Naturally Slim

Hi, just started Naturally Slim Feb 6, 2017.
Surprisingly not hungry, likely 1200 calories per day. SERIOUSLY, lost 6 lbs already.


  • mlakhatch
    mlakhatch Posts: 10 Member
    I started April 24, 2017. I've lost 9 lbs. and 14 total inches so far!
  • MommaSarabear83
    MommaSarabear83 Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished week 1 of the much of what they talk about makes sense. Today at lunch I tried chewing slowly and had to keep reminding myself to slow down a little more at each bite because I kept going back to wanting to snarf my food down.
  • Lynsey38025
    Lynsey38025 Posts: 1 Member
    Naturally Slim? Sounds interesting but I've never heard of it. Anymore info?

  • deniece77
    deniece77 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I joined naturally slim a couple of weeks ago. The first week I lost 5lbs. but this week I have fallen off track. Today I decided to hit rewind and go back to day 1.