Am I the only one?



  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    BAHAHAHA Size 2 and 4 even 6....No thank you!! lol Although lots of woman pull it off and look great even at that size...i dont think too skinny is very attractive! I am finally down to a size 8 and i am not looking to go any lower!!! You are def not the only one there looking to keep some curves!!!:)
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Not only should you do what is comfortable and healthy based on your body and needs. I for one have been at the larger end of the spectrum (24/26) lost 150lbs and was fitting into a 14/16. Now I'm interested (and able to handle due to my bodyframe) being able to get into single digits. I just want to be able to shop at stores that I've never been able to! I bought shorts the other day and couldn't believe my eyes when a 10 was too big!!! Go 6 or 8!!!!
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I would love to be a 10 or 12. I wouldn't know what a size 2 , 4 or 6 was. It not a matter of wanting the curves. I have the curves. I just don't need so much on the curves.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    In an ideal world I would love to be a UK 10, but realistically I can't see that happening. I would be happy with a comfy UK14, although I'd prefer a 12. I've never been smaller than a 14 though.
  • unhappy86
    im a size 18 now but size 12 would be ideal. Im 5'9 for god sake size 2 would be impossible!!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    My goal is a size 10 but even a 12 would be cool with me! Last time I was in a 12 I looked pretty good. Then again, I'm 5'9" and I carry my weight pretty well.

    My cousin has a 6 month old baby and is down to a size 0. She was about a size 4 BEFORE getting pregnant, how many women do you know that have trouble gaining after having a baby?? She is my best friend and I've tried telling her she is too thin, she knows she is but she is struggling to keep weight on. She's seeing a doctor to see if there is a thyroid issue or something else.

    Good call on checking the thyroid. I was going to suggest that before I read the last line. After my first child, I weighed 15 pounds less than I did pre-pregnancy ( and I was small to begin with). Size 0 pants would fall of my hips and my cheekbones were sunken in, but I couldn't gain weight to save my life. Unfortunately, I was in the military at the time (and therefore limited in my healthcare options) and no one at medical seemed concerned about. After my second child, I dropped weight again, but then packed it back on and then some and ended up with a severe case of depression. It was only then that they bothered to test, and it turns out I had post-partum thyroiditis. Had they caught it the first time, it would have saved me a lot of heartache the second time around. Good luck to your cousin, and encourage her to get a second opinion if the first doesn't turn up anything.
  • devilblkdress
    At my highest weight (around 300lbs) I always said my size goal was to a 14. Last year I made it down to a 6 after years dedication to diet, exercise and determination. A size I had never ever worn in my entire life (okay may I wore it when I was in elementary school). I was a size 6 for a mere couple or months. I am now back up into an 8 sometimes a 10. I am okay with the size and actually think that this looks more appropriate on my frame. However I am obsessed with having a healthy BMI range. Even after all of my weight loss (I weigh almost half of what I weighed 7 years ago) I am still considered "over-weight". So much hard work to never get there! So I go back and forth.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I'm short, 5'1" and have a small frame. My pants vary in size, I can fit in 5s as well as 7s. TBH, I'm not sure which size is the real one. I don't care about clothes size, because no one would know except me. All I'm aiming for is a toned body and slimmer thighs. I'm pear shaped so all my weight goes to my hips, *kitten* and thighs.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Honestly, I don't have a pant size goal... I have a healthy BMI range goal of 150-155 lbs. I just want to be healthy. I am still overweight and a size 14 now, but if I am HEALTHY in a 8,10, 12 then that is what I am aiming for. I am not focusing on my size as much as being healthy,
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I'm aiming for a solid 8 (but I'd love a 6!) I want to be in the single digits. Almost there! I'm a 10 now (down from 14)!

    However, I understand I have a short, kind of stout but definitely strong body. Waif thin is something I'll never be. I'm FINALLY okay with that!
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    I definitely think it depends on your body shape and frame. But you're definitely not alone in loving your curves. I'm 5'7" and right now I can fit into US 6's and 8's but really want to tone up the belly and love handles. If I get down to just 6's or fall into some 4's awesome....if not no big deal. I have curves and want them to be more defined....but while I have hips I have a pretty small butt and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I'd fit and do fit into smaller sizes haha
  • mandahq
    mandahq Posts: 88 Member
    I dont go by sizes. I go by what feels good to me. I dont like the size I am now but I dont have a size in mind. Besides a new bra size. I dont want to be thin. I want to be THICK. I think curves are meat on the bone is sexier then "oooo theres your ribs!" I have heavy and big bones ill never be a size 2,4,6 so I just dont think of them
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My goal weight puts me at a size 8 and that's pretty thin for me. I have a large-ish frame and will never be a 4.
  • Tess12513
    You're not the only one! I think curves are great! As long as you are aiming to be healthy, that's all that matters!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I want to share this picture - and THIS is why I don't go by sizes - The shorts in the back are a size 8 old navy bought last year - the top tan pants are a size 8 - probably bought (don't judge me!) in 1990 same size - different decade - sizes have changed so much. I just want to be a healthy weight and feel good about myself. Size does not matter

  • Elysian13
    I love my curves and would look really odd being a 2-6. I would be happy in a 10 :) But then again I have no goal for clothing size. I just wanna be happy and be healthy.

    Like the above said, it depends on the maker and where you get your jeans. It really does vary! :)
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    sorry double posted
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    Whatever size I feel healthy and happy at. Whatever size I sleep better, eat better, exercise for fun and enjoy my life. Going by my past, that will likely be size 10-12. But honestly, if it's size 14 or 8 - that will be okay. My goal right now is to get healthy, something I haven't been for quite some time. And I am finally starting to care enough about myself to do just that.
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I base my goal on weight but keep track of inches and I'm more concerned with getting to a healthy, toned weight than reach a particular size. Last time I was at my goal weight (140 lbs, healthy for my frame/height), I had just lost 30 lbs because I had mono. I was thin because I was seriously lacking muscle, and an untoned body will be bigger than a toned one at the same weight, since muscle weighs more than fat and therefore muscle takes up less bulk pound for pound than fat. All this means is that I have no idea what size I will be at my goal weight, provided I'm toned when I reach the goal weight. I was a size 10 at the time (5'8"), so I don't think I will be under a size 8, but I'm ok with whatever size I turn out; I thought I already looked good at a size 10:smokin:
  • I aim for a healthy 10/12, I naturally have broad shoulders so I would look rediculous if I shrank any smaller. I do not want to look like a child, I just want to look healthy.