Hottest. . Blah



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I love my wife because she makes me feel like I'm her hero, knight in shining armor, even if I'm a little chubby geek in the real world. She lets me carry the heavy stuff and do the manly things even if she can do them better. :blushing:

    Awww. . .what a lucky lady.. .Thank you for sharing. ..

    And a lucky man!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    Intelligence, honesty, warmth, and a quick wit. Sexy is a state of mind before being a state of body: don't be afraid to be sexy. Being delightfully kooky and even weird is way up there too, I totally love wierd. And don't just roll over and agree with me, speak your heart, and speak it with honesty, and with passion, especially when you disagree with me. Be spiritually grounded, or adventerous, or at least interested. Be confident, but don't be afraid to show me your weak side. Trust that I won't strike at your weat points, and I will be there for your darkest nights. Be loyal. I am. I am your fiercest protector, and my own harshest critic, you may need to protect me from myself. Feel free to like some of the things I like, but like things other than the things I like, too. Have your own world, and let me share mine with you as I see fit, and share yours with me as you see fit. Relish silence, and embrace peace, but don't be afraid of the occasional mosh pit, Slipknot shower solo, or random bit of life's entropy. Come with me when I dance in the clouds, but if you need me to get the spider out of the bathroom, bring me back to the ground, it will be okay.

    Now, if anyone would like me to describe my girlfriend...oh...wait.... :-)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Intelligence, honesty, warmth, and a quick wit. Sexy is a state of mind before being a state of body: don't be afraid to be sexy. Being delightfully kooky and even weird is way up there too, I totally love wierd. And don't just roll over and agree with me, speak your heart, and speak it with honesty, and with passion, especially when you disagree with me. Be spiritually grounded, or adventerous, or at least interested. Be confident, but don't be afraid to show me your weak side. Trust that I won't strike at your weat points, and I will be there for your darkest nights. Be loyal. I am. I am your fiercest protector, and my own harshest critic, you may need to protect me from myself. Feel free to like some of the things I like, but like things other than the things I like, too. Have your own world, and let me share mine with you as I see fit, and share yours with me as you see fit. Relish silence, and embrace peace, but don't be afraid of the occasional mosh pit, Slipknot shower solo, or random bit of life's entropy. Come with me when I dance in the clouds, but if you need me to get the spider out of the bathroom, bring me back to the ground, it will be okay.

    Now, if anyone would like me to describe my girlfriend...oh...wait.... :-)

    Lucky, lucky man =D.
  • LovelySophiya
    Someone who I miss when Im not with them and who I still get goosebumps over when I see them. I have my best boy friend who those feelings belong to. We are far apart but talk at least 3 times a week. If it was meant to be it will happen.

    Like my mom says.... Love with get you through things that friendship wont and friendship will get you through things that love wont.

    wow i love what your mom say :) awesome
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Hubby has the sense of humor and quick wit of a stand-up comic!
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
    I love this post!

    I completely love my husband. We've been together since we were mid teens.

    What drew me to him...
    -kind, funny, easy going, caring, gentle but yet firm, he's very friendly

    Why I knew he was it...and the things that sealed the deal....
    -he is not afraid to do housework, he cooks, he loves me completely the way I am and has NEVER said a mean/bad thing about my looks or body, he put up with my sometime insanity, and he knows how to read me so well its scary! And he's super hardworking, he's got his priorities straight.

    My friends say he's just naturally hot but for me it wasn't until I learned more about him that he became hot.

    This is just my two cents but a guy could be good looking but its his personality and the way he carries himself in the world and how he treats people. If he sucks at these things to me he instantly becomes unattractive and not just physically. Kind of like the movie Shallow Hal.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    My husbands willingness to follow me into battle and to be my right hand man. He is my partner in everything, the good, the bad, the funny, the sad, the happy, and the mad. He has held me up when I need to be lifted and held me down when I needed to be calmed. He's pushed me forward when I needed a nudge to step towards my destiny and he has held my hand when I needed just a little more support. He's whiped my tears and my daughters as well. He has also laughed with the both of us. He accepted me broken and bruised and beaten up and helped to clean my wounds. He also took my daughter in as his own and treats her better then her own father has ever treated her. His unwavering love for me and my daughter is the sexiest thing he could ever posses!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    Intelligence, honesty, warmth, and a quick wit. Sexy is a state of mind before being a state of body: don't be afraid to be sexy. Being delightfully kooky and even weird is way up there too, I totally love wierd. And don't just roll over and agree with me, speak your heart, and speak it with honesty, and with passion, especially when you disagree with me. Be spiritually grounded, or adventerous, or at least interested. Be confident, but don't be afraid to show me your weak side. Trust that I won't strike at your weat points, and I will be there for your darkest nights. Be loyal. I am. I am your fiercest protector, and my own harshest critic, you may need to protect me from myself. Feel free to like some of the things I like, but like things other than the things I like, too. Have your own world, and let me share mine with you as I see fit, and share yours with me as you see fit. Relish silence, and embrace peace, but don't be afraid of the occasional mosh pit, Slipknot shower solo, or random bit of life's entropy. Come with me when I dance in the clouds, but if you need me to get the spider out of the bathroom, bring me back to the ground, it will be okay.

