First 5k in the bag!

I finished C25K and competed in my first 5k today!

My time was 52:38. I'm know, I know, I'm slower than a turtle, and many people wouldn't consider that a "run" time, let alone worth bragging about, but considering this time last year I was 32 pounds heavier with sore knees, and couldn't climb a flight of stairs without stopping half way up out of breath, I consider it a real victory! I'm putting one foot in front of the other. I finished. I wasn't last-- but even if I *had* finished last, I FINISHED. And I've signed up for a race in November and I'm planning to run one in December as well.

I've been using the lolo Easy 5k app, which I really love. I've also found an amazing meetup group of seasoned runners in my area that have accepted me and are *so* supportive. I feel like I can finally say "I'm a runner"!!

Just wanted to share my excitement!


  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    You finished! That is an amazing accomplishment. Go you!

    Also sounds like the racing bug has caught you. It's addictive! I ran my first 5K in August, 10K at the end of September. Contemplating 1-2 more 5Ks before the end of the year and signed up for a 5K, 10K and Half Marathon in 2018!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Proud of you! That's an awesome accomplishment!!
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    You finished! That’s super!

    I ran my first 5 k in March. Signed up now for a 4 mile the end of the month and a 5 k in December.

    Yes. We’ve got the racing bug!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    Congrats! That is awesome!
  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    mazeballs! I'm starting day 1 today - I feel like a lump of concrete but reading your post makes me more determind - time not important to me either, I just wanna be able to run like a kid again :)
  • kathleenneriducharme
    Good for you! Congratulations.
  • rgl536
    rgl536 Posts: 25 Member
    Congrats!! Keep up the good work!!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    cool congrats on kicking butt
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Way to go! Congrats on becoming a 5k finisher! One of the best parts of running for me is meeting other runners, since they tend to be a very welcoming group of people. Glad you found your new tribe. :)
  • fjpatten
    fjpatten Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations! You're an inspiration. Just shows how far you can go when you pur your mind to it.
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    Well done.

    Something one of my friends said after a personally disappointing ultra finish is we all did the same distance.

    You did 5K, you've now got a target to aim for in your next one.

    Yup. My Dr told me this morning "everyone in the race gets the same t-shirt".

    My goal is to do a 5k/month. That's a lot of t-shirts. ;-)

    Thanks everyone!!