Been to a psychic lately ?



  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    I'd rather spend my money on alcohol... or therapy....
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member

    But pets can't even talk. Like, we can't translate them in real time-- HOW are there pet PSYCHICS? I feel like a google search coming on. If you need me, I'll be down the rabbit hole.

    I don't know how specific "pet psychics" do it, but it's all through telepathy. They intend to connect with the animal, they find a way to clear their own thoughts out of their heads through like a meditative process, and then they send the animal a mental question. Animals are very intuitive and seem to understand the question. Then the pet psychic can hear or feel the animal's thoughts in response in their head.

    People who don't specifically focus on animals can still often see passed pets. They see in their heads what they looked like and how they behaved. Some see the animal like a streak of light at the height of where the animal would have been on the person being read. I don't think it's as much specific thoughts from the animal in those cases, more like just the fact that the animal existed and was special in their lives and they wanted to say hello.

    At least that's how I look at it. Hopefully I saved you a google rabbit hole. Although it's all very fascinating in my opinion lol.

    This just makes me wanna Google even more, haha.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    I had my cards read a few weeks ago and it was crazy how accurate it was. I will definitely do that again some time. But yes I am sure that there are a lot of scammers out there just saying what the client wants to hear
  • _Captivated_
    _Captivated_ Posts: 5,669 Member
    Once when I was walking through Wal-Mart a creepy lady came up and grabbed my arm. She told me everything that would happen to me over the next few years. I thought she was crazy but it has actually all happened. I don't have a clue who she was or anything, but I'd like to find her so I can find out what happens next. :-P
  • unfilterednate
    unfilterednate Posts: 905 Member
    Lol *kitten* no
  • angel4732
    angel4732 Posts: 14,898 Member
    Been to see 2 different psychics, I was very sceptical but not now. The stuff they told me was unbelievable!!
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Never been to a psychic, but I had some guy offer to do a Tarot card reading for me. So he doesn't even tell me anything, he gets started whatever it is he was doing and then says "No I can't do this, you seem like a nice person and I don't want to upset you".

    Way to leave me hanging!
  • allisonjforsyth
    allisonjforsyth Posts: 105 Member
    what if they already reincarnated to their next host? you wont be able to reach them anymore

    My feeling about this is that time on the other side is eternal, and our time on Earth is like a very short blink of an eye in their way of looking at things. From what I understand people most often take a very long time planning and thinking about their next life, if they even want or need to have another one. It takes time just to process what all lessons were learned in the previous lifetime. I believe in reincarnation, but I don't believe it often happens in a short amount of time after this one ends. A few exceptions I've heard of seem to be very tiny babies, who have sometimes come right back.

    My biggest point is that likely if you knew someone in this life, and they've since passed away, it is most likely that they have not chosen to reincarnate already. However, even if that were the case, there is a still a part of the higher soul that always stays in the spiritual realm. I believe there would still be a way to communicate with that person, through maybe their spirit guides, other loved ones who could provide that information that the person they are looking to connect with has already returned, or through dreams etc. Certainly it would be much more difficult if that were the case for them to try and communicate with us, which is likely a big part of the reason most don't reincarnate quickly. They stay on the other side to watch over us and help guide their loved ones through the rest of their lives.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I'm a Soothsayer; I damn sure am.
  • allisonjforsyth
    allisonjforsyth Posts: 105 Member
    what if they already reincarnated to their next host? you wont be able to reach them anymore

    My feeling about this is that time on the other side is eternal, and our time on Earth is like a very short blink of an eye in their way of looking at things. From what I understand people most often take a very long time planning and thinking about their next life, if they even want or need to have another one. It takes time just to process what all lessons were learned in the previous lifetime. I believe in reincarnation, but I don't believe it often happens in a short amount of time after this one ends. A few exceptions I've heard of seem to be very tiny babies, who have sometimes come right back.

    My biggest point is that likely if you knew someone in this life, and they've since passed away, it is most likely that they have not chosen to reincarnate already. However, even if that were the case, there is a still a part of the higher soul that always stays in the spiritual realm. I believe there would still be a way to communicate with that person, through maybe their spirit guides, other loved ones who could provide that information that the person they are looking to connect with has already returned, or through dreams etc. Certainly it would be much more difficult if that were the case for them to try and communicate with us, which is likely a big part of the reason most don't reincarnate quickly. They stay on the other side to watch over us and help guide their loved ones through the rest of their lives.

    you think souls still remember once they left the body?.
    the way i see it is the universe only made so much souls and everything is just being recycled. i dont think anybody has any recollection of their past once they move out from their bodies.

    I'm honestly not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean in the afterlife do people remember what happened in their most recent life and/or any previous lives? Most definitely my answer if that is your question is yes. I think at that point when they return to the spiritual realm, they have so much greater vision and ability to remember all the things that have happened to them in all their lives. And the way those things affected their spiritual growth and development. I think when we are in the spiritual realm we are just infinitely smarter than when we're in these human bodies with limited awareness and ability to remember where we came from and why we are here. Not to mention limited brain power.

    But that being said, there are also plenty of people who seem to have recollections of past lives - a lot of times our modern day fears are triggered by past life memories.

    I'm not sure what you mean about everything being recycled. I don't know about number of souls having been created, but I have no reason to put limits on the universe from creating more at any or all times. I do feel like some people retain an old soul type of character because they've lived many lives. They have spiritually evolved during many lifetimes, and they seem to be wise, intuitive, compassionate, etc. I would think some new souls have been created based on lower energy lesser evolved personality traits, like greed, hatred or anger, etc. My feeling is that those that live like that throughout this lifetime will be coming back in the future for at least one more lifetime. Whereas some spiritually evolved people might essentially be on their last time coming here in favor of doing more and different work on the other side in the future.