Getting out of my comfort Zone

Hi Folks,
This is Ishant, i'm new to this forum. Its great forum and great association of like minded people. For years i was dreaming of gaining weight and build up some muscle, but it use to fade away with time. Now I have committed to myself, no matter what its going to happen because I'm going to make it happen.

I joined this forum, so that stories and comments from people who have been there and done that to add fuel to my burning desire of achieving my goals. I am ready to go the extra mile, and do whatever it takes to reach my goal.

I am currently 126 lbs, and by this time next year i have a goal of adding minimum of 50 lbs with proper shape by doing regular workout.

My trainer says i need to eat 2945 calories everyday. its big goal and I am still figuring out what to eat when. I have target given of 5 meals with consuming 589 cal in each meal.

If there is some out there, who have achieved such goals, I am here to listen and learn from you guys.

Thank you


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi I would recommend you to find the weight gaining forum. I'm sure there's plenty of folks on that part of the community that can assist you