Sugar Cravings!

Hi everyone in advance I apologize for my grammar it's not the greatest. So a couple of years ago I got sick I was in great shape before  and then ughh I got sick. I got depression I had nausea day and night for a whole year I couldn't workout it was very frustrating I had horrible insomnia and it was a nightmare I honestly don't know how I'm still alive.  But Iam well I'm this close to getting to my old self I know if I just keep going I can do it!  Well I'm trying to cut out sugar well all processed and the most I can go is 5 days but I know I can go a month I just need to well push myself.  I feel like it's a trigger for me to binge and I honestly have bin doing intermittent fasting and it's a big help it has helped with not binging. But I feel that sugar is a trigger for me so I'm doing the 30 day sugar free challenge but I don't really eat any salt I don't add salt to my meals which I know salt is bad for you but I feel well I'm going to experiment with this I'll be adding a tiny bit of salt to my foods for the next days to come I'm starting today until the end of next month. I want to see how I progressed with this Idk if it will have a positive effect but we will see but if anyone has any advice or tips  on how to break this habit I would really appreciate it ♥


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    First, salt is not bad for you per se. Your body needs it just like it needs fat, vitamins, minerals, etc. But like anything, too much can be a bad thing. Keeping an eye on salt/sodium intake is not a terrible idea, but there's really no need to avoid it unless of some kind of medical condition. If fasting is helping you with your binging, that's great and there's nothing wrong with sticking to it if it's working for you. I don't know about the sugar challenge, but it's probably easiest to stick to not having much or any added sugar by just not keeping it in the house. Can't snack on what's not there.
  • Belmont666
    Belmont666 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you Miss Michelle I really appreciate it :) the reason why I dont use salt is my husband he can't have salt so I completely cut it out I've bin cooking without it for about 4 year's now I don't really miss it but I feel that I add jyst a tiny pinch to one meal or 2 it will help with my binging on sweets I have a big sweet tooth at times and I just want to get it under control. Honestly I don't eat alot of processed but even natural Sweetners like dates I binge so I'm just testing out fir a couple of days to see how it goes thank you again really appreciate it