Wanted/Needed - Motivational and Supportive Friends



  • dmay071115
    dmay071115 Posts: 2 Member
    HI everyone. Today is day 4 for me. All is good so far :) I am 44yrs old, full time Sales executive, part time college student, married mom of 4: 10, 15, 18, & 21. Looking for support and motivation and accountability to lose 60lbs.
    We got this!
  • honeysuckletea
    honeysuckletea Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! College student here looking to lose the freshman 15 I gained two years ago and keep it off forever!
  • sudacla
    sudacla Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late to get in on this? I need motivation from everyone and can give it out too- much better at motivating others than myself!! I'm older too but goal is 30 lbs like a few others here.
  • mehurni
    mehurni Posts: 3 Member
    I always need motivation as well! Feel free to add me!
  • Lilygator1017
    Lilygator1017 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone! My goal is to lose 100 pounds and break my addiction to chocolate. (I know, it pains me to even write it.) I'd love to make some friends and be a helpful support.
  • gldntwins
    gldntwins Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, while I have had this MFP app off and on for years, I am finally here to stay. I'm currently in week 2 and I would love to have support and friends to share the trials and tribulations of diet and exercise. I want to lose 15 lbs. to get back to where I was when I felt good and healthy. Please add me. My name is Tee. Support in numbers:)
  • unmeisen
    unmeisen Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I’m looking for some motivational friends to keep me going too so I hope it’s okay that I add you :) I have gained a lot of weight recently (because of stress and lifestyle change) and am just hoping to shed it off little by little. My first goal is about 20 lbs too, then ultimately probably about 40 - 50.... I also have to break my addiction to sweets as comfort food too!

    Hope we can get healthy together :)
  • andrew4150
    andrew4150 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey all! I've been on for 2 months now, managed to lose about 15lbs. Active daily and more than willing to give mutual support. Feel free anyone to add me!
  • ThatsmyGrandma
    ThatsmyGrandma Posts: 4 Member
    Looks like the same thing I am looking for. Count me in. Motivation can be a give take.
  • egyiii
    egyiii Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost 25lbs since early August with another 25 to. Anyone looking for motivation, a cheerleader, advice, etc. add me and let's kick fat's butt together!!
  • mmull3062
    mmull3062 Posts: 14 Member
    Im 35 yrs old and looking to loose about 30-40lbs. I started almost 3 weeks ago and am down 15lbs. Looking for all the help and motivation I can get and I'm there to help anyone that needs a kick in the butt as well.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Msshell93
    Msshell93 Posts: 3 Member
    Looking 4 the same
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    anyone can feel free to add me I've been on mfp for about 5 years and could always use more good supportive friends
  • haniame
    haniame Posts: 97 Member
    Add me! I need motivation too :)
  • cmvanzalinge
    cmvanzalinge Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2017
    I am 36 year old mother of 3 and just switched tracking programs. Wanting to lose at 20. Looking for friends to keep me motivated. Feel freer to add me
  • ktaveroni86x
    ktaveroni86x Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2017
    Feel free to add me as well! I am a 30 year old Mom of 2. Looking to lose about 35-45lbs. Has been a roller coaster for me over the last several years. I lost about 60lbs after my first child, maintained it well and then got pregnant with my 2nd. Now looking to lose what I have put back on and feel good again. Looking to complete an overall change mentally and physically. Always looking for motivational friends!
  • AlieThatGirl
    AlieThatGirl Posts: 5 Member
    Same here! Let's be buds. Anyone else who is in the same boat, let's do this together! I have a birthday coming up in three weeks, and a trip to Haiti in six weeks, so I'll need all the motivation I can get! I'm happy to return the favor, too. :)
  • magster4isu
    magster4isu Posts: 632 Member
    Hi! I'm 36 from Iowa. I've been on for just over a year. I'm down 90 lbs with another 35 to go. I am always looking to add fit friends. Feel free to add me.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I have about 30lbs still to lose, have lost 70 thus far. Log in daily, feel free to add me.