1/2 marathon training anyone?

Just started training for my 2nd half on October 29! Going to try to run 4 days a week this time! Anyone else training for a half or any other race? We can keep each other motivated and brag about our miles =)


  • sculbreath
    sculbreath Posts: 15 Member
    I am training for the St. Jude half in December in Memphis. I've started increasing my mileage slowly. I have found that I run more if I have a goal to work toward. This will be my 3rd half in the past year. Look forward to hearing your stories!
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm training for a half marathon at the end of this month and then an ironman triathlon at the end of the year!

    Motivation needed :P
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I'm training for one. 9/11/11

    It's my first one.


    Just posted a topic about help with training.
  • rider797
    rider797 Posts: 52
    i am :)
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I'm about to start training for one on Thanksgiving! Definitely going to need lots and lots of motivation!
  • PeteyRunsNow
    PeteyRunsNow Posts: 24 Member
    I start training for my first half this coming week,im doing the Las Vegas rock n roll marathon.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Doing the Fort 4 Fitness HM (my 6th HM) in Sept and my first Marathon in Chicago in October. Im able to do the distance, now just have to work on the time. I think I could do better if the weather wasnt so dang hot!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I am training for a HM in October. Running 3-5 miles 5 days a week with a longer 6-8 miler on the weekend. Looking to up this each week till I reach 13 over the next several weeks.

    The hot humid weather sure is a downer right now! Such a struggle to run in the intense 100 degree heat. Slows my pace and energy way down.

    Looking for running friends??? Add me if you would like.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm doing the Denver Rock N Roll Half Marathon on October 9....would love to talk to some other people about training and experiences...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I have a full in Nov and April..Training has started but I am finishing up Half Iron Man training so I am slighlty overlapped
  • RinaMax
    RinaMax Posts: 33
    I am running a 1/2 marathon on November 6th in Clearwater, FL.

    Yesterday, I ran 10 miles. So I know I can definitely do the distance. Just working on my time. Currently, I'm running about a 9:28 min/mile. Of course that has a lot to do with the Florida summer heat that late in the morning.

    :) Good luck in your training. If you need any advice shoot me a message. I've run a marathon, two half-marathons, and several 5 ks in the past.
  • micklepickle61
    Savannah Rock n Roll half in November and New Orleans Rock n Roll Half in March. Then the Scenic City Trail Marathon in May (It'll be my first marathon).

    Definately up for keeping in touch with others working toward similar goals.

  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    My goal races are in my signature. It's very intimidating since I was struggling with a half training plan earlier this year, and then got into a pretty bad car accident two weeks before the race.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Goal half is September 24th! Halfway there! Good luck with your training everyone :-)
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I'm currently training for sprint Tri in October = 400yard swim, 11mile bike and 5k run
    and I start Marathon training in September for the Rock'n'Roll Phoenix = at least two of my training runs will be actual Half marathons. I'm going to do the Shun the Sun out here in Mesa, AZ - a wee tiny race with <1000 runners and then in December I'm going to do the Rock'n'Roll vegas where you get to run the strip at night! I'm actually really excited about that one!

    I've already done 6 half marathons (Lost Dutchman in 2010 and 2011, Shun the Sun 2010, Fiesta Bowl 2010, Rock'n'Roll Phoenix 2010 and the Indy Mini 2011) - so I'm feeling pretty comfortable with my ability to train to 13.1 miles. It's just doubling it that has me a little concerned~!

    Those of you who haven't done a half yet, I recommend the Hal Higdon training plans - they're free and you can just download them. I print them off but also keep them in my Google Calendar so I get daily reminders!
  • shawn526
    shawn526 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm always training for something :wink:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am running a 1/2 marathon on November 6th in Clearwater, FL.

    Yesterday, I ran 10 miles. So I know I can definitely do the distance. Just working on my time. Currently, I'm running about a 9:28 min/mile. Of course that has a lot to do with the Florida summer heat that late in the morning.

    :) Good luck in your training. If you need any advice shoot me a message. I've run a marathon, two half-marathons, and several 5 ks in the past.

    10 miles is awesome! I did my first real long run yesterday...8 miles...but I am doing a variation of Jeff Galloway's run/walk method so I did quite a bit of walking... the longest run interval I did yesterday was about 2 miles, the most I've ever run at one time was about 2.8 miles without stopping...I'm a little scared of the idea of running the half, but hoping that my training plan will keep me goin...I am open to any advice!
  • shawn526
    shawn526 Posts: 79 Member

    10 miles is awesome! I did my first real long run yesterday...8 miles...but I am doing a variation of Jeff Galloway's run/walk method so I did quite a bit of walking... the longest run interval I did yesterday was about 2 miles, the most I've ever run at one time was about 2.8 miles without stopping...I'm a little scared of the idea of running the half, but hoping that my training plan will keep me goin...I am open to any advice!

    I've done 19 marathons and I don't even know how many half marathons, all using the run/walk method. I typically do a 10 min run/1 min walk. I think it helps me recover more quickly.

    Follow your training plan as closely as you can, take your prescribed rest days, trust in your training come race day, and enjoy the ride. Good luck!!
  • J3Streeter
    J3Streeter Posts: 17 Member
    I'm doing the Cape Cod Half Marathon on October 29th!!! I ran XC and track all through high school and college, but have never even ran a 5k road-race, let alone a half marathon. My girlfriend came up with the idea, so I decided I would do it with her. I used to run at least 25-30 miles a week just to stay fit, but then got into the gym, and have since started the p90x craze like soo many other people. I completed a full round of p90x, but now I want to concentrate on running again since I have the 13.1 miles hanging over my head. I'm going to continue to do the p90x since it has worked soo well for me, but am going to incorporate a running routine as well for the next 3 months. I'm following a half-marathon workout schedule, which is relatively beginner miles despite the weekly long runs of up to 10 miles, so I think it will be a good start. Good Luck to everyone in their races/training as I embark on my own.