    Now, if anyone would like me to describe my girlfriend...oh...wait.... :-)

    Lucky, lucky man =D.

    Yes, I most certainly am. And I rarely go a day without letting her know that, too.
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Trust, my slight fling I had where I didnt know up from down and if I was in or out was one of the absolute most stressful things in my entire life. WAY unnecessary.

    Basically, all the stuff Cris said so far :P
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My husbands willingness to follow me into battle and to be my right hand man. He is my partner in everything, the good, the bad, the funny, the sad, the happy, and the mad. He has held me up when I need to be lifted and held me down when I needed to be calmed. He's pushed me forward when I needed a nudge to step towards my destiny and he has held my hand when I needed just a little more support. He's whiped my tears and my daughters as well. He has also laughed with the both of us. He accepted me broken and bruised and beaten up and helped to clean my wounds. He also took my daughter in as his own and treats her better then her own father has ever treated her. His unwavering love for me and my daughter is the sexiest thing he could ever posses!

    That's a good man...count yourself lucky...

    My Father did the same thing with my brother and I (took us in as his own)...and I count the two of us among the luckiest of kids growing up. Our lives weren't always perfect...but he taught us right from wrong, loved us as much (more, to be honest) as his son from his previous marriage, and even today, 32 years there for me in a heartbeat if I need him. I credit him with every success I've had in my life...because without his example, I'd be a far, far different person....and to be anything less...would be to let down the example he's given.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Intelligence, honesty, warmth, and a quick wit. Sexy is a state of mind before being a state of body: don't be afraid to be sexy. Being delightfully kooky and even weird is way up there too, I totally love wierd. And don't just roll over and agree with me, speak your heart, and speak it with honesty, and with passion, especially when you disagree with me. Be spiritually grounded, or adventerous, or at least interested. Be confident, but don't be afraid to show me your weak side. Trust that I won't strike at your weat points, and I will be there for your darkest nights. Be loyal. I am. I am your fiercest protector, and my own harshest critic, you may need to protect me from myself. Feel free to like some of the things I like, but like things other than the things I like, too. Have your own world, and let me share mine with you as I see fit, and share yours with me as you see fit. Relish silence, and embrace peace, but don't be afraid of the occasional mosh pit, Slipknot shower solo, or random bit of life's entropy. Come with me when I dance in the clouds, but if you need me to get the spider out of the bathroom, bring me back to the ground, it will be okay.

    Now, if anyone would like me to describe my girlfriend...oh...wait.... :-)

    Wow. . how awesome is that. . you have a great girlfriend.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    My husband is amazing we have been together 9 years got pregnant when i was 16 and he has been by my side ever since. he truly loves me just the way i am but supports me in becoming a better happier healthier me and he is one Amazing Daddy. Now that is Hott
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Someone who can make me laugh and hold up a conversation and has there own opinions on the world. I never realised this is what mattered until I met my current boyfriend. I think loving the way he looks came after. Also he looks after me something I never thought mattered before.
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    Intelligence, honesty, warmth, and a quick wit. Sexy is a state of mind before being a state of body: don't be afraid to be sexy. Being delightfully kooky and even weird is way up there too, I totally love wierd. And don't just roll over and agree with me, speak your heart, and speak it with honesty, and with passion, especially when you disagree with me. Be spiritually grounded, or adventerous, or at least interested. Be confident, but don't be afraid to show me your weak side. Trust that I won't strike at your weat points, and I will be there for your darkest nights. Be loyal. I am. I am your fiercest protector, and my own harshest critic, you may need to protect me from myself. Feel free to like some of the things I like, but like things other than the things I like, too. Have your own world, and let me share mine with you as I see fit, and share yours with me as you see fit. Relish silence, and embrace peace, but don't be afraid of the occasional mosh pit, Slipknot shower solo, or random bit of life's entropy. Come with me when I dance in the clouds, but if you need me to get the spider out of the bathroom, bring me back to the ground, it will be okay.

    Now, if anyone would like me to describe my girlfriend...oh...wait.... :-)

    Wow. . how awesome is that. . you have a great girlfriend.

    It is completely, totally awesome, and she most certainly is.
    I make no joke about the fact that I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
    Plus she's a great cook! Bonus! ;-)
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Wow....I really enjoyed reading some of these posts. :happy:
  • petchonka82
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    What about body functions?
    Like being able to burp the alphabet? Yes.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Sense of humor, motivated, similar taste in movies, music, etc...

    Romantic but not cheesey. If he can think of something original to do that will surprise me, that would be a big plus!!!