How do you track your calories burned for strength training?

I have been adding both my cardio and strength training to my exercise log but cannot find where to include the calories burned for strength training...does anyone know?


  • shaverkl191
    I've been wondering the same thing...
  • rebeccabickle
    I find some of the strengh training under cardio. Like weight lifting, ect. =)
  • njoithomp
    I log in my strength training as a circuit workout in the cardio section and put the time it took me to do the workout which triggers the calories to count. Then on the same day I log the exercises specifically in the strength training below.
  • alisa1973
    alisa1973 Posts: 37 Member
    You have to post the strength training minutes under the cardio portion of exercise to include the calories burned.
  • all76
    all76 Posts: 16
    I found it listed under the cardio category, just scroll down to strenghth training
  • Peekadoo
    Peekadoo Posts: 29 Member
    I wear my heart rate monitor no matter what exercises I am doing. That way I always know exactly what I burn doing any exercises.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Add your own exercise under Cardio Training and enter the calories burned. I think the area under Strength Training is for anyone keeping track of reps and weight used.
  • fitb4forty
    Thank you all for your responses! I will begin adding them now:-)