
apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
It almost seems impossible for me to eat only 1200 calories! My stomach is literately growling and I get a headache everyday that by the time I get home I am ready to eat everything sight! I know when you work out you add more to your calories and I do make sure I am getting enough food but I never feel full or satisfied!! I am hungry every 2 hours or so and feel like I am a never ending pit! I feel hungry 24/7! I wake up hungry and it continues all day!

Any suggestions? Is there any good supplements that help curb your appetite?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Eat more! What is your goal set to? I'd suggest changing it to a pound a week. Exercise. Then you get to eat those calories. Eat more fiber and protein to help you fill fuller.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Hard to tell without seeing your diary.

    Also, 1200 calories isn't for everyone. Body type, activity level, etc. should determine your calorie intake...not just picking a flat number that's known to be the minimum. Everyone is different.

    As far as suggestions to make you feel fuller, anything with protein in it. I typically eat almonds to fill me up. And lots of water.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    What are your meals like? Do you drink lots of water? Upping the water is one easy thing to do, even in the form of a nice herbal iced tea. Sometimes hunger is dehydration. Maybe you aren't eating meals with enough fiber? Just some thoughts. Also, if you are newly restricting your calories, your body may take time to adjust.
  • jwallace84
    jwallace84 Posts: 44 Member

    I know what you are saying. However, being hungry every two hours is a good thing, it means your metabolism is moving faster and burning calories faster. I just try to drink hot tea or something if I get too hungry. That is no calories and add splenda, or equal to make it sweet if you need it to be. Try to keep your mind going and do things to get you to stop thinking about food. I just walked my entire building because I ate lunch at 1:30 and I am hungry again. About to go get some hot tea.

    I hope this helps!!!!!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    You might try breaking up your calories to have mini-meals every two hours and just not have any "big" meals.
  • cordeliaba12
    cordeliaba12 Posts: 4 Member
    A glass of skim milk is only 90 calories. Are you drinking enough water? Also, are you getting enough protein? An egg is only 75. Good luck, it's hard!!!
  • tcpowell25
    tcpowell25 Posts: 292
    I ran into the same issue until I started eating 6-7 small meals a day. I increased my protein and fiber intake and switched to whole grains. Also, you may be thirsty. Try increasing your water intake. Hope this helps.
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    Eat more! What is your goal set to? I'd suggest changing it to a pound a week. Exercise. Then you get to eat those calories. Eat more fiber and protein to help you fill fuller.

    DITTO!!! A lot of people automatically set their goal at 1200 calories. That's the lowest you can go on this program. Make sure you haven't set your goal too high (weight loss).
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Eat more!!! i sent mine to 1300 and am losing 1.2lbs per week on average. Very few people can manage on 1200.
  • allip722
    allip722 Posts: 17
    I was like that too but they say to eat more fruits and carrots and milk when that happens. If you can contain yourself go for some fruits or a granola bar or some type of nuts. Just drink lots of water too!
  • jljames99
    jljames99 Posts: 2 Member
    Water - water - water: try drinking half your weight in oz of water - i.e. if you weigh 100 lbs - drink 50 oz of water.
  • Not sure how healthy this is, but I eat a lot of lettuce, cucumber slices, and baby carrots w/ a little fat free or low fat dressing to help fill me up. Another surprise I found was whole grain lowfat waffles and egg whites. One waffle and one serving of egg whites is around 105 can double that and still not go overboard, plus it is very filling. :)
  • i'm on a 1200 calorie plan too. I took a break and came back to just recently commit to it and exercise daily. My body is still adjusting but i am pretty much ALWAYS hungry as well. I pretty much snack all day long, but I do stay under on calories still. I do, however, eat more carbs than recommended because it helps me stay fuller for a longer period of time. So I do sandwiches and pasta more often than i should but it works for me. Everyone is different though so maybe that is not something that you can do though! So maybe just snack and eat a little bit lighter meals? Works for me!
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    MFP suggested the 1200 Calories which is about 1.3 lb a week. I drink plenty of water just about the only thing I drink other than coffee in the morning and maybe some Gatorade after the gym but I even water that down! LOL!

    I am usually over my fiber on MFP but think you can never have enough. I have oatmeal, fruit, salad, fruit or veggie everyday for breakfast, snack, lunch and sometimes almonds too. Dinner is usually up in the air.

    I will try adding some protein and will try make through the adjustment!

    Thank you!!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Any suggestions? Is there any good supplements that help curb your appetite?

    Eat more.
  • it took me awhile to get used to just eating 1200 calories. I had to find a way to keep my breakfast 200cal or under so i wouldn't go over for the rest of the day. I would eat like a kashi go lean waffle with a tablespoon of peanut butter and raspberries which was around 200cal but would keep me full until lunch. And for snacks i would only eat one snack and keep again under 200cal so you have enough cals left for lunch and dinner. Plus wanting more food will give you the motivation to workout more! Good luck(:
  • Maybe it's the kind of food you're eating? I used to feel more hungry, but I've increased my fiber and protein a lot and it has made me less hungry. And I agree with other people who are saying drink lots (water, teas, skim milk, etc.)!

    I guess just listen to your body (and not your cravings)...

    Good luck!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    1200 is really low. You should be eating a minimum of your BMR. To find that number, use this site:
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Maybe you cannot do 1200. I CAN NOT! I rather lose 1lb a week and be functional than try to lose 2lbs a week and try to eat 1200. I failed every time I did that. I slowed down my goal, as long as I reach it I suppose it will all work out. I got headaches and was tired all the time at 1200 but I am fine at 1600. And even that I find difficult. I do not think I would make it daily if it weren't for exercise calories. You gotta figure out what's best for you.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    As people have said, fibre and protein+ fat.

    You body requires nutririents, eat nutrient dense food. It's a juggling act to get enough nutrition and stay within calorie limts, so make sure everything you eat has vital nutrients, not just calories.
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