Accountability maybe

Hi! I'm Brianna! I'm a senior college student, a wife, I have 4 very beautiful fur babies and I'm about 137 pounds overweight. The last time I lost weight was only about 4 months ago when I went to try on my wedding dress and I had about 4 inches to lose until it would zip up and 2 weeks to lose it. The day came and I fit in fine but then I stopped eating healthier and I gained all that weight back and more. I went to the doctor almost two weeks ago and I weigh close 330 pounds. I decided things need to change. So I've been tracking my calories but I have a hard time finding healthy recipes that my husband will eat when all he wants is McDonald's and sonic and greasy things that I can't eat but I eat them any way. I guess I just need help in more ways than one. But hello! I'm glad to be on this journey


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi Brianna,

    Welcome and I'm glad you are on track to getting back on a healthy track.

    I always take a few weeks to figure out how track your calories honestly and consistently. It's hard in the beginning.

    It will be hard with husband as a distraction. Believe me, I have my own. He is super skinny with a killer metabolism, all he eats are pasta, bread, sweets and meet. AND NO EXERCISE! Over the years I have tried to lose weight but I would always get discouraged because I wanted what he was eating.

    Finally I had to realize that I simply can't eat the way he does. My body is not cut for the way he eats. So I had to take responsibility for what goes in my mouth, this isn't his journey.. It's mine. I had a conversation with him about it and he actually pushed me to my limits a few times (thinking I would break).

    Dinner time in my household is a wild card, meaning we wait until the last minute to figure it out. So the rest of the day I have planned. I meal prep for Monday - Friday breakfast, lunch and snacks. So that way I know exactly what I'm eating 4-5 meals out of 6 a day. I make sure everything is weighed and portioned out. Once it's all logged I know how many calories I can afford for dinner

  • briannalouthan
    briannalouthan Posts: 2 Member
    He's overweight too but his metabolism is slightly better than mine and he has a more physically demanding job. I went from standing 8 hours a day and lifting 50 pound bags on a daily basis to having a nice cushy office job and it shows. I'm trying to find stuff that he likes but I can make do with. Tonight I made tacos, I just didnt have a tortilla and measured out the cheese and the sour cream and the meat actually. He just isn't the biggest fan of vegetables. I'm thinking of making un stuffed cabbage rolls for supper tomorrow because that's something he'll eat and that I can watch my calories on