Egg and Grapefruit Diet

So i was given a diet to try yesterday, its called the egg and grapefruit diet and its given to obese patients to get them to lose weight fast before they have surgery.

This was given to me by a reiki healer because it seems that my body isnt responding to my eating well or exercise so this is to shock my body into responding to weight loss. Im only meant to do it for two weeks and should see at least a 1stone loss at the end of it.

I know everyone says crash dieting is bad and you put the weight straight back on again once you stop which i am prepared for but i plan to maintain the healthy eating and should hopefully continue to drop the weight.

Today is day 1 and i have to have 3 eggs for breakfast with a piece of dry toast, 3 eggs for lunch and 3 eggs for dinner. This is the hardest day.

Tomorrow i get to have eggs, grapefruit and toast, then a fresh fuit salad then a steak and salad for dinner...

as each day goes it looks more appealing, but there is no dairy, dressing or sauces.

I Will be logging all my food for the next two weeks and let you all know how i get on should anyone wish to give thier weightloss a much needed kick up the bum

Wish me luck :o)


  • amythorp
    Surely this is worrying from the cholesterol levels point of view alone?
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    Which is why its only for 2 weeks. this was also my main concern but after the 2 weeks i can bring it back down again.
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    good luck - sounds tough with all that egg......

    don't let anyone get downwind :)
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    My mum used to do this diet when I was young - she was the queen of crash diets! It did seem to work, but as you say, it'snot great over a prolonged period. Good Luck!
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    Ive heard about this type of diet and was keen to give it ago myself Apparently it's the chemicals in these foods that give your metabolism a boost. I seem to lose no weight despite running 20miles a week and sticking to 1,200 net calories, its so frustrating when I only want to lose 1 stone. Hope it goes well I think I will give it a go if it works : )
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Good luck with the diet hun. It sounds hard but im sure u can do it.
    When I was doing slimming world diet i always said grapefruit helped me to lose more weight, i used to eat one everyday for breakfast and always got good weight losses when i did it xxx
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Your body will respond to weight loss WHEN YOU EAT HEATHY!!! YOu can Not eat junk and crap and expect to loose weight. Eggs are great for you and so is grapefuit but a DIET whatever! Diets Dont Work. If you were consistantly eating clean healthy foods you will loose weight. I know I am a bit harsh but fad diets Dont WOrk
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I wouldn't worry about the cholestral. The myth about eggs is outdated now - have a look at the bhf website for more info.

    When you say your body is not responding, how long have you been maintaining a healthy diet?

    I love eggs, hate grapefruit, so no way 'd try it lol.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    iv been maintaining a fairly healty diet for a few months now and the scales are not budging. Im not stupid and i dont eat crap. i dont eat takeaways or have crisps and chocolates every day. I measure my portions and to be honest im happy to give this a go.

    i try and stick to my calorie allowance as much as i can but im only human and there will be occasions that i will indulge in a glass of wine or a chocolate bar.

    I do eat healthy. i 90% make all my meals from scratch and know exactly what im putting in them.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I would be worried that when i eat other stuff other than egg and grapfruit i would put on

    i mean essentially you could do any low cal diet to shock your system - maple syrup, atkins, even make up your own the prob is when you start to eat again

    I would rather struggle to lose and lose very slowly then drop a stone and be scared to eat normally again.

    But thats just my opinon
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I remember trying this diet about 12 years ago, but I just couldn't stomach the eggs without any seasoning and it made me feel oddly bloated, so I only lasted about two days! A friend did it for a couple of weeks though and did lose a stone, but put it all back on because as soon as he was done he reverted to old eating habits.

    Obviously it's not a healthy long-term eating plan, but I suppose you could give it a go for a week or two just to kick-start your weight loss.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    If you want to drop fat and not starve do this.

    Dont eat less then 1000 calories.

    1. Drop all grains (Ezekiel bread if your really want a slice). Keep carbs under 100g (This is a must).

    2. Dont eat dairy. Low fat yogurts are bad for you. (You can eat goat cheese or greek yogurt)

    3. Eat 1 piece of fruit a day not more. Eat 1 kiwi they are great and have tons of potassium.

    4. Eat meat. Eat fish,chicken,lamb. Eat at least 100 grams of protein per day

    5. Eat green vegetables. Eat atleast 30grams of fiber a day (eat lentils, red lentils have alot of protein). And eat vegetables every single meal.

    6. Eat at least 30g of fat (flax seed oil, olive oil)

    7. Dont eat carbs before bed.

    8. Drink water

    Dont go over 300 calories per meal and never ever go over 600 calories per meal.

    Eat something like

    oats and Greek yogurt.
    Fish and veggies.
    Workout then Protein powder and Kiwi.
    Chicken an lentils.
    egg whites and veggies

    Exercise for at least 5 hours a week.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    This is pretty much what the diet contains, alot of protein and as much veg as i like a few bits of fruit, i doubt ill starve on. maybe just today because im basically only having eggs but i have a training session later so will have some protein shake and a banana to stop me feeling sick