I un-friended food...

I am finally getting serious about my 'goal weight'. Why have a goal (for 8 years) if you don't intend to achieve it?!? I never had trouble with my weight until I was 17 and my diet drastically changed to include a lot of fast food and junk food. Once I went to college and began to eat better, my weight dropped from 175 (my all-time high) back to 160-165. In the 7 or so years since then I have mostly stayed in that range with fluctuations of 5 lbs or so. I have finally decided that these last 15 lbs have become way too comfortable on my body and it is time for them to go and time for me to get in shape.

However, the weight is just a number; my real goal is physical fitness and a healthy percentage of body fat (I have never seen less than 25%). Once I reach those goals, the weight will be gone (right?). So I'm trying to work out (Zumba, cycling, walking) at least 3 times per week and eat healthier.

So far I have been logging for about 2 months, and meeting my goals most of the time (only 4 lbs lost, then 2 gained, 2 lost, 2 gained....etc.). My major setbacks come when I am travelling for work. I tend to eat more and drink more high-calorie drinks, which really kills my calorie counts. Those days also tend to test my determination. However, I think I have passed some kind of wall and I'm back at it!


  • akscoggin
    Also, I don't have any MFP buddies yet, which I think will really help. Is anybody else from Texas, especially West Texas that has to travel a lot?