Mental Health

Today is a day that is so important to my heart! It's World Mental Health day. I have struggled a majority of my life with depression and anxiety and body dysmorphia. Fitness and working out became more of an outlet to help with all of these problems going on in my life! It is so important that we don't keep our mental health a secret there are so many ways of not feeling alone! Have a blessed day and remember you're not alone.


  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Aww, how thoughtful and awesome!
  • Teallaquin
    Teallaquin Posts: 18 Member
    Aww, thank you for making such a nice post! I've also struggled with anxiety and depression most my life, in addition to relatively recent body image issues, so this post is well appreciated!
  • GaryMilan2017
    GaryMilan2017 Posts: 45 Member
    That is great attitude if we all help each other we achieve more Friends request sent.
  • vanorderkati5324
    vanorderkati5324 Posts: 9 Member
    Love hearing everyone's positive and encouraging words about this post! It would be amazing if everyone in this world could spread the same kindness!
  • kelsiestoner
    kelsiestoner Posts: 78 Member
    So happy to see a post like this today. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since I was little, followed by self harm and addiction. Awareness is all it takes to start healing, so little gestures like this mean the world. <3
  • vanorderkati5324
    vanorderkati5324 Posts: 9 Member
    Kelsiestoner I am so happy that this post made a difference in your day today! ❤️
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    edited October 2017
    I donated towards a mental health charity today at work.

    Both of my parents work in mental health, so I've been around it in a sense my whole life

    I've also encountered friends and family with mental health problems down the years

    It's great that it is becoming a topic which is more openly discussed these days, for so long people were embarrassed to discuss their issues. It seems this is slowly improving

    Well done for finding an outlet! :)
  • vanorderkati5324
    vanorderkati5324 Posts: 9 Member
    I am currently a junior in college and I am getting my bachelors degree in counseling and human services! I am so excited to help people ❤️
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    I am currently a junior in college and I am getting my bachelors degree in counseling and human services! I am so excited to help people ❤️

    I'm sure you'll be great, especially since you've faced certain issues yourself :)
  • unfilterednate
    unfilterednate Posts: 905 Member
    100% support this, as a guy with a brother facing a life of schizophrenia.. it's meant me walking into crackhouses and pulling him out as he self medicated.. and tries to escape from his broken reality.