Trying to lose 3 Stone in 2 months and 1 week For a wedding in England

Ive done it in my early 20s. I never knew exactly what i would lose but after the weight starting falling off i kept going until 2 months.

I decided to start cycling from Bradley Stoke in Bristol to Temple Meads train station to work daily 5 days a week there and back instead of catching the train.

It made sense as motivation was always there to not giveup cycling 7 or 9 miles a day when you have to get to work in 45 mins and try not to get fired. We had showers at work and it was part of the work culture which helped.

I never starved myself but i never ate out for 2 months and went on high protein diet for 6 days a week and had one cheat day which I ate a normal meal.

Below is my food plan and routine and this worked for me. I lost 3.5 stones in 2 months but I was massively dedicated

6.45am wake up and drink Green tea and add honey and Lemon.

6.50am Have 2 boiled eggs in the morning.
7am Cycle to work for 45 mins and then shower up.

12 ish have lunch.

1 small box of Chicken cubes and Steamed Veg

Apple or fruit

5pm Cycle home after work. didnt matter if it was pissing down with rain. I would come prepared with my backpack and have a raincoat and warm wear to stay warm.

6pm get home and shower and have dinner.

Lamb and fresh veg or Chicken and fresh veg and green tea and water.

I drank loads of water and green tea and never went to the gym once as i was cycling 5 days a week and that was enough for me.

Trust me i never felt never killed me.and the shock on my friends and families faces up.north when i went to.see them was
priceless :-)

Im doing it again starting tomorrow but the USA.

Wish me.luck. i wont be cycling or commuting for work as i have my own home business but will follow a strict diet plan and routine and go gym daily.

PS: I joined two cycling clubs in my city to help me get backinto shape as thats all i know.

Deadline is 6th December 2017. My friend getting married has been winding me up for the past few months and I want to
have the last laugh


  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I wish you lots of luck!! i would love to loose 3 stone myself but there is no way I could do what your doing. maybe you can add me and we can see who looses the most by December 1st
  • theabsentmindednurse
    What happens after the wedding? :*
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    This is so interesting to me!!! I need to lose the same amount to hit goal and I have already lost 4st now. I would love to see how you do with this. I'm giving myself longer than you though to lose the weight. Add me please xx
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Your 'friend' getting married is winding you up? The last laugh?... It doesn't sound like you have the best motivation for this tbh. It also sounds like a really dangerous plan... 3 stone in 2 months :/ If that's what you want to do then that's completely up to you but I don't think anyone should read this and think it's a good idea :| It's not the way to lose weight... I'd personally rather be the tortoise than the hare :)
  • kiddiecarbeds
    kiddiecarbeds Posts: 4 Member
    losing 3 stone in 2 months is not healthy for someone that is just slightly overweight.

    But when your 4 to 5 stone overweight the weight drops of faster in the first 6 weeks than it would on someone else.

    Im not starving myself but im just eating good organic home food and not eating out and following a strict routine. Its amazing what you can achieve by just eating home cooked healthy options along with a consistant workout.

    to be hounest i lost that weight in my 20s but now in my early 30s i would like to lose 2 stone in 2 and a half months and then plan a long term weight loss strategy which i change my plan to accomodate a natural weight loss program which is gradual otherwise it will just pile back on.

    They key is that people say its not possible and not healthy to lose that much weight so fast however its probably more unhealthy holding so much weight and doing nothing about it and constantly giving up after 2 weeks into a program after not seeing any results.

    Once I see resulta I only work harder and motivate myself more to do more.

    Will keep you guya posted.

  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Good luck :)<3
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 405 Member
    edited October 2017
    losing 3 stone in 2 months is not healthy for someone that is just slightly overweight.
    But when your 4 to 5 stone overweight the weight drops of faster in the first 6 weeks than it would on someone else.

    ( My opinion)
    Perhaps? In theory, but not always.
    While weight loss initially may be swift, it does slow down. It has to. You weigh less so your body requires less calories.
    So you either consume less calories or increase exercise. ( Or both).

    I started this journey two years, I was 9 stone overweight.
    It took 12 months to lose three stone.
    Another 12 months to lose another three. It slow but steady ( and sustainable ).