Back at it again :/

I don’t even know where to start....only to say that I’m very disappointed in myself. I lost a good amount of weight and felt really great. I allowed certain situations in life to get the best of me and fed my depression (literally). I did not gain it all, but I gained enough to feel empty and depressed. I am back at taking control, one thing I did learn....being thinner and fit still doesn’t fill certain voids in your life. This time I’m doing it to stop this ship (my life) from sinking. Love and peace to all.


  • Joster91
    Joster91 Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck and hope you can stick to it. In the end you gotta just do it for yourself, the rest will fall into place.
  • awildwomanatheart
    awildwomanatheart Posts: 89 Member
    Wishing you the very best! You did it once, you can do it again :)
  • Cynthia1066
    Cynthia1066 Posts: 21 Member
    I've lost -- and gained back -- 100# at least three times in the course of my life. You're right that losing weight doesn't solve all of one's problems. As a woman (arguably!) losing weight creates MORE social challenges (as well as opportunities). When we strip away the weight, we have to confront other issues. From my perspective (62 y.o.), it's all about investment in your health and (future) mobility. But let's not be unnecessarily hard on ourselves. Rather, use your disappointment in yourself as a tool to deepen your compassion and understanding of others who struggle with obesity in a food-toxic world.
  • MareScadare
    MareScadare Posts: 3 Member
    Slipups are a normal part of life. The important thing is that you learn, move forward, grow and try again. You've got this! Be proud of yourself.
  • marinarod85
    marinarod85 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all!! Means a lot :)