Dealing with compliments

I’m sure people are starting to notice or have noticed your weight loss, when they have complimented you on it how do u respond. I’m a typically shy modest person and it seems like the more I lose the more people notice. I usually just say thank you but I’m uncomfortable saying how much I’ve lost and then I typically feel like their comparing my success with themselves idk I’m just curious on if others have the perfect speech for when friends coworkers and family compliment you on your weight loss


  • 4gig
    4gig Posts: 22 Member
    I'm the same as you in that I say thanks and leave it at that unless they ask specifics then I'll tell them more.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    I don't see how much I've lost as personal, so anyone asking may also be oblivious to rhe possibility rhat you do. if you ,just say that's personal anyone just curious should back off a bit cause if they push after that they're demonstrating bad manners instead of ignorance
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I agree with just saying "thanks , I've been working at it". Especially since the first few people who asked me were concerned if I was sick or losing on purpose. (I was definately obese so not sure why their first thought was illness vs purposeful effort but either way I appreciate the concern. )

    As for how much, I like to keep things vague. Like "oh I've gone down a few sizes but still working towards my goals". Gives them a sense of my success without any details I might be embarrassed to share.
  • cougargirl1025
    cougargirl1025 Posts: 80 Member
    I have lost almost 70 and though I am uncomfortable with specifics, my weight loss is so noticeable that I hear complements at work a lot.

    To whatever their complement or awkward statement is, I usually reply “Thanks—I’ve been working on it.”

    The person usually then asks how much I’ve lost. I always reply “Not telling, but I really appreciate your encouragement.”

    Why in the WORLD do people (not friends but just general co-workers) think asking how much you’ve lost is an appropriate question? Argh.

    Just teasing here, but it's kinda funny how you start a post about not telling people how much you have lost with telling us how much you have lost! LOL! Joking aside, great job on the 70lbs!!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    jelleigh wrote: »
    I agree with just saying "thanks , I've been working at it". Especially since the first few people who asked me were concerned if I was sick or losing on purpose. (I was definately obese so not sure why their first thought was illness vs purposeful effort but either way I appreciate the concern. )

    As for how much, I like to keep things vague. Like "oh I've gone down a few sizes but still working towards my goals". Gives them a sense of my success without any details I might be embarrassed to share.

    ‘Thanks so much, I’ve been working on it and have more to go but you are so nice to notice and say something, that makes me feel so good.’ Ending in that manner seems to shut down the how much, how long, how much more questions because I switch the topic to their being thoughtful and maybe that inhibits the snoopy follow ups?
  • sjsmith81
    sjsmith81 Posts: 1 Member
    Compliments are nice, it’s surprising how many people comment on your weight loss. I work in retail and most of the customers have, in one way or another made some remark. Not always a compliment....oh don’t you’ve think you’ve taken it too far now, when are you going to put weight back on!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited October 2017
    delisha527 wrote: »
    I’m sure people are starting to notice or have noticed your weight loss, when they have complimented you on it how do u respond. I’m a typically shy modest person and it seems like the more I lose the more people notice. I usually just say thank you but I’m uncomfortable saying how much I’ve lost and then I typically feel like their comparing my success with themselves idk I’m just curious on if others have the perfect speech for when friends coworkers and family compliment you on your weight loss

    Just say "Thank you". If they press for specifics, answer however you are comfortable. I usually keep it slightly vague with answers like "somewhere around *insert number here*" and "3 dress sizes so far". If they want specific numbers on the actual weight amount, I say I am not really comfortable talking about that. If they ask for info on how I did it, I tell them the truth: I am eating less, moving more, and tracking it on MFP with a little help from my Vivofit.
  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    @sjsmith81, it never ceases to amaze me that people think that it's appropriate to say things like that. You would never, ever hear anyone say, "don't you think you've gotten fat enough?" At least I wouldn't expect to.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    The workers at the rehab clinic I've been going to for supervised exercise classes just complimented me this morning on how much weight it looks like I lost. Being shy myself, I just smiled, nodded and pressed on.
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    I am definitely gonna try this defer tactic. People love compliments its time to share the wealth
    And while I love people complimenting me on something I’m working very hard on I just feel like I’m being watched what I eat what if I gain will they notice? It’s all just making me paranoid
    But it could be worse this is good attention!
  • I wouldn't over think it. I'd respond as I would to any other sincere compliment with a "Thank you!". Nothing else needs to be said.