Tuesday weigh in thread : who's in???



  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I would love to Join!!

    7/19/11 - 237.6
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    Still quite happy as long as the trend is down.

    That's my theory too. I'm a very impatient person though and I tend to just want to wake up thin .... tomorrow!! :bigsmile:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I`m in Monday is normaly my day to weigh in but I have no problem holding off till Tuesdays :)

    190.2 this morning I was 190even yesterday
  • flnfrgge
    flnfrgge Posts: 34 Member
    Only down .5 lbs. Weighed in at 187.5. It's better than gaining. Better week next week.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    Hey well done everyone that lost..not massive losses for any of us...but ironband is right..as long as its going down we're all happy!!

    Welcome to Twansey and Stepphy...look forward to your results next week!!

    Heres to another week everyone...good luck"!!

    Flnfrgg sorry havent replied to your inbox yet..i will get round to it, just keep forgetiing
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    I don’t keep them in the bathroom as its too much temptation to weigh daily. so I picked them up from where they are stashed…(behind lots of junk) and I dropped them, didn’t realise they’d broke til I got on and was 164. (I am usually about 198..lol) then realised the spring had come out of one foot..so it prob just weighed ¾ of me..lol..anyway that means no official weigh in as had to use diff scales and as it was in a shopping mall I had to do it fully dressed (as opposed to stark naked in my spare room..)
    So I have no clue if ive lose or gained but I have a new starting point (printed out) so ill aim for a good loss next week

    Aid how did you do?
  • NannasNetty
    Good morning, I am new on here today! I have had the phone app for a while and used it on and off BUT this time I am determined to complete my goal. So a little help and inspiration will do me good.
    I am off to the gym later and will weigh in there...will let you know the numbers later.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    welcome nanas netty...dont drop the scales like i did!!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Don't know

    I don't have scales at home, so I have to weigh in at the Gym.

    Couldn't get there this morning so i'm doing it in the morning

    Hopefully on a downward slope like everyone else

    Well done everyone :happy:
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0

    Still going in the right direction! Yay! :bigsmile:
  • fallingrock
    lost 1.8 pounds for a total of 32 pounds lost
  • Alyx128
    Alyx128 Posts: 92 Member
    May I join. I know I am a little late.
    If so my weight today is 170 lbs.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    well done falling rock and south towngirl
    Sure we will have more losses when ironband and joggingall the way record their wights later today and tomorrow

    Yeah join uin people...all tuesday weighers welcome
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Ironband reporting in:

    2 lb loss this week! And I have crossed the threshold from Obese to Overweight (according to BMI, anyway). Holla!

    Saturday I had a great run - ran 4 miles without walking (after warming up, of course) - and I'm continuing with the EA Sports Active 2 (reverse crunches are my nemesis!) A few more weeks of this and I'll be able to break into that box of pants I have in the garage :)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    I'd love to join. Tuesday is my official weigh in day and this will help keep me accountable. Great losses everyone.

    July 12: 248
    July 19: 239.6
    July 26: 237
  • flnfrgge
    flnfrgge Posts: 34 Member
    2.3lb loss. I just got a Wii Fit Plus. So, different scale but am trying to add workouts back into my routine. Not my favorite thing to do.
  • NannasNetty
    Had my first weigh in this morning...not good. I weigh 191lbs (i did have my trainers tho!)
    Did a class called fit and fab...cardio, weights and a little zumba. Managed to burn 652 calories in a hour. My body is sore now.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    Well done iron band and everyone else…wicked losses
    Well I weighed on new scales with clothes on so not recording my loss til next week when I can use same scales again….went off the rails a bit last night..LARGE dinner and choc biscuits etc….back on it today, cant afford to mess about as Im away for few days next week so need a good loss this week
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted for a few weeks, it was getting depressing seeing everyone lose whilst i was stuck in a plateau.
    But im now back because I smashed that plateau & have lost 5lb.
    Now at 170
  • woodlandswitch
    Not lost anything again :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Where am I going wrong?