She made me want to it's just time



  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Ignore the meanies! She's probably just envious of your commitment! =) Hang in there!!!
  • kbizzleoo
    kbizzleoo Posts: 114
    Aww :(

    My roommate used to give me little subliminal messages like that. One time we were eating pizza and she made me spit out the crust while she ate hers. She was trying to help but she was very forceful about it and kept repeating "bread makes you fat, spit it out now." I cried.

    but hey! it was okay because it didn't matter what I only mattered that I had the strength to get started to get it off. My start weight was 177 and I will have been working on losing since the end of last august...I'm currently 136. I weighed 164 in middle school so this is the smallest I've ever known myself to be.

    Just think positively and add people on here that will be supportive ....this site has helped me sooo much. When I'm having a bad day, I just read and re-read success stories on here and it gives me hope! Even if you don't get back to your pre-baby weight as soon as you like, losing ANY amount of weight is an accomplishment because I'm not sure if anyone has noticed - but losing weight can be difficult. haha.

    You got this!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    That was rude of her...I just wanted to let you know that I had my gallbladder out July 2010. That was when I weighed my heaviest. I did not gain weight. In fact, I lost about 5 pounds. So don't let her steer you wrong!

    Good luck and you can add me as a friend if you want...
  • kdoze
    kdoze Posts: 6 Member
    My sister actually said something that made me cry when I was a teenager. She was actually putting herself down, and didn't realize where the sentence would go. She said: "I'm the dumb, pretty one, and you're the smart..." She stopped when she saw my face. I wasn't strong enough to make the change then, so I actually gained MORE weight. I kept gaining too, until I was 312 pounds.

    What finally forced the change was hurting my wrist at work and having to go to the clinic. They weighed me (I had been carefully avoiding scales) and I was shocked to see how much I had let myself go. That was my wake-up call (and I've since lost 131 pounds). But no matter where the wake-up call comes from, it always hurts.

    I give you snaps for making the choice to take this step. It took a lot of courage and fortitude. Best of luck to you.
  • Ah so sorry she made you feel awful!! Now your ready to show her you can do it!!
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Thats a very passive-aggressive comment on her part, esp given under the disguise of "helpful advice". In-laws can be like that. I was where you are now, same starting weight and height. My ticker doesn't show my prior to MFP loss but I'm now less than 20 lbs away from 125. You can do this! Welcome.
  • Welcome to the family.... this is an AWESOME place to get help & support! :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    My sister in law sent me a nice little message on facebook last night that made me want to rip her throat out and then cry. "You know that when people have their gallbladders taken out, they tend to gain a lot of weight. You might want to look into taking an enzyme pill. Just a thought..."

    At 25, I'm a stay at home mom of 3 and I have an amazing husband. I'm 5'0 and weigh about 180...give or take a few pounds.'s time. The weight needs to come off. And after that message, I'm more determined than ever to lose this weight and keep it off for good. Oh how I miss my pre-baby weight of 124 and a size 6. I want to feel better and I want to do it for myself, my husband but mostly for my kids.

    I'm so glad to finally be here and doing this.

    This rude insensitive statement is the best thing that could happen to you .When someone insults you, become even stronger .Now with this statement your testosterone level has shot up .Wipe the tears and kick her booty by loosing weight .
    Focus your anger at the gym. Let your action do the talking .Teach her a bloody lesson!

  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    She must be a very limited person if she can only see the world as a chaotic place that needs her criticism.

    Sadly, there are many on this site who have received "advice" from bone-headed family & friends. Just remember, these types of comments reveal more about them than they do about you.

    For example, I can tell that you are someone who wants to make a change, and you are a caring indvidual.
    While your SIL is someone who is emotionally tone-deaf, discourteous and a bit controlling.

    Walk away from negativity, just keep reminding yourself that these types of comments have nothing to do with you. They are fiction, not fact and you will NOT be defined by them.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    You can do it girl, Just stick to a plan! Best of luck to you!

    I can't agree more with these words - you can TOTALLY do this - healthy is a wonderful thing to do and you are on the right track for you, for your kids, and for your husband - I wish you total success because you CAN do this :)
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    In-laws Suck! Just Saying...
  • hey, as all have said, do it, cos you can,and thats youre motivation.frustrated people are always mean, they like to attck others, just to make a point!!
    i have looked at your piccie, you are a very pretty young lady, and i can see that you also have a good heart-meaness, makes people ugly-
    1st - unfriend her on fb
    2nd-mfp is fab, and so supportive
    3rd-like nike says-juswt do it!!
    my dad is the king of mean, taught my boyfriend to call me a *kitten* in italian, cos he thought it was funny!!! nice!!!
  • She is the type that always have to give her advice because her advice is ALWAYS right. And it always comes off very insulting and not just trying to help

    I had a sister in law like this (before I divorced her brother (who often acted the same way she did) and I can say i know exactly how you feel.

    Welcome to MFP, make friends (add me please:flowerforyou: ) and drop that weight and shove it in her face.

    What a bi*ch!! :mad:
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    family can really suck! I'm glad that you are here though and I hope it helps you to stay dedicated to getting healthy. Best wishes!
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Gallbladder is the storage vessel for bile - has nothing to do with enzymes. Ignore her - she sounds petty.
  • well I'm so sorry she said that to you, welcome to MFP, you'll get all the love and support here you need. You can do it, with the help of those around you!

    Good luck on your journey xx
  • Welcome! You can friend request me if you like I am new as well. :happy:
  • bell33usx2
    bell33usx2 Posts: 77 Member
    make sure you do it for yourself first and everyone else is secondary.

    keep looking forward and you'll make it happen.

    good luck! :drinker:

    Good point. I have a wonderful husband and wonderful children but this is for me. They will just get to reap some of the benefits. :bigsmile:
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    soemtimes it takes a mean comment to help put someone in the mindset that makes them want to get serious.

    i had my gall bladder removed. i havent gained any weight at all!
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    You will get a TON of support on here! This is an EXCELLENT place to track your food & exercise & to meet some GREAT people! You can totally do this!
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