Keto, anyone?



  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto for a month now and feel great. I was doing 5:2 fasting and when I stopped losing weight I started keto. Fat loss is slow but I feel so much better and clothes fit better as I no longer retain fluid. I had read that keto can improve memory - I hope that's true but haven't find it so just yet. I do sometimes miss carbs so have a slice of bread or muffin once a week as treat. I feel like such a rebel eating high fat food!

    I haven't cheated at this point; October 6 will be my 3 mo anniversary and weigh-in time. I don't want to sabotage myself. when I started this journey, I just knew I'd be craving sweets, however, to my surprise, I missed bread. So before that drove me crazy, I figured I'd better locate a low carb bread recipe, just in case. Being the researcher, I scoured Youtube, paying attention to not just the videos, but the responses from those who already tried the recipes. I passed on the cloud bread and the oopsie bread. I settled on one and hit the jackpot! I was so thrilled that I immediately doubled the recipe, which created a 9x5 loaf. The best part of all, NO carbs!!!! It's made from almond flour, which makes it taste nutty and it is delicious. It you like nuts, you'll love it.

    When "life slows down a bit", I'll share the recipe.

    Nuts have carbs

    Correction, when I doubled the recipe, each slice contained 4 gms of carbs, as compared to 23 gms/slice of the whole wheat I have for the family.

    Have you made keto pizza yet? Soooo yummy!
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    if one has had gallbladder issues and its been removed how does one do keto? high fat diets for most who have had theirs removed usually causes diarrhea and other stomach issues. I know 2 of my sisters had theirs out and they cant eat high fat, a friend of ours has the same issues,.you cant make enough bile to break down the fat. so Im wondering why and how it could be healthy?

    I don't have a gallbladder. Haven't had one in 10 years. This diet has actually STOPPED the diarrhea. I was told by doctors to stay away from fats, and I did. Had stomach issues the entire 10 years. Go on keto and poof.. gone. Hate the constipation though..

    I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. I started keto anyway and due to slow digestion, I actually experience constipation, with pain on the right side, under the shoulder blade and up the right side of my neck and on super duper headache. Dr. Berg explains why this happens to people with no gall bladder. Anyway, based on his video, I bought ox bile, to help digest the fats. It worked like a charm.

    If I have issues where I am not "going" as regular as I should, I take cascara segrada, an herbal laxative. It works too.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    if one has had gallbladder issues and its been removed how does one do keto? high fat diets for most who have had theirs removed usually causes diarrhea and other stomach issues. I know 2 of my sisters had theirs out and they cant eat high fat, a friend of ours has the same issues,.you cant make enough bile to break down the fat. so Im wondering why and how it could be healthy?

    I don't have a gallbladder. Haven't had one in 10 years. This diet has actually STOPPED the diarrhea. I was told by doctors to stay away from fats, and I did. Had stomach issues the entire 10 years. Go on keto and poof.. gone. Hate the constipation though..

    I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. I started keto anyway and due to slow digestion, I actually experience constipation, with pain on the right side, under the shoulder blade and up the right side of my neck and on super duper headache. Dr. Berg explains why this happens to people with no gall bladder. Anyway, based on his video, I bought ox bile, to help digest the fats. It worked like a charm.

    If I have issues where I am not "going" as regular as I should, I take cascara segrada, an herbal laxative. It works too.

    ok but it says this about the cascara segrada-Do NOT use cascara sagrada if:
    you are allergic to any ingredient in cascara sagrada.
    you have appendicitis, rectal bleeding, or a history of stomach or intestinal problems (eg, blockage, inflammation, ulcers, Crohn disease, bleeding, severe constipation) and can cause liver issues.
    you have had recent abdominal surgery. one would think a fiber supplement would be safer and more effective. But to each their own I guess
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto for a month now and feel great. I was doing 5:2 fasting and when I stopped losing weight I started keto. Fat loss is slow but I feel so much better and clothes fit better as I no longer retain fluid. I had read that keto can improve memory - I hope that's true but haven't find it so just yet. I do sometimes miss carbs so have a slice of bread or muffin once a week as treat. I feel like such a rebel eating high fat food!

