I'm starting to lose faith!

hcam8 Posts: 69
Hi guys,
I'm really starting to lose faith in MFP. I feel like I eat more now (well more consistently) than I ever have before. I still undercut my exercise calories by 2-300 a day. I've added all this dairy/eggs/meat to my diet. I enjoy the food, but I'm worried it's making me feel sluggish/awful.
To be honest, I've increased my coffee intake and have not been sleeping.
Anyway, I don't feel like I'm losing any weight. I feel better in myself a bit, but then I looked at this photo of myself from out on the weekend and I look enormous!
I'm going home in October and I realllly really want to be skinny by then.
GOD..How am I going to do it?
I need some good 'motivation and support'.
Remind me, why am I doing this?
I seem to be just as useless with food/bingeing as I ever was! I ate cheese and lindt chocolate yesterday?!



  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    stop trying to be skinny and concentrate on being healthy.
  • I was feeling the same way you are too, and then a few girls from work and i decided it was time to crack down...i hate..correction LOATHE working out..but i sucked it up and started the couch to 5k program, they have apps for your phone or ipod and its only 30 min 3 times a week. Great way to start out and get motivated. good luck!
  • we all get like that every now and then, the biggest thing to keep you motivated is if you give up, 6 months down the line, you'll be back on here giving it another go, if you would have just stuck to it, in those 6 months you could have lost loads of weight! Stick to it, it takes time :flowerforyou:
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Don't give up!!! You're just a 'newbie'....

    Exercise (walking is fine) 5 times a week and eat 3 well and healthy

    Stick to it and you'll see the results...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Jog72
    Jog72 Posts: 8 Member
    Think about the foods you eat...choose healthy & don't just try to use your cals up on anything
    Don't undercut your exercise cals...your body needs the energy and your weight loss will stall!
    Cut back on coffee...no caffeine after 12-2pm will help you sleep better
    Think about healthy /fitness rather than skinny...I know some very unhealthy, untoned, unhappy skinny people

    Good luck
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Remind me, why am I doing this?

    you tell us, why are you doing this??

    i joined so that i could lose some weight but most importantly get healthier and fitter... everyone has their bad days, but you need to find that motivation from yourself, as we cant do that for you.
  • Hello

    Had a look at your diary and it looks ok. You need to up your water intake though. One thing I noticed these past couple of weeks is when I upped my water intake to 8-10 glasses per day, I felt better and started losing again.

    You have 8kg's to lose and you've already lost 2kg's You're 1/4th there!! You didn't wake up overnight heavier (although we really seem to think that's the case) so don't lose faith that you're not losing quickly. Slower is better. No stretch marks and it stays off.

    The problem with having a goal date like a holiday or going home in October is that we place ourselves under so much pressure. Almost setting ourselves to fail. Focus on the here and now. You've already lost weight and you're still going to lose.

    Don't lose faith. There are plenty of people here to support you and you're going to lose the weight.

    Best of luck!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    we all get like that every now and then, the biggest thing to keep you motivated is if you give up, 6 months down the line, you'll be back on here giving it another go, if you would have just stuck to it, in those 6 months you could have lost loads of weight! Stick to it, it takes time :flowerforyou:

    This is advice I wish I had listened to the first and second time I tried losing weight. You'll look back and regret the time that you could have been working on becoming healthier, fitter and yes, skinnier. Keep at it, remember that your body may be on a different timeline than you are in terms of losing weight, but that at least you're aiding your body. Any way you look at it, these new exercising and eating plans are a way to be healthier and better for your body even if your body isn't showing it yet.

    Hang in there! You can do it!
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69

    Remind me, why am I doing this?

    you tell us, why are you doing this??

    i joined so that i could lose some weight but most importantly get healthier and fitter... everyone has their bad days, but you need to find that motivation from yourself, as we cant do that for you.

