Is it too much nuts and seeds ? Rate my meal plan.

oss33 Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2017 in Food and Nutrition
before breakfast:
lemon water

100 g hemp seed
100 g pumpkin seed
150 g peanut

5 fried eggs with butter
10 cups of green salad(spinach, arugula ,kale, lettuce, parsley, dill weed, lemon and some dressings )
bunch of fruit

no lunch and no sneaking :)


  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Hard to tell with so little information. How long are you planning on eating it for? Just one day? Everyday forever? Sounds hideous to me, but... does it fit your calorie goals for the day? Do you enjoy it? If the answer is yes then it's fine. Think you would get mighty bored of that quite quickly, especially the rather dry breakfast if you were to have it everyday. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Whatever floats your boat, but it looks boring and lacks variety and flexibility. If you're happy on it, all power to you. The calories look adequate if you're active enough (2500+ I'd guess), but would that be the way you wish to eat forever? I would be craving substantial cooked food if I ate like this 2 days in a row.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    I am doing it for 6 months and It is perfectly match with my calorie and nutrition needs. I don't want to waste my time making meals and I don't need to have a cooked meal either. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months doing this and I lost mostly from fat and water reference to the muscle loss. I just wonder if it is healthy to eat nuts and seeds this much everyday ?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    oss33 wrote: »
    I am doing it for 6 months and It is perfectly match with my calorie and nutrition needs. I don't want to waste my time making meals and I don't need to have a cooked meal either. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months doing this and I lost mostly from fat and water reference to the muscle loss. I just wonder if it is healthy to eat nuts and seeds this much everyday ?

    Sure, it won't do any harm. The only issue may be that this kind of food is a little low on calcium, but other than that it sounds nutritionally fine. If you like it keep it up, but I wouldn't do it myself. You also need to be aware that once you lose the weight you need a plan for maintenance. If you lose weight and then stop dieting without strategies on hand on how to maintain it you may regain or struggle to keep it off.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    I was on a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. I lost my appetite to bakery products and sugar so it is joyful to eat like this to me. My concern is phytic acid, nuts and seeds contain too much phytic acid and this acid blocks some nutrients so body can't absorb them. My another concern is Does taking too much fatty acids in one sitting create gallbladder issues or indigestion ? I balanced my weight and I feel healthier than ever. By the way 10 pounds of green contains more calcium than you can imagine :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited October 2017
    oss33 wrote: »
    I was on a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. I lost my appetite to bakery products and sugar so it is joyful to eat like this to me. My concern is phytic acid, nuts and seeds contain too much phytic acid and this acid blocks some nutrients so body can't absorb them. My another concern is Does taking too much fatty acids in one sitting create gallbladder issues or indigestion ? I balanced my weight and I feel healthier than ever. By the way 10 pounds of green contains more calcium than you can imagine :)

    I wouldn't be worried about phytic acid (the issues with those are overblown and if you're worried get tested for mineral deficiencies to see how you're doing and if you need to supplement) and your gallbladder should be fine if you have no pre-existing issues (in fact being too low on fat poses a greater risk for gallstones than moderate or high fat). You said 10 cups of greens which should take you to 50-75% of recommended calcium by amount and it's not as easily absorbable as other sources, that's why I said "a little low", it's not a major concern, though. Either way I wouldn't be too worried about any of that. This looks more like an edible version of Soylent. Wouldn't do it myself because food is a life pleasure for me, but it has enough calories and adequate nutrients to carry you through your dieting phase if that's your thing and you should be fine provided you have an exit strategy.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    You are absolutely right for the Soylent thing :smile: but I have a fiber which Soylent doesn't have. Thanks for the comments and your time.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    edited October 2017
    It looks like something only a person with an eating disorder would dream up. My guess is that restrictive eating has lead you to resent food and eating (I have had that experience myself). My suggestion would be to create a weekly plan with way more variety and repeat that.

    I don't need the food to be delicious and I can eat the same food everyday. I have no reason to add more variety to my diet because it satisfies my all nutrition needs. I am restricting meal time because lf I have a lunch I become sleepy and sluggish rest of the day. And everybody knows sneaking is bad, my breakfast is enough for me to end my day without getting hungry.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    if you know all this, why post here (especially if you are going to poo-poo any advice)?
    And conversely, why should we bother giving advice to someone we know have already made up their mind? (I struggle with this. It's an itch that I can't stop scratching.)
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    if you know all this, why post here (especially if you are going to poo-poo any advice)?
    And conversely, why should we bother giving advice to someone we know have already made up their mind? (I struggle with this. It's an itch that I can't stop scratching.)

  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    oss33 wrote: »
    It looks like something only a person with an eating disorder would dream up. My guess is that restrictive eating has lead you to resent food and eating (I have had that experience myself). My suggestion would be to create a weekly plan with way more variety and repeat that.

    I don't need the food to be delicious and I can eat the same food everyday. I have no reason to add more variety to my diet because it satisfies my all nutrition needs. I am restricting meal time because lf I have a lunch I become sleepy and sluggish rest of the day. And everybody knows sneaking is bad, my breakfast is enough for me to end my day without getting hungry.

    why did you ask for advice when you have your mind made up already???
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    if you know all this, why post here (especially if you are going to poo-poo any advice)?

    Its my first time writing this forum and I don't know the community. Should I have to be ignorant to write here I don't actually get your question. It is a discussion platform so I can start a discussion right ?
    if you know all this, why post here (especially if you are going to poo-poo any advice)?
    And conversely, why should we bother giving advice to someone we know have already made up their mind? (I struggle with this. It's an itch that I can't stop scratching.)

    Why should I do all things people say to If a person just commented out ? I just said if you consider "this" this might be bad. If you have better idea with a reasonable or scientific explanation why wouldn't I change my mind.

  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    oss33 wrote: »
    It looks like something only a person with an eating disorder would dream up. My guess is that restrictive eating has lead you to resent food and eating (I have had that experience myself). My suggestion would be to create a weekly plan with way more variety and repeat that.

    I don't need the food to be delicious and I can eat the same food everyday. I have no reason to add more variety to my diet because it satisfies my all nutrition needs. I am restricting meal time because lf I have a lunch I become sleepy and sluggish rest of the day. And everybody knows sneaking is bad, my breakfast is enough for me to end my day without getting hungry.

    why did you ask for advice when you have your mind made up already???

    Who said I did ? I just explained what I want. So I made up my mind just saying "I don't need the food to be delicious " and " I have no reason to add more variety to my diet". If I have no reason you can just give me a reason to do so. Am I clear ?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited October 2017
    Looks boring...I would rate it boring
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    5 fried eggs for dinner every single day? I give it a week before you never want to eat an egg again.

    It was actually 10 eggs a day before I started my diet :smile:
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    pretty much sure you saying you don't need any more variety in your diet, indicates that you are ok with what you have planned and don't want to change...

    it sounds dull, boring, lacking in carbs - i'm going to assume you are doing keto diet or similar? since your rough daily intake based on this is 207g fat (1863cal); 131g protein (524cal); 49g carb (196cal) - plus whatever is in your salad mix...