    I haven't cheated at this point; October 6 will be my 3 mo anniversary and weigh-in time. I don't want to sabotage myself. when I started this journey, I just knew I'd be craving sweets, however, to my surprise, I missed bread. So before that drove me crazy, I figured I'd better locate a low carb bread recipe, just in case. Being the researcher, I scoured Youtube, paying attention to not just the videos, but the responses from those who already tried the recipes. I passed on the cloud bread and the oopsie bread. I settled on one and hit the jackpot! I was so thrilled that I immediately doubled the recipe, which created a 9x5 loaf. The best part of all, NO carbs!!!! It's made from almond flour, which makes it taste nutty and it is delicious. It you like nuts, you'll love it.

    When "life slows down a bit", I'll share the recipe.

    Nuts have carbs

    Correction, when I doubled the recipe, each slice contained 4 gms of carbs, as compared to 23 gms/slice of the whole wheat I have for the family.

    Have you made keto pizza yet? Soooo yummy!

    Not yet, but I'm getting to it. Have you!
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    if one has had gallbladder issues and its been removed how does one do keto? high fat diets for most who have had theirs removed usually causes diarrhea and other stomach issues. I know 2 of my sisters had theirs out and they cant eat high fat, a friend of ours has the same issues,.you cant make enough bile to break down the fat. so Im wondering why and how it could be healthy?

    I don't have a gallbladder. Haven't had one in 10 years. This diet has actually STOPPED the diarrhea. I was told by doctors to stay away from fats, and I did. Had stomach issues the entire 10 years. Go on keto and poof.. gone. Hate the constipation though..

    I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. I started keto anyway and due to slow digestion, I actually experience constipation, with pain on the right side, under the shoulder blade and up the right side of my neck and on super duper headache. Dr. Berg explains why this happens to people with no gall bladder. Anyway, based on his video, I bought ox bile, to help digest the fats. It worked like a charm.

    If I have issues where I am not "going" as regular as I should, I take cascara segrada, an herbal laxative. It works too.

    ok but it says this about the cascara segrada-Do NOT use cascara sagrada if:
    you are allergic to any ingredient in cascara sagrada.
    you have appendicitis, rectal bleeding, or a history of stomach or intestinal problems (eg, blockage, inflammation, ulcers, Crohn disease, bleeding, severe constipation) and can cause liver issues.
    you have had recent abdominal surgery. one would think a fiber supplement would be safer and more effective. But to each their own I guess

    I had Rx for Linzess, but I'm trying not to take meds. The MD said I had "slow digestion." Here's the deal, this is the same guy I waited to get an appointment with for six months! When I finally got to see him, he was abrupt and curt, wrote me a Rx for antibiotics, and told me he'd see me in 6 months. I asked if he was going to order tests to determine the cause for the "slow digestion" to which he answered no. This is also the same guy that told me I basically couldn't eat any food a normal person would consume, fruits vegetables, etc. but he didn't tell me what I could eat.

    The bottom line is that I did the OPPOSITE of everything he said I should do and it's working.

  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto for a month now and feel great. I was doing 5:2 fasting and when I stopped losing weight I started keto. Fat loss is slow but I feel so much better and clothes fit better as I no longer retain fluid. I had read that keto can improve memory - I hope that's true but haven't find it so just yet. I do sometimes miss carbs so have a slice of bread or muffin once a week as treat. I feel like such a rebel eating high fat food!

    I haven't cheated at this point; October 6 will be my 3 mo anniversary and weigh-in time. I don't want to sabotage myself. when I started this journey, I just knew I'd be craving sweets, however, to my surprise, I missed bread. So before that drove me crazy, I figured I'd better locate a low carb bread recipe, just in case. Being the researcher, I scoured Youtube, paying attention to not just the videos, but the responses from those who already tried the recipes. I passed on the cloud bread and the oopsie bread. I settled on one and hit the jackpot! I was so thrilled that I immediately doubled the recipe, which created a 9x5 loaf. The best part of all, NO carbs!!!! It's made from almond flour, which makes it taste nutty and it is delicious. It you like nuts, you'll love it.