    This is a good point...
    I don't want to spend my life feeling like I'm failing, and I've struggled with my weight for years...So I thought I'd try and put a stop to it once and for all...just so I can get on with things in the most positive way possible!
  • me and jenny have decided to cut down on the lizzard to one a week. Are friend Rafor says one lizzard a week should be enough for anyone.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member

    Remind me, why am I doing this?

    you tell us, why are you doing this??

    i joined so that i could lose some weight but most importantly get healthier and fitter... everyone has their bad days, but you need to find that motivation from yourself, as we cant do that for you.

    This is a good point...
    I'm a med student...honestly I think I still believe I'll have a happier life if I'm thinner...I'll get a better job, find a boyfriend, feel good about myself, attract attention?
    I don't want to spend my life feeling like I'm failing, and I've struggled with my weight for years...So I thought I'd try and put a stop to it once and for all...

    if you think your life will be instantly better once you're thin, you might need to reassess your goals.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hmmmmm.... being thinner won't automatically make all those things happen - but if you are healthier and have more energy then you have time to make them happen!

    I've had a quick look in your diary and you don't seem to be eating much. If 1100 cals a day is more than you were eating before, then that might be the problem. Especially if you don't have a huge amount of weight to lose.

    But, if you think you are eating enough, then keep it up, keep up the exercising and accept that getting healtheir isn't going to happen overnight. If you make some changes to your lifestyle that are achievable and sustainable then that is a great victory!

    I'd agree that setting a time goal (llike "I HAVE to lose weight by October") is setting yourself up for disappointment. What about setting a goal of acheiving a certain amount of exercise, or a certain number of days eating a healthy amount, or cutting out alcohol for a number of days or... well, you get the idea.
    All these changes will add up to make you feel better and look better and you will lose weight too!
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69

    I'd agree that setting a time goal (llike "I HAVE to lose weight by October") is setting yourself up for disappointment. What about setting a goal of acheiving a certain amount of exercise, or a certain number of days eating a healthy amount, or cutting out alcohol for a number of days or... well, you get the idea.
    All these changes will add up to make you feel better and look better and you will lose weight too!

    This is a really good idea. I think weight loss is not a good GOAL because it's not actually an action/thing you can DO... (i learned about behavioural change once, and you had to set yourself towards DOing something)...

    What are some people's ideas for good goals they have set themselves?
    I've read a whole lot of people do C25k but I already run over 5k 4 times a week...and I've seen P90X...but I realy don't want to buy any program, and I really only enjoy cardio exercise because I love to be outside...so I'm not sure aerobics stuff is for me

    What other things could I try?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    ....I think weight loss is not a good GOAL because it's not actually an action/thing you can DO... (i learned about behavioural change once, and you had to set yourself towards DOing something)...

    Yes!! Thank you. I know this is so, but you articulated it really well :smile:

    Is there an exercise goal you would like to do? For me, I've always wanted to run (further than about 10m).
    So, I worked my way through C25K and have entered for a 12k race in August. This is keeping me focussed on regular running and I know I have to eat well too, so I can stay fueled up to run so far.

    Or a goal of eating 2 fruits and 5 veg a day (the Aussie recommendations).

    Or cutting coffee to one a day and replacing the others with green tea or water.

    Or, eat a healthy breakfast every day.

    Or, join a class to learn something physical - like boxing or dancing.

    Have fun coming up with ideas, you can do it!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    If you like being outside and doing cardio, try doing some good ole track and field High Intensity Interval Training. Find a track and sprint a 100 yard dash, jog around the rest, and then sprint the same 100 yards. Do this about 6 times. Or find a American football field and do some snake drills. Snake drills is where you start on the goal line running along it toward the side line. Once you hit the side line, sprint to the 20 yard line. Run down the 20 yard line to the other side line and sprint to the 40 yard line. Do this all the way down the field sprinting flat out from yard line to yard line but jogging from side line to side line. You want to do this for maybe 10 minutes a day. It will really kick your body into fat-burning gear!
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