Out of control snacking



  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Make high calorie snacks harder to get to and make vegetables and fruits more accessible.
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    I found the best way to control snacking is not to have snack-able food in the house. You can't eat what isn't there. Seems like a no-brainer but I didn't immediately see the obvious. Aside from a banana or two and raw the veggies I use in recipes, there is usually nothing in my house that I can just grab and eat without making a meal.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Snackaholic here, too. To avoid snacking, I'll frequently go to bed early with a good book or movie/tv show that I like. It just seems like distancing myself from the refrigerator/kitchen helps. Also, try not to purchase too much of the snack food - temptation can just be too great.
  • I think that the only two tips I have to offer is that whenever you crave something- eat a bunch of veggies first. If you're actually hungry, white potatoes are proven to be the most satiating food on the planet, it's the things we usually add to them (butter, sourcream, etc,) that make them fattening

    As for meditation, I find guided meditations way easier. Use headphones if you can. It calms me down a lot. I originally started with just 4 mins at a time and now I can do it for half an hour. Yoga and drawing are both good too.

    In the meantime, be kind to yourself and don't stress, You will get there. Just make the best possible choice in the moment and remember that you did your best. When you're proud of you- nothing can stop you. So be proud!! Never shame. Always love xoxo
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    edited September 2017
    This is an awesome thread. Thanks everyone for sharing all your tips—I’m following for more! I also eat when I am stressed/frustrated/depressed/bored—which is pretty much my whole work day.

    I love the tea suggestions, and recently ‘indulged’ in some quite fancy teas that seemed pricy but make them feel all the more special. I love the smells (I even found chocolate tea—whodathunk??).
  • adrianney26
    adrianney26 Posts: 10 Member
    darlibby wrote: »
    Do not keep any snacks in your home. None. I will eat myself out of house and home if I keep easily accessible, tasty snacks at home. I will never learn self control and there are no tricks that ever worked for me. I did learn it's all or nothing for me. If you catch yourself buying snacks, throw them away immediately.

    Sorry if this sounds extreme and obviously having zero snacks at home isn't feasible for everyone but it's the *only* thing that has worked for me.
    madihall16 wrote: »
    I chew gum a lot or drink water or even crystal light. I also only keep healthy options around for snacks so when I do cave to temptation.
    I found the best way to control snacking is not to have snack-able food in the house. You can't eat what isn't there. Seems like a no-brainer but I didn't immediately see the obvious. Aside from a banana or two and raw the veggies I use in recipes, there is usually nothing in my house that I can just grab and eat without making a meal.
    I found the best way to control snacking is not to have snack-able food in the house. You can't eat what isn't there. Seems like a no-brainer but I didn't immediately see the obvious. Aside from a banana or two and raw the veggies I use in recipes, there is usually nothing in my house that I can just grab and eat without making a meal.

  • adrianney26
    adrianney26 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone! Great tips. I know that ALL my eating struggles are from one emotion or another. I don't remember the last time I was actually hungry. Possibly when I was running. I'll keep following here.
  • Sashslay
    Sashslay Posts: 136 Member
    Whoever I feel like snacking I open up the success stores section of the MFP Community boards and read through them! I want to be there one day!
  • Bealey2011
    Bealey2011 Posts: 29 Member
    I was bored yesterday, plain old boredom and I went over my calories by 600 odd (I logged everything - it was ugly) at the end when I hit the button to finish logging and the little message popped up telling me that if I ate like that every day I would be 10lbs heavier in 5 weeks.

    Normally I work on a Friday but had a sneaky day off, as I had all the housework and other home stuff done I spent most of the day lounging about watching Netflix...usually I do not have time to be that indulgent and I thought *kitten* it I'm gonna eat those little cupcakes and crisps and chocolates so forth so forth.

    Last night I thought about it and I think, no I know that I need to up my game and when I do have these days show some restrain and have some easy low cal snacks in my fridge to combat it...hope this helps xx
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Not having snacks in the house helps, but only to a certain point, depending on where you live. I live across the street from various stores (one of them stays open 24 hours) so even with no snacks in the house, when I wanted something (before MFP) I would just go downstairs and buy it. All the chocolate, chips, baked goods, ice cream etc. in there. Also, here in the USA there is delivery food, so I would order chinese take-out or whatever else. At my old job I would hit the vending machines! Aside from my other advice to manage the stress first, and then deal with weight loss, my other recommendation would be to plan healthy snacks ahead of time for when you are at work so that you aren't tempted to eat all the junk food around that might be available.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    Put it off. Don't tell yourself, I can't eat that. Just, put it off. Think to yourself, I'll have it a little later. I'll have it tomorrow. Then do something else in the meantime. Slowly you'll get used to not snacking, and you won't feel deprived, because your not going to not do it, full stop, you're just waiting until a bit later.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    ck2d wrote: »
    Put it off. Don't tell yourself, I can't eat that. Just, put it off. Think to yourself, I'll have it a little later. I'll have it tomorrow. Then do something else in the meantime. Slowly you'll get used to not snacking, and you won't feel deprived, because your not going to not do it, full stop, you're just waiting until a bit later.

    Awesome advice I do this to, Really works. Overall i eat meals and snacks just a little bit later. spreads it out :p
  • shimmer_glo
    shimmer_glo Posts: 103 Member
    I try not to keep high calorie or junk food in my home if possible, but also I identified the times of day where I'm most susceptible to mindless grazing and planned ahead. 3:30 pm I'm always hungry so I pre-portioned popcorn, cottage cheese and cut veggies and worked it into my calories for the day. Now I just go straight to that and enjoy my snack, instead of pulling random handfuls of stuff out of the cabinet.

    I'm still having trouble with late night snacking sometimes, so I'm trying to cut that out altogether because once I get started I just don't stop. Best wishes on your journey. :)
  • Ouiser8
    Ouiser8 Posts: 10 Member
    Lol, yeah, I'm with you. Snacking is my big pleasure in life. Right now I'm working on a puzzle while listening to podcasts, because they distract me and keep my hands and mind busy, ha.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    If you snack in front of the TV do something with your hands during that time. I knit or crochet (the are videos online that will teach you how, and you'll get better with practice), some people color, some people cross stitch (very cheap hobby!). You can't snack while doing those.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    I snack on a portion of salted sunflower seeds (Spitz brand) in front of tv. It takes effort to get the kernels out of the seeds so it lasts a long time!