Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32

    I like the 1st one with DANGER on it!!
  • didnt do so good today , but there's always tomorrow !
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    We all have to stay under our caloriess and drink the 64oz of water to get the 5 bonus points at the end of the week. I guess next week we shall try again!!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I vote #1 as well but a smaller version. It huge for a signature.

    I was good for all three yesterday.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    I just wanted to say that I think this is a great motivational tool to keep us pumped up! But I don't want any team member to feel bad if they miss their goal for the day. Yes, we all need to do our best to get it all in and get our team totals up, but in the end, it is about being healthier and stronger, each one of us. I would rather see someone admit that they didn't get it right for a day, then lie and say they did just to get points. That shows integrity and honesty, a trait I greatly admire.

    sbanth, I have tons of respect for you owning up and I know you can do this! Today is a new day and you can do it! You will succeed if you tell yourself today that you got this!

    Go Team! We are awesome!!!!!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I just wanted to say that I think this is a great motivational tool to keep us pumped up! But I don't want any team member to feel bad if they miss their goal for the day. Yes, we all need to do our best to get it all in and get our team totals up, but in the end, it is about being healthier and stronger, each one of us. I would rather see someone admit that they didn't get it right for a day, then lie and say they did just to get points. That shows integrity and honesty, a trait I greatly admire.

    sbanth, I have tons of respect for you owning up and I know you can do this! Today is a new day and you can do it! You will succeed if you tell yourself today that you got this!

    Go Team! We are awesome!!!!!!

  • thank you !

    im proud to say today that i just finished my walk [ in the lovely heat ] and hit the water goal !
  • I vote for #1
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    DAY 2:
    I completed my mile for today.
    I completed my food diary for today.
    I completed my water intake for today.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    thank you !

    im proud to say today that i just finished my walk [ in the lovely heat ] and hit the water goal !

    Woot Woot!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Day 2: Drank my water +
    Walked my mile
    Logged Under
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    Day 2 completed ALL 3!!! Let's go team!!! woooot wooooot!!! :)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I am good to go on all 3!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    DAY 2:
    Mile - check - it took me a bit to squeeze it in between thunder & lightening storms, but I got it in
    Water - check
    Diary - check under goal by 9 calories :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So what do you think about us all sharing something about ourselves? Don't worry, not too personal, don't be scared. Here's a question, if you could be any cartoon character, who would you be and why?

    If I was a cartoon character I'd be one of those control freak ones like Marvin the Martian or Invader Zim. Because I'm short and have a desire to take over the earth!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Thank you for those of you that are checking in with me daily. There are quite a few members that I havent heard from at all since they gave up thier starting weight. "/

    Here is our signature and our logo...



  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Took this quiz and it said i was snoopy. lmfao.

    You're very smart, but you think you're smarter than you really are. You are not creative, but wish you were. You have a group of best friends too, instead of many friends!

    Take the quiz. :o)

  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Got Water
    Walked an extra mile

    DID NOT stay under calorie goal :( We went to Carrabba's for dinner (I said no to bread but, I ate dessert)
  • Well the only good thing about today is I drank my water. Tuesdays are bad for me. Big family dinner and hard to say no. It is hard for me to say no to people who bring me food to eat. I don't want to be rude, but I really shouldn't/ don't want to eat it!!