Am I the only one?



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I do not care what size I wear as long as I am in at a healthy weight for my height!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Well....I am already down to a size 8 and I am assuming that by the time I reach my goal, I will probably be a size 4. However, I don't have a size goal in mind. Your dress size has nothing to do with looking too thin. There a different variables associated with dress size. I am not that tall, so for me to be at the fittest level possible, I will be a smaller dress size than someone taller than me.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    My personal goal is a size 12. I am already down 4 sizes from where I getting there.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'8/5'9 and I wear between a 6-8.. and I have a big butt/hips. The issue for me, what fits my waist doesn't fit my butt/hips and what fits my butt/hips doesn't fit my waist.

    When I gained all my weight during college and was forced to go up to a 10, I felt huge because I had never been bigger then a 6/8 in my life! So for me, I want to be a 6/8...and hope to never be a 10 again.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm 5'0 with hips and I am aiming for a 8-10 at the least if not smaller. I am currently a size 16/18 and I feel HUGE but that is just me. I haven't been size 8-10 since I was like 11 so I am not sure how I will feel. Maybe when I get there I will feel differently and will like staying that size :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm 5'0 with hips and I am aiming for a 8-10 at the least if not smaller. I am currently a size 16/18 and I feel HUGE but that is just me. I haven't been size 8-10 since I was like 11 so I am not sure how I will feel. Maybe when I get there I will feel differently and will like staying that size :)
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member
    Thats exactly the same with me, im a size 8 but have trouble toning even though I exercise regular
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm with you! God did not create me to be rail thin. I know, I've tried to be that and heard a lot of negative comments (uttered behind my back), about looking too thin. When I look back at pictures of myself when I weighed around 135-140, I DID look too thin, my face looked bad and I was pencil-necked. I've been at a bit of a loss in setting my goals though, because according to the BMI scale, at 5' 4" the most I should weigh is 145.7. Do I "listen" to what the BMI scale says I should weigh or listen to my body???

    The BMI is not alwasy accurate, especially for anyone with some muscle mass. Maybe talk to your doctor or trainer about what a healthy weight would be for you. A more accurate measurment might be hip to waist ratio or hip to heigh ratio or body fat percent.

    As for the OP, I'm thinking 10-12 for my own personal goals. Some more petite and/or short women would be able to be very healthy but smaller sized. For instance, one of my best friends is just 2 or 3 inches shorter than me, is very healthy but has a more slight build so for her, a healthy size is 4-6.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I'm aiming for a shape, not size-24% BF and we'll see what I am when I get there. I'm an 8 now, but I'm 5'2" so I'll probably end up in a 6 or 4. I just remember that a 4 now is probably equivalent to a 6 or 8 when I was growing up.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    I wont even give you my thoughts on most of this in relation to my body size. I have no goal realted to clothing size! My ultimate goal is to be healthy, toned and be HAPPY with my body. Everyone has a different meaning to what will make them happy in their skin. I think it is great to celebrate the body that you have and if you have curves go with it! Ladies without curves will never get them and vice versa.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    perhaps a lot of people aiming for that size are small framed. I am a size 3 and even at my heaviest (granted it was just at the end of my bmi range) I was just creeping into an eight. I am glad not everyone is aiming to be a 2,4 etc because we all need to love our natural frame and size.

    ^ this ^
    I was actually an 8/10 when I started at MFP. That size didn't go well with my frame. When I was heavier I carried most of my weight in my thighs but my skinny little calves and very narrow ankles gave my legs a drumstick appearance that just wasn't flattering. Now that my legs are slender they look more proportionate. I was actually aiming for a size 6 and ended up a 2! Your "best" size is totally going to depend on your height and build. I wish I had more solid meaty calves... Ive always thought that was attractive... but alas I'm not genetically programed for that.
  • I'm aiming for size 10/12. I want to be healthy mainly! Toned and healthy. I think that is the most important thing in weight loss.
  • Nope, think its better to aim for being a healthier you. I will be thrilled if can get to a 12 from my current size 15... but I am top heavy so i will not be less than a L/XL in tops for any reason due to my chest, so I will be happy being healthier overall versus a set size. At 5'10, a size 4 is unrealistic for me!!!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I see a lot of people aiming for such things as (US) size 2, size 4, size 6, but I don't really have any desire to be THAT thin. I want to be healthy and toned but ending up at a size 10 or 12 would be just perfect by me, at least on the bottom. Am I weird in that regard? I just like having hips and a butt, lol. Anyone else out there aiming for a larger size?

    Definately aiming for a bigger size than a US 6...i'm aiming for a UK 14, maybe a 12 depending how i feel but i'm quite big boned. I don't think you're weird at all...i wouldn't like to be dead skinny! As long as you're happy then that's all that matters!
  • Maybe these folks are delusional?

    I don't care what my weight is I just want to fit into a size 12 UK again.
  • kls79
    kls79 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm about 5'5 and 181 pounds, I wear a 12/14 depend on the cut and style.... I would like to be 8/10 and about 140.....according to charts and what not that is still overweight for my height. I don't want to be any smaller than you are not alone.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Currently I'm a 10/12 but will be happy at a solid fitting ten/eight, probably closer to ten. I want to be about 175-180. I'm nearly 5'10". :)
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I am not going for size - I am going for weight. I want to be a healthy weight, which has brought me down to a current size 2. In the sizes defense --- I am 42 and grew up in the 80's. I found a box of clothes in our storage - which are from the late 80s, early 90's (I keep telling myself they WILL come back in style - and they have!) - a size 8 from way back then is too small on me, but I fit in a 2 - so sizes have drastically changed in the last 20 years!
  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    It's been so long since I have been a healthy size that I don't have an actual goal. For now, I aim for 10 pound losses and will go from there. I don't feel the need to be a certain size. I want to feel strong and confident in my body at whatever size that may be :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    perhaps a lot of people aiming for that size are small framed. I am a size 3 and even at my heaviest (granted it was just at the end of my bmi range) I was just creeping into an eight. I am glad not everyone is aiming to be a 2,4 etc because we all need to love our natural frame and size.

    ^ this ^
    I was actually an 8/10 when I started at MFP. That size didn't go well with my frame. When I was heavier I carried most of my weight in my thighs but my skinny little calves and very narrow ankles gave my legs a drumstick appearance that just wasn't flattering. Now that my legs are slender they look more proportionate. I was actually aiming for a size 6 and ended up a 2! Your "best" size is totally going to depend on your height and build. I wish I had more solid meaty calves... Ive always thought that was attractive... but alas I'm not genetically programed for that.

    ^^^^ Love this!