Looking for friends/motivation



  • kellywaldron44
    kellywaldron44 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm in need of some serious motivation and support also. I've been back and forth with this app for 2 years, I've tried slimming world twice and God knows how many other diets.
    I used to work 50 hour weeks on my feet all day, happy and healthy. We fell pregnant, was made redundant and then abandoned to be a single parent. During my pregnancy I suffered a loss, I was alone and gave into my cravings resulting in a 5 stone weight gain!! (I know, crazy!)
    I lost 4 stone in the first year of the birth of my son (now 3) but since I've been in a new relationship I've gained a stone back!
    I actually eat really well, I don't snack on treats but I'm sure my portion sizes at dinner time are excessive. The thing is, I don't really eat breakfast or lunch, I would probably have a piece of fruit but then I'm wolfing down dinner in the evening!
    I also don't move as much as I used to... I sent myself back to university since being made redundant so sat at home in front of a computer most of the time.
    I must also point out that I have suffered from anxiety since I was 4 months pregnant only recently getting to grips with it this past year as I have an extremely supportive partner whos helped me. Id love to be more active and i really do have the best intentions, but I might take a fitness class one week and never return because I'd have such an irrational panic that I can't control! I feel I'm letting my son down, myself and my partner.
    This is extremely long winded so I'm sorry to go on, just looking for anyone in a similar position. I want to take back my life from this anxiety, be everything my family needs me to be and 'regain my confidence. I believe loosing the weight will help me do this...
    So about me:
    Age: 29
    Current weight: 154 lbs
    Goal weight: 126 lbs

    (Again sorry for rambling and thank you for reading, if you made it this far haha!)
  • maitevillanueva
    maitevillanueva Posts: 53 Member
    You have come to a good place with like minding folks all trying to reclaim their lives...good luck girl...i sure need it too!
  • maitevillanueva
    maitevillanueva Posts: 53 Member
    Sucks doing triple duty...i can relate...trying to incorporate more activities during my days in order to be more successful and happy with myself
  • reneemalone82
    reneemalone82 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love new friends too! <3:#

    About Me:
    From Missouri
    35 years old
    Married, Mom of 3 kids
    Work full time
    Heaviest Weight - 275 lbs
    Current Weight - 256 lbs
    Goal Weight - 170 lbs
  • jc14me
    jc14me Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this app, (I don't know how to add friends). Joined a few years ago but didn't use it. Joined 2 months ago but haven't really used it. I'm ready to start. So I'm not sure how friends work but I would love support and to be supportive! I've read through the posts here and I identify with you all. Not the same injuries and medical set backs. But I've definitely had set backs.

    36 years old
    Homeschool Mother of 3: 15,13,11
    Start weight 236 (Aug 19th)
    Currently 216
    Goal, fit and healthy, whatever that is :)
    I think my goal weight is 150, (what I weighed before having my children) but I haven't seen that number on the scale for 16 years!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Happy Friday! How is everybody doing today?