Any new mum's / people trying to lose baby weight?!

I have a 5 month old son and have around 2.5st to lose, I'm trying to get my mind frame sorted as most days I start with good intentions but then some days an completely shattered and / or end up grabbing quick easy sugary fixes during the day.

I know what I need to do as I lost weight before getting pregnant but have really struggled actually doing it (story of my dieting life!!).

Looking for anyone in the same situation or anyone who is succeeding or already succeeded!!



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Are you sure you know what you need to do? I would challenge that assumption. If you knew, you'd alredy be doing it. Losing weight is really simple - eat less/move more. In practice, it takes some effort. Make your effort worthwhile. Some suggestions:

    Stop buying the sugary things - they don't fix anything, you just crave them, and crave them more because you have made it a habit to eat them whenever you get a craving.

    Start buying ingredients for real meals you really want to eat, and prepare those meals in time so you can eat regularly.

    Use your baby as your gym. Play with him, put him in the stroller and well... stroll.
  • rdl81
    rdl81 Posts: 220 Member
    You can try cooking something like a simple Chilli on a Sunday and keep it in the fridge that way when you get chance to eat you can microwave it with some micro veg and its ready there and then. Seems like your only eating the sugary food as that's convenient so you need to try and get a more balanced alternative convenient option. That is what I have done for my wife when she is home with my son in the week and seems to work for her
  • fitmumBctTct
    fitmumBctTct Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I have two children, 4 year old & 4 month old. I have lost 19lb but still have plenty to lose. I always make sure I have breakfast & I try to drink plenty of water throughout the day which has helped me cut down on snacking. I go to exercises classes which I can take the baby too. I also spend a lot of the day out of the house as if I was in I would eat
  • My son is 2 now but like you I had lost weight prior to being pregnant.
    I went from 165-130 in about six months. I ended up getting pregnant 5 months later and by the end of pregnancy and by the time I gave birth, and after a couple months I was 155lb.
    I started eating better and moving more. It was really hard to do that in the first year especially if it's your first. You're adjusting to a whole new lifestyle, it's not walk in the park and some days I didn't move because I felt like my body just needed rest to recover from pregnancy and birth! And honestly.. that's okay! You're only 5 months pp. Don't be so hard on yourself :)

    I've been on the app for 32 days now and I've been successfully losing by literally just entering my stats, my goal, and following the calories that MFP gives me.
    I've still eaten ice cream, burgers, fast food, etc.. but as long as you ACCURATELY measure your intake and stay within your calories then you will eventually lose the weight. It's not a linear journey but it will even itself out if you are honest with it. Enter everything that goes into your mouth.

    You can still have your sugar treats, but by the time you count your calories you will probably ask yourself.. 'is this really worth x amount of calories?' and usually it isn't.. especially after you log it and see that you could have had so much more by choosing a healthier option.

    It's a learning curve and it's one where you don't really need to do a lot of exercise and you can still eat the things you like, just with portion control (: and I would suggest buying a digital food scale!

    I'm always looking for more friends and you can feel free to add me if you'd like.

  • M
  • katyjane252014
    katyjane252014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm in exactly the same position my son will be 5 months in a week and I need to lose 2 stone I'm due to go back to work in January and really don't want to go without losing a bit of weight. I know exactly what I should be doing but it's getting the energy to do it when I'm up several times through the night it's fine saying I need to do it but I'm on my own with him all day so get limited time to do anything then when I finally get some time when he's napping I just want to get 5 mins to myself haha but I need to start and stop putting it off so I know exactly how you feel
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    Same here. My baby doesn't sleep well so I'm exhausted throughout the work day and when I get home. I pick him up from daycare and don't get home until 6. I get him ready for bed, spend some time together, and he goes down between 6:30 and 7. I put my milk away, clean my pump parts, pack my lunch for the next day, cook if needed, and eat dinner. So by the time I'm done around 8 or so, I'm ready for bed. I'm eating better and making sure I put healthy snacks in my lunch bag. I breastfeed so I feel the need to snack often. I'm getting there....