Anyone else trying to lose weight without a Thyroid and on Synthroid that's not working?

I'm trying to lose 110 lbs and I don't have a Thyroid. It was surgically removed! I've gained 100 lbs since they took it out! My body at the cellular level will not convert the T4 (Synthroid) into the usable T3 so therefore I have very little metabolism!


  • JadeQuetzal
    JadeQuetzal Posts: 95 Member
    What are your levels at? Have you discussed cytomel with your doctor? Everyone is different, but some people do better on NDT (some do worse). But there are options. I couldn't lose weight until I got hormones at an acceptable level. They're not exactly optimal, but I'm almost at my goal now so it's fine by me.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    if your body isn't converting T4 to T3, then you may need a T3 supplement (cytomel) - but there could be something else wrong
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    Have you discussed this with your doctor? I lost my thyroid to cancer almost two years ago. I turned out to be a poor converter so I also take cytomel (T3) three times per day. It makes a huge difference. But you need to talk to your doctor about your issues.
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I had my thyroid removed last year due to cancer. I've talked to my dr about the T3 and they won't give anything but levothyroxine. Any suggestions? This is my 2nd endocrinologist. Is there a natural t3?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    In general endos don't like to give T3 - it's much harder to get the dosage right and you often have to take multiple times during the day

    Does your blood (full panel) indicate that your T4 to T3 conversion might not be right?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    My greatest hope is, you do not live in the UK. Where as all thyroid support organisations know the benefits of t3 supplementation particularly for those with a genetic inability to convert t4 to t3 the NHS advised by NICE (who tell them the best places to spend the NHS funding,) NICE say they do not have any reason/evidence to offer t3, so they don't. The NHS is not even permitted to test t3 levels for any reason. Mad when it frequently impacts on mental health, circulatory issues, respiratory problems. fertility and associated cyclical issues, digestive issues, liver and other organ functions as well as in those with diabetes, it can also be a combatant in many cancers too. All in all, you can see why NICE thinks it so trivial, NOT.

    The best hopes I can offer are the lists of doctors available through, "Stop the thyoid Madness", site, Mary Shalmons, (she is a reputable site I may have spelt her name wrongly a search would say "do you mean"), there is also Thyroid UK, I think has a list. Other support sites may also offer lists. Most of the doctors listed tend to have a functional approach to the endocrine system and all, they want to and have access to concepts which enable the body to function as it should.

    I'm living too far from any of the UK recommended doctors. Also as a direct consequence of being hypo I had extreme difficulties being in company with others, the perfumes, cleaning products and other chemicals made me ill. I turned to a fortunately local BANT registered nutritionist who uses US blood tests and products as well as UK produced ones which helped me. I'm getting my life back, having lost more than half to thyroid related issues, my doctors simply would not listen, sorry I'm bitter. There are options other than the, also not permitted here NDT. Because I'm not permitted to advertise, I could share, off post, the name of a US company who would probably have a list of those in the US able to prescribe.

    For those who have had their thyroid surgically removed synthetic t3 is their best option as reintroducing natural thyroid tissues/hormones would probably cause other problems.

    If you have to have a health problem. Please don't let it be connected to the thyroid.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    My body was also not converting the synthroid. Now I take armour thyroid, have for years, have lost 6lbs in 6 weeks
  • halliemac17
    halliemac17 Posts: 9 Member
    I had my thyroid removed 4 years ago, if your medicine is not working, tell your doctor! For one, your body will begin to shut down, my did! Also, if your medicine is not correct, you will gain weight and it will be almost impossible to lose it. I'm talking from experience! I cannot stress how important it is to have your medicine correct!
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    I would live more info. What test do they run to check the conversion of t4? As far as I know they don't run any t3 test. They did lower my meds a bit. I know my memory is shot....especially short term and causes so many problems. Cold all the time, and losing weight is a huge fight. Would t3 aid memory?
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    I've finally convinced my dr to let me try T3. She still doesn't think it'll help because my symptoms were there before the cancer...(which I think we'll duh, I was hypo before finding the cancer). I'll pick it up later today. Thank you all for the info!
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    Akkael wrote: »
    I've finally convinced my dr to let me try T3. She still doesn't think it'll help because my symptoms were there before the cancer...(which I think we'll duh, I was hypo before finding the cancer). I'll pick it up later today. Thank you all for the info!

    Is your doctor an endocrinologist? I was hypo before my cancer was found, but it wasn't caught. When I started taking T3 it was like going back in time. Even my husband comment that it was great having his wife back again.
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, she is. I know it's only been a week, but I feel pretty good. I can also eat things I couldn't before...
    I know this has nothing to do with the meds, but anyone have radio iodine and their taste comes and go? I had it in January, I'll get my taste back but then it goes again.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    edited September 2017
    you can take T3. I started taking armour thyroid when my labs showed I wasn't converting. Have lost 12lbs in the last few months :) it can be done!

    also, my previous doctor was always going on about how my results were in the normal range so I'm fine. It wasn't until I moved from the US to NZ and saw a chronic fatigue specialist who upped my dose by 30% that I really felt good again! No more daytime naps, low energy etc. I hope you can find a helpful dr!
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    Akkael wrote: »
    I would live more info. What test do they run to check the conversion of t4? As far as I know they don't run any t3 test. They did lower my meds a bit. I know my memory is shot....especially short term and causes so many problems. Cold all the time, and losing weight is a huge fight. Would t3 aid memory?

    they can test tsh, free t3, t4 etc etc. A lot of doctors often only order tsh or some mix of the thyroid tests not all of them. They need to order all of them!

    for me personally my memory is much better when all my levels are good. I'd also recommend a vit D and iron check, both of those were low for me too
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    I'm on bit for the rest of my life for my back....and because I run low. I think my iron was gone but I'd have to check.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Low b 12 can go with poor thyroid function, all b vitamins are needed for so many functions. There is a genetic test to establish if lack of conversion is more than a vitamin and mineral deficiency. (It could be because of the slow transit and microbe loss you are not able to make the best use of the nutrients you are taking in.) I can't remember the name of the test, there are probably more than one, sorry. Mine was not overly expensive counselling was included too, it is a requirement here in the UK. May be you can track something down from knowing there is a genetic test.

    I've also read, can't remember where, some of the nutritional levels recommended are less than adequate for those who are in deficit.
  • Lilpeas2
    Lilpeas2 Posts: 12 Member
    I had my thyroid removed two years ago after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. My doctors have never checked a T3 level! You better bet I'm going on Monday with a list of labs I want drawn!