Pole Dancing??

peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
edited 6:11AM in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm wondering if anyone has tried some sort of at-home pole dancing lessons?

I've heard pole dancing is a pretty good work out.

Also, would an at-home thing require you to drill the pole to the ceiling or something? Because I'm not sure I could do that in my apartment...


  • mickimause
    mickimause Posts: 31
    ooohhh! good question! Although DH did say he'd put a pole right in the middle of the freaking living room if I wanted to do that!
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    farfalledibaciodinotte Posts: 181 Member
    you could try flirty girl fitness... it comes with a pole you don't have to drill in
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Gosh Logan. *Blush* :blushing: . Lol, :wink:
  • Go ahead and get one to drill in. The base on the ceiling is usually what you drill in and that can always be covered and filled...just make sure you drill it into a post and not dry wall! LOL!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yea, don't get the suction cup kind...apparently they remove paint and such!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    ooohhh! good question! Although DH did say he'd put a pole right in the middle of the freaking living room if I wanted to do that!

    I'm sure my DH would say the exact same thing!!! funny, huh?

    you could try flirty girl fitness... it comes with a pole you don't have to drill in

    thanks, i'll check it out!

    Gosh Logan. *Blush*

    hahaha! love you!!! :tongue:
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    You had me at pole dancing.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    You had me at pole dancing.

    Hahaha :laugh:
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    No comments on the pole, but I'm starting a level 1 class at a studio the first week of August. A friend and I will be going twice weekly, so excited to get started! Hubby is currently deployed to Central America and his response when I told him was, "that. is. awesome!". lol He can't wait to see the results.
  • SKilmartin
    SKilmartin Posts: 15 Member
    I say do it! I used to be a pole fitness instructor (and hope to again someday). I was in the best shape of my life. Using the pole for fitness (and dance) is amazing and it WILL get you results. My arms and core were definitely toned and strong.
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    Some portable poles are dangerous and best avoided but I've had my X-pole for years - put it up and take it down regularly on my own and it's moved with me twice, without causing any damage to the buildings (except some squashed carpet). It fell down once, when I wasn't there, and a bunch of grown men hurled themselves at it - I've never had any problems though!

    I've never gone to classes - I use various websites, DVDs & online lessons to learn from. I wouldn't say that's the ideal way to do it (there are a few things I found out the hard way) but it works well enough, if you're short of cash, confidence or nearby studios. It's a fantastic workout and a lot of fun :)
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    This is a thread that should never, ever die.
  • I would suggest taking a couple of classes first to make sure you like it. The safest pole on the market is the X-pole and they're about £160 for a chrome Sport (non spinning) so it's a lot of money and I know people who have bought them, decided it's too hard and now the poles sit in the cupboard! Other poles are really not as safe - you've probably seen videos of girls failing with their pole falling down or snapping, Peekaboo dance poles etc - ALL of them (even the 'professional' ones) are all terrible and unsafe (regardless of what they try to say) for anything other than posing against...which won't get you much of a workout.
  • I've been pole dancing nearly 7 years and its excellent exercise. I would echo that the X pole is the best home usage pole but if you are new i really recommend you try a class, many offer taster courses.

    For some reason i cannot find pole dancing in teh exercise tracker :-(. My friend who runs a school swears that in an hour to and hour and half you can burn over 500 calories.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Looked into this last year and did a quick "taster session" but then was struck down by sciatica so could barely walk let alone fling myself round a pole - but this has reminded me that I need to see if there is another class starting at the local studio - even better now I've lost some weight!!! :smile:

    At the taster session we went to, one of the girls who was just starting to instruct told us she'd gone from a UK Size 20 down to a Size 8-10 - all through watching her eating a bit but mostly pole dancing. She was incredibly toned and fit and had abs like nobody's business. She showed us some before pics and the change was remarkable.

    If you're in the UK then I do know that Ann Summers stock poles - a Carmen Electra one which retails about at £99 and a X-pole (which I believe also spins) but that's a bit pricier (about £200+ last time I saw it in the catalogue). I don't believe they are drilled into the ceiling.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I was at a friends party that does burlesque and she had a gal over teaching pole dancing.. That is TOUGH!!!!! It has to be an insane work out on your core and upper body strength. Yea if you were gonna do it everyday on it I would find something that would screw into the ceiling and just cove the holes up later... if its just for fun or every once in awhile I think the portable ones would work fine.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    First class was tonight! SOOO much fun... even climbed the pole on the first try. Woohoo!! Going twice a week (Tues and Thurs)... although I think I'm gonna have some bruises lol.
  • lilcuteness
    lilcuteness Posts: 11 Member
    RedPaperClip...love your pic, lol. Great minds...
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member

    i am a pole fitness instructor, pole instructor tariner, performer and international pole fitness judge

    it is the best form of exercie

    it is fun, it is resistance and cardio and flexability

    do it - give it a try!

    even if you only try it once - TRY IT!!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Did you end up doing this? If so, how did it go? I'm going to my first class tomorrow morning and would love to know how it turned out.
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