How often do you weigh in?

I just started my weight loss journey on Saturday this past week. I have my initial weigh in and haven't weighed since. How often should I weigh in?


  • sriley721
    sriley721 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and record it. I like to see the overall fluctuations so it reminds me that its not always a straight line downwards.
  • Sonyavdg
    Sonyavdg Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh everyday - but using an app/website that calculates a moving average (such as happy scale or trendweight). My day to day fluctuations can swamp my rate of loss over a week
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I weigh myself a lot. I also like to know whats going on with my body, and see how it rebounds from long cardio or weight training sessions, how it reacts to overeating, or having too much salt etc.
    I dont tend to worry about gains, knowing that often weight will fluctuate.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    I weigh when MFP reminds me to. Which means probably not enough.
  • abstew04
    abstew04 Posts: 36 Member
    edited September 2017
    I weigh in about twice a week. My official logging is Friday morning after I get up. I step on the scale the following Monday or Tuesday to just check out the progress. By doing this, it gives me that added extra boost to make it to the Friday weigh in :smile: You could always play around with it to see what works best for you when it comes to doing the weigh in :smile:
  • desnyder210
    desnyder210 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone! I might play around with weighing in daily and weekly. More than likely I will weigh in weekly, mornings are hectic for me so I feel like the weekend might be a better option.
  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    Like once every other week or so. It's not something I'm too worried about.
  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    Every sat am - It's a rough guide as I delete 3 entries until the first of each month is left recorded.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    There is no "should" there really aren't any rules or anything...

    I weigh in a few times per week...if you don't understand normal and natural weight fluctuations you should probably weigh in less.
  • andreayup
    andreayup Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh in daily, mostly due to curiosity and there is a nice scale at my work. However, I only log my progress every Friday. I think its a personal decision. Just know, if you're going to weigh yourself daily that weight fluctuates depending on a number of things, sodium intake, water retention, if its that time of the month, don't be alarmed if you're up one day.
  • ree2lose
    ree2lose Posts: 33 Member
    Every other Friday morning
  • yung_baller_86
    yung_baller_86 Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh in every morning after Ive used the bathroom, but I only log when theres a loss. It fluctuates about 3lbs +/- but I like to see the line going down... even though thats not how it goes!
  • fitmumBctTct
    fitmumBctTct Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh in once a week first thing on the morning
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    I like to weigh myself once a week right before I get in the shower and before I eat for the day. Your weight is the most accurate in the morning. I find it I weigh myself daily I get discouraged by the fluctuations, but that's just a mental thing for me!