Making the coffee to tea switch. Suggestions?

southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
edited October 2017 in Food and Nutrition
I am a hazelnut creamer with a splash of coffee person :/ ... it's time to make a change. Besides, I think I am developing a lactose intolerance as I get older all the more reason to switch over. I love my sweet morning coffee (it is a delicious hazelnut roast, to which I add pumpkin pie spice and then like I said LOTS of hazelnut creamer) so what can I try that is "similar"? I probably would prefer more of a gourmand flavor but I'm open to raspberry or something fruity. Preferably something I can get at the grocery store! Thanks in advance!


  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    There are so many flavors of tea out there, even ones that are sugar cookie or chocolate or apple cider. Look over your tea aisle at the grocery store. You might like a more savory flavor like cinnamon or vanilla chai. Use soy milk/almond milk and honey/splenda to sweeten.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    Every time I've tried stevia I've been less than impressed :/ Trust me, I love my coffee...but most of the time after I have it I feel....bleehhhh. I've dabbled with DIYing creamers but so far it's just felt like a poor imitation so rather than try and duplicate a creamer I figured I'd just try something completely different. We'll see. I may give that stevia a try. Never heard of hazelnut stevia. Thanks for the idea!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Creme au Roobios. Sweeten with an artificial sweetener.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited October 2017
    You can enjoy both. Learning how to actually enjoy coffee for what it actually tastes like will be your problem... And it's not bad at all if brewed properly.

    Cold brew coffee is low acidity, very smooth on the palate, and can be easily learned to enjoy without milk because of those two facts. You can brew it at home for cheap, or buy a liter from your local supermarket in the refrigerated isle. I suggest learning how to grind your own dark roast beans and utilize a cheap French press.

    Although it's not technically cold brew, if you have a Keurig, start by using a good tasting dark roast coffee pod. Set a mug full of cubed ice under the brewing area and set to the lowest amount of brew 4 or 6 oz. (To account for the melting ice). Use 1 splenda and no milk. Try it. If you like it, you just discovered an easy, healthy, lower acidity, lactose free way to enjoy coffee. If not, you maybe lost 30 cents. Graduate to using no splenda, and you have the health benefits of coffee, with natural caffeine, zero calories, and a completely new respect for coffee as an ingredient.

    As far as tea, I only drink tea that tastes amazing. I never force myself to drink bad tasting teas for the fractionally minimal health benefits. Tea intake is not going to make or break you despite the articles about the Japanese living longer simply because they drink more tea.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I love coffee, and like tea pretty well, but not as much. I would never give up coffee (other than temporarily), but when cutting down on coffee sometimes (caffeine), I may substitute teas that have less caffeine. Sometimes I just want an alternative too, and I sometimes find chilled tea more refreshing than chilled coffee.

    As for advice, I guess it depends on why you are switching and what you would miss about coffee. Your first post talks about what you put in your coffee, and as a person who loves her coffee black, perhaps I'm just not following, but why would that mean you had to switch to tea. Do you think you would be less inclined to put high cal stuff in your tea?
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I love hibiscus tea. It's pretty and smells delicious!

    My coffee is good quality coffee with foamed almond milk, cinnamon, and dark chocolate. Fits in my calories nicely.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Love Yorkshire tea (bags). That would be the British formulation, not the dreadful stuff designed "for American tea-drinkers" -- dunno what they were thinking with that. A little splenda, a little 2% milk, and I'm very happy.
  • Pamshebamm181
    Pamshebamm181 Posts: 92 Member
    I would just gradually cut down on the creamer.
    I'd never give up coffee.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    I love yerba mate. All the caffeine of coffee, plus vitamins and minerals and some feel good chemicals. It doesn't need sugar or milk, so it's a calorie free treat. I drink the mandarin flavoured stuff, and I love the taste. I also love green tea. I couldn't stand watching my calories being spent on coffee just to get caffeine.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I am a hazelnut creamer with a splash of coffee person :/ ... it's time to make a change. Besides, I think I am developing a lactose intolerance as I get older all the more reason to switch over. I love my sweet morning coffee (it is a delicious hazelnut roast, to which I add pumpkin pie spice and then like I said LOTS of hazelnut creamer) so what can I try that is "similar"? I probably would prefer more of a gourmand flavor but I'm open to raspberry or something fruity. Preferably something I can get at the grocery store! Thanks in advance!

    Unless you steep it too long, tea doesn't have the bitter flavor of coffee that people are always covering up with giant loads of sugar and fat. A little splenda with or without a very small amount of cream/creamer goes a long way in tea compared to coffee.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    why would you deprive yourself of coffee entirely? just ease up on the creamer. i do flavored coffee + a little truvia + a splash of almond milk. tastes delish. calories so negligible i don't even count it.
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    There are hazelnut black teas out there that might work.
    I love yerba mate. All the caffeine of coffee, plus vitamins and minerals and some feel good chemicals. It doesn't need sugar or milk, so it's a calorie free treat. I drink the mandarin flavoured stuff, and I love the taste. I also love green tea. I couldn't stand watching my calories being spent on coffee just to get caffeine.

    Also, yerba mate is great as well. My favorite is called Jumpy Monkey from David's tea. It's a yerba mate and coffee blend. Brewing a cup right now as we speak.

    I've actually got a tea problem (according to some) and usually have anywhere from 3-8 different cups day.
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    Lipton makes a variety of teas, not sure if you have Tetley tea where you are but they have a vast selection of tea. You can also check out David's tea, so many varieties of tea from green, to rooibos. Herbal teas are delicious but they contain little to no caffeine. I started drinking tea with sugar and slowly weaned myself off. Baby steps! Good luck! :) *Sips apple cinnamon tea - black*
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Lipton makes a variety of teas, not sure if you have Tetley tea where you are but they have a vast selection of tea. You can also check out David's tea, so many varieties of tea from green, to rooibos. Herbal teas are delicious but they contain little to no caffeine. I started drinking tea with sugar and slowly weaned myself off. Baby steps! Good luck! :) *Sips apple cinnamon tea - black*

    Had some Apple Cinnamon Black tea just last Friday. It is perfect for the cooler weather starting here.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    edited October 2017
    I have English breakfast tea (ie: black tea) every day (with milk & sweetener) but strongly dislike every other kind of hot tea I've tried. To me, that's standard tea. And then if you wanna mess around with that other hippie stuff later, you can ;).

    As for coffee - don't drop it, just figure out how to make it so it's not a sugar bomb. Tons of polyphenols in coffee; it's good for you. Just avoid over-caffeinating yourself, because that's another trap that's easy to fall into (ie: over ~400mg/day).
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    What great suggestions, can't wait to try them!
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback! Lots to look into! ❤️ I recently bought some almond milk creamer for my coffee. It's pumpkin spice and I'm not really a fan but I'm going to check into maybe almond milk + that hazelnut sweetener another user mentioned. Figured I'd try and improve upon the coffee while I try and figure out what tea I want to try and where to buy (wasn't impressed with the selection at my local grocer so to Amazon I go)...
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    Do you enjoy mocha (coffee with chocolate)? If so a tea called Bolder Breakfast might be a good in-between. It's a smooth tea with hits of chocolate in it, making it taste similar to a mocha coffee.