Pregnant and wanting to be healthy again

I am now 15 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and the past 14 weeks have included me giving in to every craving, letting emotions get the best of me when picking snacks, and overall not being as active as I once was. I am logging back into MyFitnessPal determined to pick up my healthy habits again! I am hoping to find other motivated people who are also wanting to get back in the groove of things! I especially would love to get to know other pregnant ladies out there who can relate to what pregnancy entails, and all the crazy cravings that come with it, haha! I know I will definitely need some motivation and support to help me create and maintain healthy habits so I can have the smoothest, healthiest pregnancy possible!


  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! I'm twelve weeks here with my first. I don't know what is typical but I know I don't feel like most ladies might, I barely feel pregnant at all. If I've had anything called a craving it's for citrus, so I've been peeling back the oranges of late. My challenge is making sure I hit my macros, I tend to skip meals although I'm not under-weight. I started over with a high bmi, so I'm working to make sure I don't gain too much overall. I'm so glad you started this thread, the settings don't seem to support our particular tracking needs and I too really need a community to keep on top of my goals!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Hi! I'm twelve weeks here with my first. I don't know what is typical but I know I don't feel like most ladies might, I barely feel pregnant at all. If I've had anything called a craving it's for citrus, so I've been peeling back the oranges of late. My challenge is making sure I hit my macros, I tend to skip meals although I'm not under-weight. I started over with a high bmi, so I'm working to make sure I don't gain too much overall. I'm so glad you started this thread, the settings don't seem to support our particular tracking needs and I too really need a community to keep on top of my goals!

    I had my first months ago but had no experience or really no advice on pregnancy but I can tell you I didn't feel pregnant until I reached about 5 months then he started kicking. I didn't start showing until about 6 months. Even with that I gained 24 pounds! My last semester hit and it was terrible, I couldn't keep anything down, and I had water retention, I was so exhausted and always in pain. It was terrible I was getting all the morning sickness and everything my last trimester. But I also had to be induced for preeclampsia but I feel like for now you're okay to do the tracking and weight loss but when you get into the second trimester I would just eat at maintaining or eat a little above!
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    15 weeks is a bit yukky energy wise. You'll find you'll feel more energetic and radiant from about 20 weeks onwards. Don't let your blood sugar get too low as that's when you'll crave like mad so eat regularly and keep snacks close by. Nuts, hard cheese.... fruit and veggie sticks. Eat wholw foods and complex carbs. Walk and keep active but don't take up anything new in pregnancy that your body isn't used to like lifting or running or some crazy *kitten* boxing class lol. Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water. And don't diet. You're growing a person so make sure you're eating enough. #mum of 2 and qualified midwife :D<3
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi! I'm twelve weeks here with my first. I don't know what is typical but I know I don't feel like most ladies might, I barely feel pregnant at all. If I've had anything called a craving it's for citrus, so I've been peeling back the oranges of late. My challenge is making sure I hit my macros, I tend to skip meals although I'm not under-weight. I started over with a high bmi, so I'm working to make sure I don't gain too much overall. I'm so glad you started this thread, the settings don't seem to support our particular tracking needs and I too really need a community to keep on top of my goals!

    I had my first months ago but had no experience or really no advice on pregnancy but I can tell you I didn't feel pregnant until I reached about 5 months then he started kicking. I didn't start showing until about 6 months. Even with that I gained 24 pounds! My last semester hit and it was terrible, I couldn't keep anything down, and I had water retention, I was so exhausted and always in pain. It was terrible I was getting all the morning sickness and everything my last trimester. But I also had to be induced for preeclampsia but I feel like for now you're okay to do the tracking and weight loss but when you get into the second trimester I would just eat at maintaining or eat a little above!

    24lbs is well within healthy recommendation for how much weight you should gain when pregnant...
  • MarissaAkers
    MarissaAkers Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I'm twelve weeks here with my first. I don't know what is typical but I know I don't feel like most ladies might, I barely feel pregnant at all. If I've had anything called a craving it's for citrus, so I've been peeling back the oranges of late. My challenge is making sure I hit my macros, I tend to skip meals although I'm not under-weight. I started over with a high bmi, so I'm working to make sure I don't gain too much overall. I'm so glad you started this thread, the settings don't seem to support our particular tracking needs and I too really need a community to keep on top of my goals!

