread, cut it into squares, and freeze them. I take one out the night before, put it in the fridge, heat it up in the am, then spread strawberry Greek yogurt over it! YUM!

    I know it sounds strange but it's very tasty and very filling!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Personally I can eat breakfast anytime of day...

    1) Oatmeal
    (some of the packets are kinda high in sugar, but you can throw water and old-fashioned oats in a bowl the night before and nuke it in the morning to heat it through then you can add as little or as much brown sugar, honey, agave as you'd like to sweeten it up.
    My sis adds wheat germ, dried cranberries and milk.. yum)

    2) Soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg (less clean-up than scrambled) if you want jazz it up some turkey bacon is only 1-2 minutes in the microwave oven

    3) Cottage cheese on Multi-grain toaster waffles (I use Trader Joe's) with fresh fruit

    4) Natural Peanutbutter (PB ingredients should be only peanuts and salt) on Multi-grain toaster waffles or toast.

    5) Cereal with fruit and milk (Cheerios, Cornflakes, something low sugar...)

    6) Pancakes... okay this is more work but you can make a large batch ahead of time wrap them and freeze them so that you can pull out 1 or 2 or 3 (or however many you like) at a time and pop them in the toaster. You can do this with waffles to if you are ambitious. Look for an old 1930s or 1940s cookbook all the recipes had much less sugar in them.

    7) Cream cheese (better yet, neufchatel) and smoked salmon on a toasted english muffin