    When "life slows down a bit", I'll share the recipe.

    Nuts have carbs

    Correction, when I doubled the recipe, each slice contained 4 gms of carbs, as compared to 23 gms/slice of the whole wheat I have for the family.

    1/4 cup of almond flour has 6g carbs. how much did you use? and why do you feel like a rebel eating high fat food?

    At this very moment, I don't know but I can share the recipe and I am certain that someone else said they feel like a rebel eating high fat food.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto for a month now and feel great. I was doing 5:2 fasting and when I stopped losing weight I started keto. Fat loss is slow but I feel so much better and clothes fit better as I no longer retain fluid. I had read that keto can improve memory - I hope that's true but haven't find it so just yet. I do sometimes miss carbs so have a slice of bread or muffin once a week as treat. I feel like such a rebel eating high fat food!

    I haven't cheated at this point; October 6 will be my 3 mo anniversary and weigh-in time. I don't want to sabotage myself. when I started this journey, I just knew I'd be craving sweets, however, to my surprise, I missed bread. So before that drove me crazy, I figured I'd better locate a low carb bread recipe, just in case. Being the researcher, I scoured Youtube, paying attention to not just the videos, but the responses from those who already tried the recipes. I passed on the cloud bread and the oopsie bread. I settled on one and hit the jackpot! I was so thrilled that I immediately doubled the recipe, which created a 9x5 loaf. The best part of all, NO carbs!!!! It's made from almond flour, which makes it taste nutty and it is delicious. It you like nuts, you'll love it.

    When "life slows down a bit", I'll share the recipe.

    Nuts have carbs

    Correction, when I doubled the recipe, each slice contained 4 gms of carbs, as compared to 23 gms/slice of the whole wheat I have for the family.

    1/4 cup of almond flour has 6g carbs. how much did you use? and why do you feel like a rebel eating high fat food?

    At this very moment, I don't know but I can share the recipe and I am certain that someone else said they feel like a rebel eating high fat food.

    ive not heard the phrase. I am always looking for lower carb recipes. I cant do keto due to my health issue. high amounts of fat could literally kill me.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    edited September 2017
    I put the preheat oven and bake for 12-14 min BEFORE the instructions.. don't bake it till AFTER the instructions are completed. Keto pancakes are also divine. 1/4 cream cheese and 4 eggs, some cinnamon, and alternative sweetener of your choice... add some berries! makes 5 pancakes. (More like crepes but .. eh)


  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto for a month now and feel great. I was doing 5:2 fasting and when I stopped losing weight I started keto. Fat loss is slow but I feel so much better and clothes fit better as I no longer retain fluid. I had read that keto can improve memory - I hope that's true but haven't find it so just yet. I do sometimes miss carbs so have a slice of bread or muffin once a week as treat. I feel like such a rebel eating high fat food!

    I haven't cheated at this point; October 6 will be my 3 mo anniversary and weigh-in time. I don't want to sabotage myself. when I started this journey, I just knew I'd be craving sweets, however, to my surprise, I missed bread. So before that drove me crazy, I figured I'd better locate a low carb bread recipe, just in case. Being the researcher, I scoured Youtube, paying attention to not just the videos, but the responses from those who already tried the recipes. I passed on the cloud bread and the oopsie bread. I settled on one and hit the jackpot! I was so thrilled that I immediately doubled the recipe, which created a 9x5 loaf. The best part of all, NO carbs!!!! It's made from almond flour, which makes it taste nutty and it is delicious. It you like nuts, you'll love it.

    When "life slows down a bit", I'll share the recipe.

    Nuts have carbs

    Correction, when I doubled the recipe, each slice contained 4 gms of carbs, as compared to 23 gms/slice of the whole wheat I have for the family.

    1/4 cup of almond flour has 6g carbs. how much did you use? and why do you feel like a rebel eating high fat food?

