Opinions on cheat days

Hi all,

I have been on this journey of weight loss for some time, fallen off the wagon and got back on too many times to count. I've now decided to make this a lifestyle and not a diet. I have about 20kg to lose, and I want to do it in a healthy way.

My question is do you have cheat days? Mine are one Fridays but then it turns into cheat weekends and then come Monday the scale is back to where it started. Is it healthy to have cheat days or should I just abandon the whole idea and restrict myself forever.

Any advice?


  • RocheBeukes
    RocheBeukes Posts: 12 Member
    I'm never really hungry when I'm watching what I eat, I make sure I get to my 1600 target with healthy fats proteins and carbs. But the treats are the ones that get me, overindulgence is my issue I guess
  • RocheBeukes
    RocheBeukes Posts: 12 Member
    Thanx guys, very helpful advice....
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I'm never really hungry when I'm watching what I eat, I make sure I get to my 1600 target with healthy fats proteins and carbs. But the treats are the ones that get me, overindulgence is my issue I guess

    Is this because you're viewing these things as stuff you shouldn't have whilst losing weight?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm never really hungry when I'm watching what I eat, I make sure I get to my 1600 target with healthy fats proteins and carbs. But the treats are the ones that get me, overindulgence is my issue I guess

    my calorie goal is net 1600, i usually fit a chocolate bar or something in on a friday as a treat...

    i also aim to come in 100-200 cals under goal Monday to Thursday and 'save' the calories for the weekend. my weekly goal matters more than my daily goal.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2017
    Cheat Day? No. I in no way need to feel negative emotions towards food in the form of feeling guilty and shamed for doing it later on.

    Stay on point with your diet during the week and perhaps bank a few calories to fit in a nice 'indulgent' meal on the weekends, but make this meal fit in your calorie window. Its okay to enjoy meals with family, friends, social events etc and stay within your calories so that you do not derail progress. Over time you will learn how to create balance.

    I will add, if you are restricting too much during the week, you are doing it wrong. Plenty of ways to work with food, balance your nutrition and provide your body with enough fuel so that that you are not feeling so deprived.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    Weekends are tough, food wise, for me - we eat out a lot, and one trip to the movies can destroy my calories for the day (I can't resist the popcorn and soda!) - so I try to be more mindful the rest of the week. I don't consider it cheating - just the reality of being a busy family! I cut out fast food during the week, too, which helped a lot to balance my overall calories for the week. Swapping my chicken nuggets and fries or burger and fries for a salad or homemade sandwich 5 days a week for lunch means I can eat that popcorn without too much impact on my overall calories.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    1600 calories is plenty of calories to fit whatever you want every now and then, especially if you're usually not hungry and more so if you're active. A designated binge day beats the purpose of learning how to handle your calories within your preferences.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    FOR SURE!, pour me some wine!
  • bronaghCPM
    bronaghCPM Posts: 26 Member
    I have mixed feelings about cheat days, I'm kind of all or nothing when it comes to weight loss so falling off the wagon can set me back weeks. But if you're like me and have a lot to lose I do think it's unrealistic to aim to always be in a calorie deficit, especially as time progresses and you have birthdays, christmas etc to deal with.

    If you are planning on having cheat days, there's a few things you can try to ensure cheat days don't ruin your week:
    1. set a decisive limit, even if I know I'm going to overindulge I'm still not going over 2000cal (or whatever you decide)
    2. still track absolutely everything you eat in your food diary, so you're not kidding yourself
    3. have a plan for the next day, whether it's having your meals prepared or a good fitness class booked, something that's going to make sure you get immediately back on track.

    I don't think it's a good idea to have a scheduled cheat day every week, it kind of fosters an unhealthy attitude to food I think? I find it better personally to have the treat within my allotted calories, this usually means being a bit hungrier that day (a glass of wine won't fill you the way an avocado will!), but I'm more determined to eat filling foods the next day.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    If your Friday rolls over into other days, then putting that one day aside may not be for you. Many opt to just fit whatever it is that they want into their daily calories, having smaller portions, and they seem to swear that this works for them.

    Good luck, hope you find your rhythm! :)
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Having a cheat day means you have to restrict eating or workout more on other days to make up for it. If you don't then you will gain weight.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Well I may seem like Captain Obvious, but if cheat days aren't working for you, then you should probably stop doing them. Like the others said, instead of having designated "cheat days" maybe just work some of your special treats into your daily macros. For me, going off plan and introducing foods that are not in my plan cause an increase in cravings for those foods. Something with my hormones, and insulin spikes and all that physiological stuff that just create havoc for me. So really listen to your body and document how the "cheat days" affect you overall.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    It makes more sense to do 3-4 "cheat" meals spread out throughout the week than to eat them all in one day.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    I am having a cheat meal today the calories from that meal is 1,200! that still leaves me with 600 calories. But it is super salty and full of carbs (fires, mac and cheese, and baked beans) My favorite meal from the BBQ place next door, first time eating it in 50+ days. Hoping to spread the meal out into two meals so that way I can add my salad with each meal. I look at cheat meals that still need to fit in my calories for the day. I usually have a cheat meal every week, usually on the weekends. I know to avoid the scale for 3 days afterwards because my water retention is going to go up. Since starting to eat healthier foods I have found certain cheat meals react horribly with me know. I don't eat pizza anymore because it makes me sick. I am hoping today's meal sit okay with me.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    I can generally squeeze in something I really want on any given day without having to go over my calories, so I do not really have cheat days per se. When this happens my other meals that day are just lighter than normal. I have only gone "off the reservation" completely with no logging and no tracking a couple of times when I was on vacation. These situations do not really bother me since a few days of reckless abandon over the course of a 365 day year is fairly insignificant.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I either work it into my calories if I REALLY want it, or I will chalk up a meal or day to a "special occasion." Special occasions are extremely infrequent and are things like my birthday or a true holiday or something. Other times (like other people's birthdays or dinners where we are eating at someone's house who has cooked), I will eat at maintenance.

    I don't think of it as "cheating," I think of it as balance. Life is gonna happen and we have to deal with those occasions. For me it's a lot of the mental preparation and strategy for how I am going to not eat 5 cupcakes at a Boy Scout ceremony vs. enjoying an excellent meal with everything I enjoy eating in the quantity I want with my family to celebrate something like my son's confirmation. When that big eat happens, the next day, it's back to normal. I don't try to overcompensate for it--it was just a day or just a meal...and then I move on.