    Oh man, I wish my cravings involved fruits!! Mine mostly consisted of burgers, sour candy, and anything fried. :neutral: I wanted to get to know women going through something similar so that we could better relate and understand each other! I wonder if there is a pregnant woman's group somewhere?
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Hi! I'm twelve weeks here with my first. I don't know what is typical but I know I don't feel like most ladies might, I barely feel pregnant at all. If I've had anything called a craving it's for citrus, so I've been peeling back the oranges of late. My challenge is making sure I hit my macros, I tend to skip meals although I'm not under-weight. I started over with a high bmi, so I'm working to make sure I don't gain too much overall. I'm so glad you started this thread, the settings don't seem to support our particular tracking needs and I too really need a community to keep on top of my goals!

    I had my first months ago but had no experience or really no advice on pregnancy but I can tell you I didn't feel pregnant until I reached about 5 months then he started kicking. I didn't start showing until about 6 months. Even with that I gained 24 pounds! My last semester hit and it was terrible, I couldn't keep anything down, and I had water retention, I was so exhausted and always in pain. It was terrible I was getting all the morning sickness and everything my last trimester. But I also had to be induced for preeclampsia but I feel like for now you're okay to do the tracking and weight loss but when you get into the second trimester I would just eat at maintaining or eat a little above!

    24lbs is well within healthy recommendation for how much weight you should gain when pregnant...

    I know that. I didn't say it was unhealthy or too much. I was saying with me not being able to eat very much my last trimester and keep it down it was a shock to me that I was within healthy limits. My doctor wanted me to gain 25 so I was very well. I'm saying to eat above normal calorie deficits because you're carrying another life within so make sure he or she gets proper nutrition.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    15 weeks is a bit yukky energy wise. You'll find you'll feel more energetic and radiant from about 20 weeks onwards. Don't let your blood sugar get too low as that's when you'll crave like mad so eat regularly and keep snacks close by. Nuts, hard cheese.... fruit and veggie sticks. Eat wholw foods and complex carbs. Walk and keep active but don't take up anything new in pregnancy that your body isn't used to like lifting or running or some crazy *kitten* boxing class lol. Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water. And don't diet. You're growing a person so make sure you're eating enough. #mum of 2 and qualified midwife :D<3

    Love this comment!
  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    edited October 2017
    I should clarify that my challenge is to hit my macros going up, not down in calories & while keeping the overall weight gain to within my medical ideal. I've been a health-food eater all my life (thanks mom & your garden); it would probably explain why I would tend toward fruit cravings. I can really see pickle love happening on my horizon! My previous weight gain was a result of anemia & vitamin deficiency (messes up your metabolism) so my docs keep a close eye on that.
    Annndd....previous anemia because of some leaky gut issues. Avoiding allergens makes food on-the-go so much trickier.
  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy with my first and trying to figure it all out. I had been pregnant earlier this year and miscarried, so I had a taste of what to expect. I'm only 5 weeks along, so it's early, but already I'm slogging through the day exhausted and looking for snacks :smile: I've been really good so far-- keeping siggi's yogurts around, homemade granola, real fermented sour pickles, sardines etc. The morning sickness hasn't arrived yet. I just found out a week ago and today I upped my calorie goal to maintenance levels.

    I'd like to take a recomposition stance during pregnancy-- hitting at least 100g of protein a day and lifting in the gym as long as I am able. I'll obviously have to modify my strength training as the pregnancy progresses.

    Anyway, it is nice to meet you and good luck with MFP!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member

    This group is around, I am not sure how active it is, If you search in the groups for Pregnancy, etc you should be able to find one that hopefully can be of good resource! Good Luck, we are still TTC, so I just kind of lurk in there but it seems like everyone is very helpful!

  • Strong_Savannah
    Strong_Savannah Posts: 28 Member
    @luckywizard, congrats!! I am 5 weeks along, due early June with my first as well! No morning sickness for me either... yet. I feel like I am STARVING constantly and I fear that I won't be able to suppress unhealthy cravings/binging as I progress along. I am terrified that I will gain too much weight and just look "fat", not necessarily pregnant. I'm just trying to take it day by day, planning my meals and getting my workouts in. Last night was my first lifting sesh since finding out - I took it easy and I felt great! I'm hoping to continue lifting throughout - fingers crossed!
  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    Ahhhh the nausea and protein aversions have arrived! Barf!
  • mcollins1108
    mcollins1108 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello ladies! I’m not pregnant, but I did just have my mirena removed yesterday so hopefully soon! I am a mother of an almost 4 year old little boy. I weigh 255 and am only 5’3”! However, I am down 20lbs so far. I’m hoping to continue to lose weight until we do get pregnant. When I was pregnant with my son, Taco Bell was my number one craving. I think I ate it several times a week throughout my pregnancy. I’m hoping changing my habits now will help me combat unhealthy cravings in any future pregnancy!