    At this very moment, I don't know but I can share the recipe and I am certain that someone else said they feel like a rebel eating high fat food.

    ive not heard the phrase. I am always looking for lower carb recipes. I cant do keto due to my health issue. high amounts of fat could literally kill me.

    Here's the bread recipe I used. The recipe as is makes a small loaf. Doubling it will make a 9x5; 20 slices.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    if one has had gallbladder issues and its been removed how does one do keto? high fat diets for most who have had theirs removed usually causes diarrhea and other stomach issues. I know 2 of my sisters had theirs out and they cant eat high fat, a friend of ours has the same issues,.you cant make enough bile to break down the fat. so Im wondering why and how it could be healthy?

    I don't have a gallbladder. Haven't had one in 10 years. This diet has actually STOPPED the diarrhea. I was told by doctors to stay away from fats, and I did. Had stomach issues the entire 10 years. Go on keto and poof.. gone. Hate the constipation though..

    I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. I started keto anyway and due to slow digestion, I actually experience constipation, with pain on the right side, under the shoulder blade and up the right side of my neck and on super duper headache. Dr. Berg explains why this happens to people with no gall bladder. Anyway, based on his video, I bought ox bile, to help digest the fats. It worked like a charm.

    If I have issues where I am not "going" as regular as I should, I take cascara segrada, an herbal laxative. It works too.

    I'm not that bad off. I have medication anxiety. I look for homeopathic remedies.
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »

    Can you share your recipe? I've seen one where the "crust" is created from cauliflower. I'm still experimenting with the different flours I've bought. It's tricky because you can't just substitute 1:1 wheat flour for other flours and you have to rely on egg whites, cream of tartar and baking powder to act as leavening agents.

  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks !
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    KETO for 2 months and Keto for LIFE. The difference in how I feel is amazing. I follow Diet Doctor website, use a lot of their recipes. I check ketones every few days to see that I'm on the right tract. For's a game changer. I've been able to cut in half my medications for arthritis, I notice a drastic difference in daily pain. I had a setback when my gallbladder became inflammed and I had to have it removed emergently (Keto hastened it's demise, I'm sure, but it has given me problems for 20 years so I can't blame it all on Keto) Spent about 3 days off due to being in hospital, on a delicious diet of toast and jello. (I'm a little upset, if I got to cheat I should have had apple pie and beer, not toast and jello). But I'm back on track and back in ketosis with so far no side effects. I always ate on the lower side of allowed fats anyway, focus on whole foods and getting all my carbs from leafy greens. I do not believe LCHF is a "fad". It does create a caloric deficit, but the satiety from fats is amazing compared to high carb low fat. Not to mention how much better I feel. I realize I will have to mostly forego breads and sugars for the rest of my life...and I'm amazingly ok with that. Once I hit goal weight, I'll incorporate a few more fruits. But going back to all those carbs that made me feel miserable? I'll pass. :)

    ...couldn't have said it any better...

    As so many people here have searched to find suitable resolutions to their adverse health conditions, it's hard to believe that with all the training physicians go through, no one ever recommends LCHF as an alternative for the many conditions we are plagued with. But then, if these problems can be linked back to the way we eat, who can make any $$$ from that?

    The pharmaceutical companies don't cure anything anymore, everything is now a "maintenance medicine", designed for lifelong use, we are bombarded with direct to consumer advertisement (DTCA), where we are told to ask our doctor if a particular Rx is right for us. The care we receive is episodic, with no real attempt to determine the root causes and I am a living witness that if you don't arm yourself with credible information and get in the game about your own health, you will suffer.
  • Shannieg755
    Shannieg755 Posts: 9 Member
    Do any of y'all do bulletproof coffee?
    Everyday!!! I have a daily coffee with MCT oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil, and a bit of heavy cream. I've done this since I began keto lifestyle and can't imagine a day without it. I drink my coffee by 7am and it keeps me full until 1-2pm. No more snacking or eating my lunch at 10am. I've read that the key to BPC is to not eat. Eating food on top of the high fat coffee is counterproductive. If I can find the article I will post it. Good luck!

