Fat gym receptionist

Sam29a Posts: 201 Member
I recently applied for a receptionist position at the local gym (literally 5 minutes away from my house). I didn't really think I'd ever get a callback, but I need a part-time job asap so applied without thinking. I have been invited to attend an interview later this week and now am chickening out! It would be perfect I think. I'd enjoy it and it would motivate me to workout often. Plus it's nearby.

Is it okay to work at the gym if you're not super skinny and fit? I am not overweight but I have lots of problem areas (particularly my stomach). I just joined another gym yesterday in the hopes of finally getting fit and healthy but obviously, nobody gets fit in a day. I aim to reach my fitness goals within the next year. I've lost 50+ lbs since last year, but I'm still very much a work in progress.

Should I even bother going to the interview? I don't want to waste the interviewers time if they don't accept people that aren't fit.


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have seen plenty out of shape people behind the counter at my gym. I also see them working out on their breaks. It doesn't matter if you haven't reached goal yet, what matters is that you are doing what you can to get there. Go to the interview and good luck!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Go for it. Please , start thinking you are worth it.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    Do it for sure. Every gym desk employee I know works there FOR the free membership. *kitten* what anyone tells you you deserve this as much as the next person. Get it friend
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Go for it! Don't let anything hold you back, that's why most of us are here anyways, we let our weight hold us back for so long and now we're taking the life by the balls. Carpe diem my friend! Rock that interview!!

    Plus, there are plenty of bigger trainers and employees at my gym, I've never even thought about it until now. Don't let your insecurities get in the way of rocking your life!
  • Sam29a
    Sam29a Posts: 201 Member
    Go for it! Don't let anything hold you back, that's why most of us are here anyways, we let our weight hold us back for so long and now we're taking the life by the balls. Carpe diem my friend! Rock that interview!!

    Plus, there are plenty of bigger trainers and employees at my gym, I've never even thought about it until now. Don't let your insecurities get in the way of rocking your life!

    I think I care far too much about what others think, need to stop doing that!
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    I am 14 months out from having my 3rd baby and am still carrying around a good 20 extra pounds- having said that- I teach fitness classes (zumba, pump, pound) and I think people often find it comforting that I am not a "barbie doll" instructor and someone they can relate too- I tell them to come get fit WITH me! You got this, girl!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I am 14 months out from having my 3rd baby and am still carrying around a good 20 extra pounds- having said that- I teach fitness classes (zumba, pump, pound) and I think people often find it comforting that I am not a "barbie doll" instructor and someone they can relate too- I tell them to come get fit WITH me! You got this, girl!

    Agreed! I was still about 20 lbs overweight when I started teaching Zumba and some musclefusion classes. I had people come up to me and respectfully tell me that the fact I wasn't super hard made it more comfortable for them. I am still not super hard and I am ok with it.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    I wish I had an interview.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    Are you interested in USING the gym as well? Consider the job as a "two birds with one stone" type scenario. Not only are you employed, but you have gained the opportunity to learn from those that attend that gym while you work, you've gained a free membership, and the motivation it takes to get you to the gym in the first place is not needed as you are already there.... best of luck with the interview!
  • MikeinNOLA
    MikeinNOLA Posts: 91 Member
    Go! Remember everybody is somewhere different in their journey.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    Go for it. Be sure to mention at the interview that you have lost 50 lbs and what your fitness goals are.

    There is a life guard at my gym who is obese, and I bought a gym membership once from someone who was obese. Both did their jobs well.
  • Jibby1017
    Jibby1017 Posts: 8 Member
    Honey, we are ALL workin' on somethin'! Please know that many of us who are "in shape" today, may not have always looked like that and everyone's "shape" is different. You might want to use the gym for information, too - like what seems to work - and not work for different individuals. GO FOR IT. Take the job.
  • lawled22
    lawled22 Posts: 6 Member
    I work at a gym and am involved in the hiring of staff. We would never not hire someone because of their body type! What matters more is their customer service skills.
    However, I am just curious as to why you joined a different gym and not this one beside your house? I know we would prefer to hire someone who goes to our gym as they'd already have a handle on our specific equipment and care about our community. So being a member of this gym rather than a different one would maybe help.
  • JustAnotherOneOfThoseGirls
    JustAnotherOneOfThoseGirls Posts: 165 Member
    edited October 2017
    I can offer a different perspective as someone who was a gym receptionist for a year and still does it from time to time - people who work in a gym come in all shapes and sizes, we're human too. There is no judgement because a gym is for everyone and all sorts of goals, and a professional that does judge deserves to be disciplined harshly because they are not fit to work with the public. It's one of the nicest environments I've ever worked in, and I absolutely loved it. Plus, as others have said, a free gym membership is an amazing thing to have, plus if you get friendly with other staff, you tend to get all sorts of help from the personal trainers, coaches, nutritionists etc., which is really useful and would normally cost a fortune