Do you follow BMI guidelines?

I haven't weighed myself in a while, but always assumed I floated between 130 and 145 pounds. My mom recently started trying to lose weight so we both weighed ourselves. I'm 5'6 and 156 pounds, which according to my BMI makes me overweight. My mom freaked out, asking me how I let myself get overweight. While I was shocked at first, I let it go since I'm pretty close to where I want to be physically but I still found it weird. Also, while I know BMI doesn't account for muscle, I have legitimately zero muscle lol so it can't be that- I've only ever done cardio.

So I'm just wondering if anyone here follows BMI guidelines and if so to what extent. Do the guidelines seem to apply to your body at different stages?

Thanks! :):)


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited October 2017
    I checked BMI guidelines for setting my goal weight on MFP (at 10lbs below the top of the range for my height of 5'3"). So, I started at 254 lbs (BMI 45, aka Obesity Level III) and am—as of this morning—167.2 (BMI 29.6, aka overweight).

    But this was an initial goal a la 'I have to fill in the blank with something'. And I'm well aware that I can be a little anxious and obsessive. I know me. The top of the weight range for my height is 140. If I'm 139.8, I'll be calm and relaxed. If I'm 140.2, I'll start panicking that the weight is coming back on and I'm about to fall into yoyo-ing. And the reality is that sodium, hormones, time between workout and weigh-in, how long it's been since you've used the bathroom, and a whole bunch of other things can make your weight fluctuate. I want to have a bit of a buffer for my peace of mind. Also, everyone says (correctly!) that the last 10 lbs are the hardest. And the reason is because you're close to goal, you don't have the same fat reserves you used to, and loose logging can be costly. Miss logging 150 calories/day when you've got 100 lbs to lose and it won't impact weight loss anywhere near as much as it will if you miss them when you've got 5 lbs to lose. If I get down to 135 and get frustrated with a month of so of no change or playing with the same 0.4 lbs and just say to myself, "Kitten it. This is good enough," well, it actually will be.

    However, when I get down to 150, I'm going to ask my family doctor to refer me to an RD or other weight-loss specialist for a couple of sessions, just so I can be clear on where in the range (118-140) is the happiest spot for me.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    jondspen wrote: »
    Yes, but with a "grain of salt", esp for women. I would suggest if you're that concerned about it, be sure to use (correctly done) measurements and not just height/weight.

  • KrazyKrissyy
    KrazyKrissyy Posts: 322 Member
    I used to follow BMI until I started developing digestive issues (14+ pound intestinal blockage, abdomen swelling, etc). Now I go by DXA scans. They're more accurate. I'm also 5'6. My regular weight is 117-121 but can easily temporarily balloon up to 145 in less than two weeks if I'm not careful what I eat. I'll literally look 7 months preggo.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Remember that BMI is just your (weight in kg) divided by your (height in meters, squared). That's it!

    That formula has only one thing going for it: simplicity. Because of this, it has been used in a wide range of health studies showing that, yes, if your BMI is high (particularly over 30) you have an increased risk of a range of health issues. That risk is a population risk, so applying it to an individual is tricky. There are many other factors that lower or raise your risk, such as BP, lipids, exercise, diet, genetics, etc.

    Other simple metrics you can try are waist-to-hip ratio and skinfold thickness ("pinch test"). Pick the one that makes you feel the best about yourself!

    (Actually, I doubt that the pinch test makes all that many people feel good about themselves. :# )
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I use it as a rough estimation of how much I need to lose. I started at a BMI of 40 and those risk factors associated with that category were starting to slowly rear their ugly heads.

    My doctor and I agree that I should try for a BMI of 25 and then we'll reevaluate according to other markers.
  • texteach66
    texteach66 Posts: 92 Member
    I think BMI is probably great for the vast majority of us. You are barely overweight - I plugged in your numbers and got 25.2; 24.9 would be normal. For you, that's 2 pounds. I'm 50 and have been morbidly obese for all but about 4 years of my adult life. I got down to 143 when I was in my mid-thirties, but never maintained it for very long - I was able to maintain 150-155 for a fair amount of time, which is overweight for me. I'm currently at 162, having lost 105 pounds. My doctor is fine with me being in the overweight range, as long as I can maintain it and continue to exercise.

    You're at a place to lose a few pounds and be back in the healthy range. Whether or not you need to is between you and your doctor.
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    I take BMI into consideration, but I try not to focus on it. I freaked out a bit when I saw where I was on the BMI. Fortunately my doctor was less concerned, she pointed out I completed a half marathon in April and my job is all exercise so my weight should come back down in a couple months. I am in relatively good shape cardiovascular wise, so right now I am monitoring myself on the belt scale and resting pulse rate.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    To a degree. I'm 171cm (5'7.3") and the most I've weighed outside of pregnancy is 161 lbs which is just barely in the overweight category. However, at that weight I was a size 14 and I think my body fat percentage was higher than many women would be at my height and weight. For me, a healthy weight is no more than about 140 and I prefer to be in the 130-135 range.

    Even now at 133, I'm not particularly lean, so I do pay more attention to body composition than BMI but I think BMI can give you a decent general idea of what to aim for. Someone like my husband is at the other end of the spectrum, where he has a LOT more lean mass than I do (even though he's only 2cm taller) so for him, a healthy weight is more in the "overweight" BMI category.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I haven't weighed myself in a while, but always assumed I floated between 130 and 145 pounds. My mom recently started trying to lose weight so we both weighed ourselves. I'm 5'6 and 156 pounds, which according to my BMI makes me overweight. My mom freaked out, asking me how I let myself get overweight. While I was shocked at first, I let it go since I'm pretty close to where I want to be physically but I still found it weird. Also, while I know BMI doesn't account for muscle, I have legitimately zero muscle lol so it can't be that- I've only ever done cardio.

    So I'm just wondering if anyone here follows BMI guidelines and if so to what extent. Do the guidelines seem to apply to your body at different stages?

    Thanks! :):)

    Your current weight is my goal weight and we are the same height