  • Shannieg755
    Shannieg755 Posts: 9 Member
    KETO for two months now and loving every minute of it, except for during keto flu phase! I've never been able to say that I loved a diet or change in lifestyle but I have found my place. I was introduced to Diet Doctor by a friend who had already started the process and I've been hooked ever since. I'm down 17 pounds, I'm not hungry, have more energy, no sugar cravings, no more gut bloat, and feel better than ever. My general pain and hip bursitis issues are gone. Ive not once felt deprived or wanted to quit. Even my family enjoys the dinners that be made and can't believe they are "diet." What I do miss with KETO - beer and wine. I used to miss using fruit as go-to snack but feel like I have moved past that. Good luck to all. Do your research and go with what works for you!
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    Do any of y'all do bulletproof coffee?
    Everyday!!! I have a daily coffee with MCT oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil, and a bit of heavy cream. I've done this since I began keto lifestyle and can't imagine a day without it. I drink my coffee by 7am and it keeps me full until 1-2pm. No more snacking or eating my lunch at 10am. I've read that the key to BPC is to not eat. Eating food on top of the high fat coffee is counterproductive. If I can find the article I will post it. Good luck!

    Thanks for the info on BPC. If you can find the article, about it, I'd like to read it. If indeed consuming BPC is designed to negate the requirement for food, I'll probably have to skip it, as breakfast is one my favorite meals. I'm eating breakfast similarly as before I started keto, I've just eliminated the grits, hash browns, (and fruit for now). I know lots of people that do not eat breakfast and this maybe be a great option for them.

    An earlier post pointed to the restrictive nature of keto. If you spend a little time thinking about what you can eat, the list of what you shouldn't eat will not dominate your thoughts
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    edited September 2017

    Do any of y'all do bulletproof coffee?
    Everyday!!! I have a daily coffee with MCT oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil, and a bit of heavy cream. I've done this since I began keto lifestyle and can't imagine a day without it. I drink my coffee by 7am and it keeps me full until 1-2pm. No more snacking or eating my lunch at 10am. I've read that the key to BPC is to not eat. Eating food on top of the high fat coffee is counterproductive. If I can find the article I will post it. Good luck!

    Thanks for the info on BPC. If you can find the article, about it, I'd like to read it. If indeed consuming BPC is designed to negate the requirement for food, I'll probably have to skip it, as breakfast is one my favorite meals. I'm eating breakfast similarly as before I started keto, I've just eliminated the grits, hash browns, (and fruit for now). I know lots of people that do not eat breakfast and this maybe be a great option for them.

    An earlier post pointed to the restrictive nature of keto. If you spend a little time thinking about what you can eat, the list of what you shouldn't eat will not dominate your thoughts

    Sometimes I don't have a bpc until later in the day.. like to supplement lunch. It doesn't have to supplement breakfast. It's great for a grab and go if you don't have time to cook.

    For those who think it's hard to make and blend.. 20$ gets you a cheap bullet mixer. It's what I have. It leaves NO oily residue floating on top. I throw in the ingredients, pour coffee over it, screw on the lid, and shove it in the blender. Done in seconds. Well, the price range is wide.. 10$-100$.. We went with cheap and have had it for 5 years now. The fancier ones look awesome and someday I'll upgrade.. but for now, I'm satisfied with my cheap little system. It's small.. came with 6 cups.. 3 tall and 3 small.. and doesn't take up much room. It is NOT the one pictured above. That one has more stuff. And our base is black and smaller. I guess they don't sell my type any longer. But the prices were still cheap. Ours didn't come with cool lids. :frowning:
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    The creativity in making these meals appealing and enjoyable is amazing. Again, preparation is the key. Figuring out what you need to eat and making the necessary preparations to have what you need, when you need it is the key to success Getting caught at lunchtime (or any other time) with no food is a good recipe for backsliding.

    Just to share, here's today's breakfast/lunch packed and ready to go: Check out my food diary to see the "menu".